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※ [本文轉錄自 Wade 看板 #1FBW9Gtn ] 作者: liugayo (崩潰的火迷) 看板: Wade 標題: [推特] 回應球迷的發問 時間: Sun Feb 5 12:15:10 2012 Fall in love with the game and NBA when I was 9RT @GavinVincent7: @DwyaneWade what inspired you to become a professional basketball player? Q:為什麼你想當個籃球運動員呢? A:因為我9歲的時候很愛看NBA比賽 Dream come tru. RT @jordan15s: @DwyaneWade what is it like to be in the NBA Q:在NBA感覺怎麼樣? A:夢想成真呀~ Oh no I think you need to get your eyes or TV fixed L2MSRT @kcteachface: @DwyaneWade How does it feel to be the sexiest man in the NBA? ;) Q:你身為NBA最性感的男人有何感想? :) (女球迷發問的) A:喔不~ 我想妳眼睛有問題唷,還是妳電視要拿去修一下? (偷笑) Having shoulder and knee surgery in 07 a year after championship RT @Sid_Chadha: @DwyaneWade what was the toughest point in your career Q:你最艱辛的職業生涯是哪時候? A:07年肩膀跟膝蓋開刀的時候 Create a player on NBA 2K and you got it RT @DayBramson19: @DwyaneWade describe what it's like to play with someone like @KingJames ? Q:跟LBJ打球的感覺怎麼樣? A:就像在電動NBA 2K創了一個了不起的球員,然後好不容易得到他的感覺 Coming 2 America RT @PMortSupreme: Whats your favorite movie? @DwyaneWade Q:你最愛的電影是? A:艾迪墨菲(Eddie Murphy)主演的《來去美國》 影片詳情參考:http://www.wretch.cc/blog/klarc/13283123 Were gonna get better RT @Lavejj: @DwyaneWade why inthe second half ur guys have a hard time scoring? Q:為什麼你們下半場得分會那麼掙扎呢? A:我們會求進步的 > < I tried I can't breathe. I need to chew my gum RT @5star09: @dwyanewade why don't you wear a mouth guard? Q:你為什麼不戴牙套呢? A:我試戴過,可是我不能呼吸,而且我想嚼口香糖 ^.< The word Amazing comes to mind. Proud ex player Iam RT @BenPlunk: @DwyaneWade How do you think Coach Crean has done with IU this year? Q:你覺得Marquette大學教練Tom Crean今年在Indiana大學帶得怎麼樣? A:我直覺就想到他很了不起,是我相當敬重的一位前球員 Good Wade-Bad Wade. Gatorade commercial. It was fun. I got to show some personality RT @sweetsportylil: @DwyaneWade best commercial you made Q:你拍的廣告很棒 A:我拍的運動飲料廣告(開特力),內心善惡交戰,表達一些個人想法還滿有趣的 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Y4FNAMwuN4
Neither. Thy both will get tired 2 fast L2MSRT @beastlyBLVD: @DwyaneWade who would u pick to win in a wrestling match. Eddy Curry or Dexter Pittman Q:Wade~ 你會選誰去比摔角比賽? 是咖哩還是屁人? A:都不是耶,他們太快就喊累了 (偷笑) He's late. I did that this summer on twitter RT @dwash34: @DwyaneWade What do you think of chuck making fun of lebrons hairline ? Q:大家愛拿LBJ的髮線來開玩笑,你有什麼看法? A:去年我有回應過囉 看圖就知道,http://bit.ly/r9hm0E Witout my faith I wouldn't be where iam 2day RT @Sprooklyns_Own: @DwyaneWade can you say something to your twitter followers about your faith in God? Q:說說你對上帝的看法 A:沒有祂,我可能不會在這 My 20mins is up. Thanks 2 every1 who sent questions in. We must do this again something. 感謝各位踴躍發問,20分鐘的QA時間到了 (這時候差不多晚上11點整了,他該睡了,明天邁阿密時間下午一點要比賽) 另外一提,其實今天是LBJ媽媽的生日,LBJ其實還是挺敬愛自己的母親的 Happy B-day Momma!! You are amazing and til this day I don't know how u raised me by yourself as a single parent! I'm blessed to be your son Your strength, comfort and love made me to believe we had it all as a kid when we didn't. I can never repay u back. Love u beyond death Mom! There's nothing no one can do or say about u in life that could make me look differently. You're absolutely 1 of a kind and amazing!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 轉錄者: liugayo (, 時間: 02/05/2012 12:15:35
wade1223:Dwyane Wade 挖愛哩 最性感的人就是你啦 !!! 02/05 12:46
tomfox:女球迷應該是問說 "作為NBA最性感的男人感覺如何" 02/05 12:51
w61036:然後好不容易得到他的感覺 02/05 12:53
liugayo:嗯嗯 女球迷那句是你所說的那樣才對 02/05 13:07
evilvens:推推 02/05 13:13
qwe123qqq:Wade的火星英文有時候真得很難懂耶XDD 02/05 13:15
evilvens:原來RT是表情符號喔 02/05 13:18
liugayo:RT @abc 就是回覆abc這個人的意思 02/05 13:21
dwyanelin: 02/05 13:33
evilvens:靠邀我看錯XD 02/05 13:34
liugayo:L2MS是Wade自創詞 laugh to myself 02/05 14:07
d88647511:果然日本小女生 02/05 14:26
xw668:WADE怎麼這麼簽須 02/05 14:27
pursue2: 哈哈 02/05 14:50
dwvrc:推 02/05 15:14
Crazy69:推阿 02/05 16:31
wocow123:WADE真幽默 02/05 22:15
※ 編輯: liugayo 來自: (02/05 22:17)
dwyanelin:WADE發言dirty不意外 02/05 22:21
sneak: 靠邀我看錯XD https://daxiv.com 09/11 01:46