看板 MiamiHeat 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ [本文轉錄自 Mavericks 看板 #1Dvavuz5 ] 作者: LKN555 (小牛總冠軍!!!!) 看板: Mavericks 標題: [外電] Twitter reaction: Terry, Barea, Peja cost Mavericks winn 時間: Wed Jun 1 22:36:37 2011 Twitter reaction: Terry, Barea, Peja cost Mavericks winnable game Highlights from analysts and players on Twitter after the Mavericks loss to the Miami Heat in Game 1: G1 輸掉後,推特上的一些發言。 Shawn Marion Tough one, it was a battle ,but hey we live to fight another day thur will be here before u know it 香妹:"很辛苦的一場比賽,就跟打戰一樣,但我們會為了下一場比賽奮鬥的!" Ex-NBA player Stephon Marbury Its going to be a sad day in america when the media has to kiss LBJ6 A$$. I'm sure they are going to hate that.. #TheKingWillBeCrownedIn2011 馬不理:"真是個令人難過的日子,媒體們必須去親吻LBJ的小屁屁。      我很確定他們討厭做這種事...王者將在2011再現。" The Ticket host Mike Bacsik Chambers can't outplay Barea and Terry has to play better. If those 2 things happen Mavs can take game 2. Mike Bacsik:"JJB跟JET不能在卡彈了。如果他們找回手感,G2勝利女神對小牛微笑。" Grizzlies' Shane Battier Man, Dwade and LeBron are not prolific 3 point shooters, but, they make timely ones. Better to be timely than good, huh? 八爺:"嘿,Dwade and LeBron不是那種投進很多三分球的射手,     但他們會投進致命的一顆三分球!這就是投得多不如投得巧吧!" ESPN writer Bill Simmons Terry, Barea + Peja cost Dallas a winnable game. 4 for 21 combined. Nearly all open looks, too. Dallas blew this game in 2nd half of 3rd Q. Bill Simmons:"Terry + Barea + Peja讓小牛贏球的可能性歸零。         而且大多是空檔已經製造出來了。         小牛在第三節搞砸了這場比賽。" ESPN Heat Index writer Tom Haberstroh How many huge late-game blocks does Wade have in this playoffs? Amazing to see from a 6-foot-4 guy. Tom Haberstroh:"在季後賽Wade送出多少顆比賽後段關鍵的火鍋了咧?          看看這六呎四的神奇小子!" Cavs For Mavs What a garbage game. #Mavs are still in this though even with Dirk having his worst game of the playoffs. Let's go Mavs, get it done! 小牛迷:"糟透的一場比賽。雖然Dirk表現出季後賽最糟的一場比賽,      但小牛還沒有被淘汰。      Let's go Mavs,帶走勝利吧!" Pro Basketball Talk's Jacob Noble Miami's defense in the fourth quarter continues to amaze me. Pat Riley likes those physical defensive teams pushing the rules to the limit Jacob Noble:"熱火第四節的防守,持續讓我吃驚啊!         想必油頭很喜歡這種挑戰裁判尺度極限的防守吧!" Jean-Jacques Taylor This is going to be a long series Taylor:"這將會是個很長的系列賽!" ESPN analyst Ric Bucher Just saw difference between Dirk '06 + Dirk '11: backed Udonis down, drew double, scored over it. Ric Bucher:"我看到Dirk的成長了!        在Haslem的防守下,吸引包夾,然後得分!!!" Lakers forward Ron Artest I don't care who wins But I got heat in 5 阿泰:"我才不管這場誰贏咧,但我猜熱火會五場內結束系列賽!" Hoopshype.com writer Jorge Sierra That was a joke. Dallas can certainly come back. It's a great team. Although if I had to bet... Jorge Sierra:"小牛可以復仇成功的,今天純粹只是個笑話...         這是支很棒的球隊。就算要我跟人家打賭我也敢..." Pistons guard Tracy McGrady heat started season slow but peaking at the absolute best time... they look great! 踢妹:"熱火今年的起步有點慢,但絕對在最恰當的時候,調整到顛峰。     他們看起來很不錯。" Suns forward Jared Dudley This is a Miami Heat type of game right now, its Slow and Physical. If Mavs want to steal this game they must get in the open court 達利:"這是典型熱火的球賽,節奏很漫,充斥著身體碰撞。     如果小牛想要贏的比賽,必須要加快節奏。" http://0rz.tw/GAeMN 輸球真的令人難過, 這是場沒有激情的比賽, 至少我看完第一節是這種感覺啦! 別再跟著對面走了,打出屬於我們的球賽! ============================================================= 看看其他球員或相關人的戰後心得杯~ 輕鬆一下~ ※ 編輯: ssfcloud 來自: (06/01 23:08)
dwyanes:推 06/01 23:07
shwkz:踢妹 我覺得他還真沒原則 阿泰 怪人一個 06/01 23:13
apestage:好多人 收視率會飆不是沒原因的 06/01 23:14
apestage:Marbury 有點靠邀.... 06/01 23:14
天下第一控其實說的是實話 XD 反正也不可能也不必讓不喜歡的人硬是要喜歡熱火 不是嗎?^^ 他說了重點 就是只要我們贏了 最差的輿論 也不過就是KOBE的湖人一般等級而已了 強大總是要付出點代價 不過看到TMAC,魔術,皮彭的發言就知道 熱火的確讓他們嚇到了 LCD以至全隊都不是來開玩笑的 相信球員教練的進步大家都看得到 當然我認為還有很大的進步空間就是了:P ※ 編輯: ssfcloud 來自: (06/01 23:22)
kentanoar:#TheKingWillBeCrownedIn2011 是不是翻成JAMES將在2011 06/01 23:36
kentanoar:奪冠比較好 06/01 23:36
thoraxe:糗爺:LBJ獨缺冠 06/01 23:50
GOLxDxROGER:正統翻譯的話應該是"國王將會在2011被加冕" 06/01 23:55
mark0912n:Cavs For Mavs應該是騎士迷給小牛迷? 06/02 07:06
oeibei:馬不理說話實在是有夠酸 明明就是老西河 XD 06/02 10:07
sneak: 正統翻譯的話應該是"國 https://muxiv.com 08/08 11:04
sneak: 推 https://daxiv.com 09/11 01:25