看板 MiamiHeat 關於我們 聯絡資訊
ESPN Brian Windhorst Can impossible dreams correct free throw shooting problems? 一個不可能的夢想有可能解決罰球問題嘛? Consider the case of LeBron James and his motivator, Ray Allen. James doesn’t just enjoy Allen for his ability to stand in the corner and make James look good when firing passes in Allen's direction. James savors Allen on bus rides, plane flights and ice downs when talk sometimes turns to the art of shooting, even its possibly unattainable holy grails. LBJ和雷槍今年有著挺微妙的關係, 不只是雷槍替LBJ在關鍵時刻的傳球解套,LBJ也從雷槍身上 找到了更多在籃球身上奮鬥的目標:射籃的藝術。 Recently James and Allen had such a talk when perhaps the greatest statistical achievement in shooting was broached. This zenith of quantifiable mastery demonstrates not only skill but also the discipline to be consistent, prudent and well-rounded. 最近LBJ和雷槍間談論的話題跑到了所謂的最純正射手追求的 50/40/90身上。 It’s simply referred to as 50/40/90. As in 50 percent from the field, 40 percent from 3-point range, 90 percent from the foul line. The granddaddy of efficiency. 50/40/90的定義。 Simply, pulling this off is rare. It’s been done by only seven players since the 3-pointer arrived in 1984. It hasn’t happened since Steve Nash did it for the fourth time in his career in the 2009-10 season. (Perhaps hitting these marks for a season should just be referred to as “accomplishing a Nash.” Larry Bird, who did it twice, is the only other player who accomplished the feat more than once.) 當然要達到180俱樂部很難,歷史上自從1984年引進三分球後, 也只不過7人達到。而上次有人達到也已經是2010年的事了。 當初是180俱樂部神人Nash,他已經第四次達到50/40/90。 或許我們以後該說達成180的叫做「Nash俱樂部」。 大鳥也只達到過兩次。 Allen has been chasing this significant plateau for years, several times coming within a whisker. In 2008-09, for example, he shot 41 percent from 3-point range and 95 percent at the line, but “ just” 48 percent overall. He hasn’t stopped striving, though, and this could be the year. He’s at 47 percent from 3-point range and just under the standards for free throws (89.6 percent)and field goals (48.6 percent) with fewer than 50 games to go. 就連雷槍也還在追求這個目標。 他最接近的一年是08-09球季,他有48/41/95的表現。 而今年他似乎很有機會完成這個目標(48.6/47/89.6) Other than Allen, the active player most likely to pull off this feat would be Kevin Durant. And, in fact, he is currently the only player at 50/40/90 this season as he, like Allen, tries to become the eighth player to execute it for an entire season. 當然除了雷槍以外,目前最有可能達到此目標的就是KD。 事實上KD是目前為一50/40/90的球員。 James, though, would love to be in on the action. At least someday. Or to at least not be laughed out of the conversation. James, who is not only ultra-competitive but also highly aware of statistics regardless of what he might say publicly, was quite intrigued by the chase when he and Allen discussed it. LBJ也很希望有朝一日也能加入討論。 或許說至少不會被嘲笑認為她距離太遙遠。 我們都知道LBJ是非常好強的,而他對數字又非常敏瑞, 所以這也就不奇怪當他跟雷槍討論到此一話題時他開始對這個俱樂部感到興趣。 These heights would be one of the few things in the game that would currently be considered out of reach for James. Before this season, you see, James had never shot better than 36 percent from 3-point range or 78 percent from the line. This is one area Durant, who is a much more talented shooter than James probably will ever be, is probably going to get his friend on. 當然我們也知道對LBJ來說,這項成就是少數籃球成就裡 離LBJ比較遙遠的一項。 畢竟他生涯最好的球季加起來也只不過是個53/36/78。 However, these discussions with Allen helped change James’ concept at the free throw line. That motivation has, at least in part, helped shake James from one of the worst free throw shooting slumps of his career and kicked off a tremendous turnaround over the past several weeks. 不過在跟雷槍討論過後,尤其是雷槍幫助LBJ走出罰球泥淖後, LBJ開始對這個俱樂部有興趣起來了。 As has been noted as he’s racked up in-season awards, James is having his best shooting season. At 55 percent overall and 41 percent from 3-point range, James is actually on pace to get two-thirds of that holy grail he and Allen hold in such regard. 我們都注意到LBJ今年達到了生涯高度在場上投籃上, 目前FG有55%,3PT%也有41%。所以在180俱樂部他已經在兩項上及格。 James has been devastating finishing around the rim since he was a teenager and his jump shot has been steadily improving for the past five seasons. This season he’s been excellent on 3-pointers, shooting fewer shots off the dribble and waiting for more in-rhythm, set-up shots. LBJ籃球生涯中上籃或是籃筐附近的投射對他一直不是問題, 而他的跳投也逐年進步中。今年他的三分球也大幅進步, 他更有耐心,也減少了運球中的乾拔,取而代之的是找到自己的節奏, 穩定的出手。 But then there’s the foul line, where James had one of the worst stretches of his career to start this season. By mid-December he had dipped to a career-low 64 percent. Perhaps as a cause-and-effect, James was actually taking about three fewer free throws per game than he was last season as he appeared to sometimes be shying away from the line. 但是罰球就不同了,今年季初LBJ的罰球命中率是生涯最糟, 一直到12月中時甚至低到64%。而或許是因果關係, 他的罰球數也達到生涯新低(平均只有6顆) Opposing scouts, noticing how much James’ overall shooting was improving, actually began putting in their reports that the only weakness in James' game was at the foul line. 我們都撰文寫過他的罰球應該是他最後的缺點了。 It was a source of frustration for James, who was seeing unexpected regression in what otherwise looked like the start of the golden era of his career. 類似的報導讓LBJ不能忍受,尤其他無法接受任何一項技能不進反退。 So during conversations with Allen, who is currently the fourth-best free throw shooter of all time at 89.4 percent, the topic of free throws came up. Allen has said several times since joining the Heat last year that he’s been impressed with how hard James works on his game. A famous repetition man himself, Allen implored James that there was no reason he couldn’t not only improve his free throw shooting but become a great free throw shooter. Perhaps even get within sight of the 50/40/90 dream someday. 所以雷槍這時候就起了作用。雷槍不只一次說過他對LBJ對自我要求的嚴格 感到印像深刻。他深信如此的LBJ不可能沒辦法修復罰球。 他甚至認為有一天LBJ有機會衝擊180俱樂部。 “I told him that at the foul line he needed to focus on technique over talent,” Allen said. 雷槍:「我跟他說罰球線上最重要的不是天賦,而是技巧。」 James has listened. By refining his stroke, James has followed up his worst free throw shooting start to a season with one of the hottest streaks in his career. Since Christmas, James is 59-of-69 for 86 percent. Those missing trips to the line have also returned as a more confident James is back to averaging nearly nine free throws per game in that span. LBJ聽進去了。並且開始調整他的平衡和投球時的手感。 再過去這兩週他罰球69中59顆,有著86%的命中率。 而投射數量也隨之增多到每場9顆。 The big difference fans will notice in James' technique is his balance. Throughout his career he has fought balance issues on all of his shots. When he was younger he would repeatedly fade away on his jumpers, even wide-open ones. When he was posting shooting numbers in the low-to-mid 40s, his jumper was nicknamed “ Fade-a-Bron.” 如果妳是喇巴迷,你會注意到LBJ的投籃最特別的在於他的平衡。 他早期常常莫名的後仰,即使沒人防守。當時大家都暱稱他的跳投為 「後仰喇叭」。而其時他的命中率只有40%出頭。 Fixing that flaw took years of refinement in the offseason. There’ s a lapse or two occasionally but overall James has cleaned it up. He now usually has near textbook balance on his jumpers, going straight up with his shoulders squared and his elbow and wrist in good position. LBJ花了不少年來修復這項缺失。現在他的跳投姿勢已經接近教科書。 Still, not having proper balance is a mistake he defaults toward. Among other things, that was an issue earlier in the season with James often shooting free throws “on his heels” according to someone familiar with his game, letting his momentum sometimes go backward at the line. 但是罰球時,平衡還是LBJ的問題。 如果妳有注意,他的罰球往往重心擺在腳後跟,所以有著 「類後仰」的出手。(注:是說像郵差嘛?@@) Through working with the Heat coaches, talking with Allen and putting in extra work in practice, James has corrected this mistake. In an effort to get his balance forward he now puts nearly all his weight forward after releasing the free throw to make sure his momentum is correct. LBJ這陣子花了很長時間和教練以及雷槍學習新的罰球姿勢, 現在他罰球變成重心在前了(注:類似雷槍了) This doesn’t have the greatest aesthetic quality because James sometimes looks like he’s about to topple over as the ball is on the way to the basket. 當然LBJ還在摸索,以美學觀點來看重心在前對LBJ來說有點醜, 因為投球時他好像人也跟著出去了。 By rule, a player cannot step over the foul line until the ball hits the rim or passes through the net. In an effort to avoid that violation, James at times looks like he’s headed for a face plant in the lane as he leans forward waiting for the ball to get to the rim before at last putting a foot out to catch himself. He may even be bending the rule a bit by reaching his foot over the line even if he doesn’t touch before the ball reaches the rim, though officials would be hard pressed to whistle him for it. 畢竟規則中罰球時球還沒碰筐前罰球者是不能越線的。 所以我們會看到LBJ出手後身體像是碰到一座隱形牆,有點醜乖。 No matter what it looks like, the changes in technique and James' diligence appear to have turned around his fortunes at the line this season. He’s raised his overall percentage about 10 points to 74 percent, close to his career average of just less than 75 percent. 當然美醜不計,會進的就是好球。 現在LBJ已經把命中率拉回將近10個百分點到了74%。 As for that 90 percent dream, there's no chance this season. Just to put it in perspective, if James made his next 300 free throws he’d still be at 89 percent for the season. But it seems the chasing of that ghost is providing some positive reinforcement that’s helped refresh his outlook on all the valuable free throws he gets. 當然要在本季達到90%幾乎不可能了。 這樣說好了,即使LBJ之後300球連發,命中率也只不過89%。 不過罰球進步意味著他得分上升,也不會懼怕上罰球線了。 In the short run, James has corrected a flaw that was dogging him this season. In the long run, he has a new hard-to-achieve carrot to eye. After the way the past year or so has gone for him, it’s understandable he thinks he can reach it. 短期內我們看到的是LBJ修復了他季初的大缺點。 長期來看LBJ是在追求進入180俱樂部的門票。 以LBJ的歷史來看,我們瞭解為何LBJ認為自己是有希望的。 ============================== 心得:LBJ如果哪天練到50/40/90,那真的是史上第一了.... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
idiotsmart:Ray跟LBJ都是這種自我要求很高的球員 01/09 05:19
jetrider:能被偉大的射手親自教真的很難得,LBJ衝吧!!!! 01/09 05:58
jetrider:三分跟罰球能從Ray那學個一招半式就嚇死人了!!! 01/09 05:59
wilson78225:Ray迷表示:欣慰。 XD開玩笑的,只是想說LBJ真的是不 01/09 07:32
wilson78225:愧他聯盟第一人的稱號。之前也沒有其他後輩像他一樣, 01/09 07:33
wilson78225:會找Ray討論180的事情啊!!! 01/09 07:33
ignativs:只能說LBJ運動天份很高 有較明顯缺點都能慢慢修正 01/09 08:17
NicoRobin26:希望WADE能加入170俱樂部 至少當個半殘人 01/09 08:20
oeibei:最近真的有比較好,而且對球隊是正面幫助! 01/09 08:49
evilvens:太屌了 01/09 12:34
Paraguay:推K大的翻譯!! 借轉呂布板 感謝 01/09 19:01
Wayne5:推! 01/09 19:35