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抱怨有點長 不過大概熱火符合三點 1.壞人 2.有機會奪冠 3.先發 *4.萊里有興趣 作者: nogoodlaugh (當顆大蘋果) 看板: NBA 標題: [外絮] Billups warns teams not to claim him 時間: Mon Dec 12 14:48:38 2011 http://0rz.tw/ZERIA As Chauncey Billups prepares to have his name entered into the NBA’s amnesty waiver wire, he has a message for teams considering putting in a bid to secure him for the rest of the season: You’ll regret it. 槍西:特赦後想把我撿走的球隊你會後悔 He wants the freedom of free agency to choose a contender, Billups says. As one of the game’s great leaders, and gentlemen, Billups warns that player will be a distant memory should a team claim him off the amnesty waiver wire. 槍西想成為自由球員 “I’m tired of being the glue guy,” Billups told Yahoo! Sports by phone on Saturday afternoon. “I’m tired of being viewed as the good guy. After a while, you just kind of get taken advantage of in these situations. I’ve been known as a leader, and I am a leader, but a leader can be as disruptive as he can be productive, especially when you carry a strong voice and people rally around you. This is about me now. This is about me, and teams should know that right now.” 槍西:我累了。我不要再收好人卡。 More From Adrian Wojnarowski Pacers ready to swoop in if Celtics can't land West Dec 11, 2011 Lakers end Paul trade talks, ship Odom to Mavs Dec 11, 2011 Chauncey Billups says he won't be the good guy anymore after he was waived by the Knicks. (AP) The Knicks picked up Billups’ $14.2 million option for the 2011-’12 season, but used the new amnesty provision on him so that they could sign free agent Tyson Chandler. Under the new rule, the team that offers to pay the highest portion of his contract can secure him in a blind bidding process. The Knicks will be left to pay for the remainder of the deal. If Billups goes unclaimed, he can sign as a free agent. The Miami Heat would be a strong possibility for him, among several contenders. Billups, 34, has been one of his generation’s great leaders and players, turning the Detroit Pistons and Denver Nuggets into major contenders. Billups won a title with Detroit in 2004. “I just don’t deserve the treatment that I’ve continually gotten,” Billups said. “Historically, these things never happen to the supposed great players and good guys. They continually happen to me, and it gets old. Listen, I feel I’ve been blessed in the game, and I’ve been given back, but these things start to wear on you. But there’s not another guy in history who keeps dealing with this, getting thrown into these things to make the money right. I really believe it’s because people take my kindness and professionalism for weakness. They think I’ll be OK with this. I won’t be OK with this. I’ve saved my money. I may just retire if I don’t get my freedom here. 槍西:我值得更好的對待~(菸) "這種鳥事不應該一直發生在我這種好球員身上" 大家吃我夠夠,以為我都能接受發生的一切,他們錯了! "老子可是有在存錢,如果不給我自由,我退休給你看" “I want my freedom. My goal is to control my own destiny. And as you’ve seen in my career, I’ve never been in a position to do that. I know some teams out there are saying, ‘Oh, Chauncey will be great in mentoring’ and I ’m tired of that. I’ve got a few good years left to play, and I’m not trying to come in and sit on the bench, or be a mentor. I’m not going to be that guy. I want to go somewhere and win. I want to choose.” 槍西:我要自由!我要掌握自己的命運!有些隊會說我是個好老師~但我累了 "我巔峰期剩下幾年,我不願意再繼續坐板凳,或是當個小老師 我要去個能贏球的地方!我要自己選要待的球隊拉! == 簡短隨意翻 -- ※ 編輯: Rubymiddle 來自: (12/12 15:36)
YESWEDID:來吧來吧!!!他明天就自由了 12/12 15:33
w61036:剛好我們能贏球又能給他先發!來吧! 12/12 15:35
dwyanelin:來熱火囉~~~~~~~ 12/12 15:36
Rubymiddle:來了就瞬間黑掉 滿足變壞人的慾望 12/12 15:37
Rubymiddle:明天就自由了喔 這麼快? 競標細節內容都沒定捏 12/12 15:38
w61036:他來流暢度提高,得分爽爽得! 12/12 15:38
w61036:槍西:人家壞壞的>///< 12/12 15:40
Rubymiddle:要能先發的球隊 其實算來算去 就熱火吧 湖人都不一定 12/12 15:40
zenwu:他來的話 房子可能就可以不留囉 12/12 15:42
dwyanelin:會贏球 有先發 有帶小雞 不需要$$ => 熱火 12/12 15:42
d88647511:魯逼如果發總板我看總板又要戰了XDDD 12/12 15:45
d88647511:我要槍西來 不要槍攜來(探員) 12/12 15:46
Rubymiddle:槍攜來 XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 12/12 15:48
peterman167:我也要槍西!! 12/12 15:48
frankmaki:男人不壞...球迷不愛..看看小蟲..多受大家的疼愛.. 12/12 15:49
frankmaki:快來吧...呵呵..我相信高樹會願意把先發讓給你.. 12/12 15:49
wade1514:房子真的可以不用留了 12/12 15:53
evilvens:YO! 希望能來! 12/12 16:08
nctucch17170:照他的說法 我們真的很有希望 12/12 16:25
BlueSatan:現在列強還空出先發PG的大概只有熱火跟湖人~~ 12/12 16:25
BlueSatan:去湖人,也許還不一定搶贏肥雪呢~ 12/12 16:25
BlueSatan:在熱火我想先發是一定沒問題的,補到槍西那就太爽了... 12/12 16:26
Rubymiddle:那我猜BD會去湖人 槍溪會到熱火(尼克世仇) 12/12 16:32
Rubymiddle:我們希望除了球員意願之外 還要加上萊里他老人家有沒 12/12 16:32
Rubymiddle:興趣 他沒興趣的 講再多也不會簽 12/12 16:33
BlueSatan:管他的,兩個來一個就對了,私心希望是槍西... 12/12 16:33
BlueSatan:看到小牛補Odom,熱火也要低調暗黑一下啦! 12/12 16:33
frankmaki:如果真要低調暗黑一下..除了補槍西之外..再來個內線交易 12/12 16:39
frankmaki:換來一個不錯的中鋒吧.. 12/12 16:40
KKB:三巨頭拿出誠意一起去邀請,絕對可以的 12/12 16:44
bosskiss00:CP3要去快艇..真的去成 敵人又多一個了... 12/12 16:46
Rubymiddle:還好吧 快艇在西區 先讓西區球隊去頭痛吧 12/12 16:47
Rubymiddle:熱火現在不用想那麼遠 12/12 16:48
BlueSatan:先讓小牛去頭痛吧...此外我不看好幹籃哥的未來... 12/12 16:53
BlueSatan:CP3+幹籃哥,究竟會不會是下一個Malone+Stockton... 12/12 16:54
BlueSatan:就讓我們慢慢看下去吧... 12/12 16:54
d88647511:CP3有成為老史的潛力 但幹蘭哥跟馬龍相差還很遠.. 12/12 16:55
andy556638:就讓他們便成Malone+Stockton吧~ 拿不到冠軍.. 12/12 16:55
BlueSatan:沒錯,這就是我不看好幹籃哥跟快艇的原因,他被過份誇大了 12/12 16:56
andy556638:可是幹藍哥有幾個Play展現出後衛等級的靈敏度 12/12 16:57
Rubymiddle:拜託先把槍西搞來吧 萊里也有興趣 12/12 16:57
andy556638:前途不可限量ㄚ... 連SHAQ也說她未來是LBJ等級的球員.. 12/12 16:57
Rubymiddle:槍西對決CP3那一年季後賽剛好有跟到 12/12 16:59
Rubymiddle:幹蘭哥的弱點有小喬丹幫他嚓屁股 相輔相成 12/12 17:01
d88647511:俠客的話聽聽就好 他也說阮豆比較強 12/12 17:02
BlueSatan:推Shaq的話當娛樂聽一聽就好...Rondo > CP3...kerker 12/12 17:04
d88647511:俠客說話可信度跟他球技成反比 12/12 17:04
vivawade:這隻好... 12/12 17:44
taiwanalien:槍西快來,謝謝 12/12 17:44
lovecmgirls:來吧!!! 雖說來了也是當定點射手,但有來就爽XDD 12/12 19:52