看板 MiamiHeat 關於我們 聯絡資訊
看到不簽P有可能是他狀況不好 就像去年一樣 在簽蛋皮之前 一堆人說他有問題 有興趣的人可以去翻一下文都還在 看看當時師婆講的話跟現在的態度 根本就是Copy過來而已 然後蛋皮真的有問題嗎? 事實是他幫熱火扛到了先發中鋒 聖誕大賽還幫頂了湖人三塔 那一場扛住拜能跟守擋拆守的精采 贏下重要比賽 今年偉德受到的保護是最好的 後場的人手充裕讓他可以精力充沛的用最好狀態上場殺爆 可是LC就上場時間一直降不下來 今天最多贏到32分 還是上了三十幾分鐘 照道理來講LBJ今年的替補也不少 八爺 健康的MM JJ都可以上 但是頂不上的是 他每場要打10~15Min的PF Bosh要打近40%時間的中鋒 這都不是他們該出現的位置 球季到一半狀態終於從高檔滑落 這是警訊 濕婆還在腦包 我就不想講了 去年的文都在 去看一看應該很熟析 我想大P現在應該可能很疑惑熱火為啥不簽他吧XD ※ 引述《loed ()》之銘言: 熱火缺什麼? 你知道!我知道!!獨眼龍也知道!!! 就好像只有濕婆不知道!? 記者問他為何不簽Dampier, 濕婆說:我覺得的現在陣容還不錯!?時間還早,當前的工作是把現有球員訓練好。 該文作者認為,簽Dampier一定比Anthony有用,特別是他的籃板能力;禁區嚇阻力也夠。 Dampier絕對能頂替大Z的先發地位,是個堪用的中鋒(不跟怪物中鋒比的話)。 花$1.4 million就能解決的問題,為何不去做??? It's time for Erick Dampier : By Tom Haberstroh : The Heat have already shaken up their depth chart at center this season, : sliding Joel Anthony to the bench and inserting Zydrunas Ilgauskas into the : starting five. Miami’s thinness up front has been a punching bag for Heat : critics. But that perceived weakness could turn into a strength with one : move: signing free agent Erick Dampier. : The 14-year veteran offers the Heat a narrow set of skills as a big man but : seeing that he’s a free agent expected to sign for the veteran minimum of : $1.4 million, that’s par for the course. But what Dampier does do well -- : rebound and block shots -- should draw the Heat’s interest. : When asked after Tuesday’s practice about possibility of adding Dampier to : the frontcourt, head coach Erik Spoelstra expressed confidence in his current : personnel. : "Really, this is who we have," Spoelstra said. "We feel like we have enough. : You know, we tweaked the rotation so that might change things up a little : bit. But it’s far too early to make a real objective evaluation. My job is : to coach these guys and worry about who’s in the gym." : And there are some real worries. Along with their propensity to turn the ball : over, rebounding has been a documented chink in the Heat's armor. Currently, : the team's 23.0 offensive rebounding rate places them third to last in the : NBA. It’s unfair to knock the 7-foot-3 Ilgauskas for not collecting : offensive boards, considering he’s typically roaming the perimeter for : pick-and-pops. But Anthony’s a different story. The 6-foot-9 center has been : a below-average offensive rebounder this season, collecting 8.6 percent of : available Heat missed shots. This, despite being firmly planted around the : basket in offensive sets. : For all the energy Anthony brings, his hyperactivity doesn’t translate to : beating others to the live ball. On the defensive end, the UNLV product is : too busy fly-swatting others shots, rather than preventing the opposition : from acquiring second-chance points. In fact, the Heat’s defensive : rebounding rate soars from 61.5 percent while Anthony’s on the floor to 70.9 : percent after he exits the game. : At 6-foot-11, Dampier has proven to be a skilled rebounder in his NBA career, : and earned the 2003-04 crown as the very best in the league. As a 34-year-old : last season in Dallas, Dampier collected an estimated 11.6 percent of the : Mavericks’ missed shots while he was on the floor, which ranked in the top : 10 among regular centers. His glasswork has depreciated over the years but he : should still be a substantial upgrade over Miami’s current alternatives. : In contrast to Anthony, Dampier is long enough to block shots without : relinquishing his box-out position or getting into foul trouble. The : 35-year-old veteran was above average in both shot-blocking and defensive : rebounding as a center in 2009-10, with 1.1 blocks and five defensive : rebounds per game. The Heat may tout Anthony’s visible effort in blocking : shots, but they’d be far better off overall with Dampier’s more : conservative approach, which doesn’t leave the paint vulnerable to put-backs : or routinely send opponents to the charity stripe. : Offensively, Dampier represents a veritable upgrade to Anthony as well. They’ : re built from the same mold in that they each fall under the category of : low-usage and offensively limited centers. But Dampier’s a more efficient : option beneath the basket. When your scoring responsibility is restricted to : easy put-backs, Anthony’s career 48 percent field goal percentage should be : of great concern. However, Dampier has enjoyed a similar offensive role over : the past four seasons in Dallas and has connected on no fewer than 62.4 : percent of his field goals in any of those seasons. : But there are reasons why Dampier hasn’t been snapped up from the waiver : wire yet. One is mileage. He's 35 years old, and through his 14 seasons, he : has logged nearly 25,000 minutes in his NBA career. Concerns about his balky : left knee are legitimate, as it hobbled him throughout 2009-10 and required : minor arthroscopic surgery in May. Furthermore, a free-agent signing may send : mixed signals to the locker room, one that Miami head coach Erik Spoelstra : has been vocally reluctant to disrupt. : The Heat have passed over Dampier’s services once this offseason before. But : for the league minimum, he serves as a tangible upgrade over Anthony, at the : very least. And on the high-end, he could challenge Ilgauskas for the : starting gig -- and win it. : For $1.4 million, it’s a deal that’s growing increasingly hard to pass up. : http://espn.go.com/blog/truehoop/miamiheat/post/_/id/1190/its-time-for-dampier -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
batista45:希望接下來的發展也能一起COPY 成功簽到人~ 02/13 15:26
Rubymiddle:我覺得禁區沒人倒下的話是不可能會簽的 02/13 15:28
dwyanes:嗚嗚 說可能狀況不好ㄉ是我Q_Q 對ㄅ起 02/13 15:30
batista45:可能就要看看今天屁人的傷勢如何了= = 02/13 15:30
a8628989:所以最後還是會簽 我猜@@ 02/13 15:31
batista45:而且今天我一直覺得很納悶的是 CURRY是等屁人受傷後才上 02/13 15:32
qwe123qqq:SPO愚蠢BOYI歪 02/13 15:33
batista45:要是屁人沒受傷 CURRY根本不會上場 明明半場就贏那麼多 02/13 15:33
hsmeal:暗黑兵法 老包詐傷 師婆補人 02/13 15:34
batista45:老鷹第三節狀況又差 其實早該把CURRY拉出來打了 02/13 15:34
nctucch17170:如果因為屁人傷勢的關係簽下大P 也是可以接受的 02/13 15:36
Rubymiddle:我根本沒仔細看XDDD自首吼 大P本就性情中人 記得他有說 02/13 15:36
Rubymiddle:沒到奪冠球隊大概打算退休 不然阿拓還想找他回去耶XDDD 02/13 15:37
Rubymiddle:屁人有上跟沒上差不多 去年是小哈倒下 今年除非老包小 02/13 15:38
Rubymiddle:哈受傷才有可能簽 不然機會實在不大 02/13 15:38
a8628989:如果等到老包小哈冏安都倒下才簽 這犧牲也太大了吧 02/13 15:41
lovecmgirls:純噓濕婆說人手夠用... 02/13 15:45
batista45:說實話~寧願不簽大P 也不要看到老包或哈隊倒下 02/13 15:45
batista45:畢竟這兩人對現在的熱火太重要了 02/13 15:46
nctucch17170:問題是如果不簽 幹嘛裁Gladness= = 02/13 15:47
nctucch17170:如果Gladness換成大P 濕婆難道覺得不值得? 02/13 15:48
batista45:裁Gladness應該是因為能裁非保證約的期限到了 02/13 15:49
batista45:先裁掉再用10天短約簽回來 而且十天約能用兩次 02/13 15:50
batista45:現在就看這期間內大P的是有沒有進展 02/13 15:51
batista45:要是大P最後沒來 熱火要留Gladness就會變成保證約了 02/13 15:52
glaten:大P持續沒進展 02/13 17:20
sneak: 要是大P最後沒來 熱火 https://daxiv.com 09/11 01:47