看板 Military 關於我們 聯絡資訊
不知道Mark Owen是誰的 請先拜讀完No Easy Day http://markowenseal.wordpress.com/ http://instagram.com/markowenseal Q:how much gear did you get to keep? 退伍之後你留了多少裝備下來? A:‘’ more than you can imagine. My garage is full!! had to give back my guns, NODS, and an IPad,,,,,’’ 超多der~~ 除了把槍 夜視鏡 跟一台iPad繳回外 其他東西塞滿了我的車庫 Q:Do you still have the boots you wore on raid? 幹掉賓拉登那晚穿的鞋子還在嘛? A:‘’ donated the “quest” boots to the CIA museum. They have “his” blood all over them. Thought it would be cool for the agency to have them.’’ 那雙沾滿他的血的Salomon已經捐給CIA博物館了 Q:What plate carrier/rig you’re wearing? 穿什麼裝備 A:‘’ All London Bridge Trading gear. Slick plate carrier under the Rhodesian. Great kit,,, correction, Kick ass kit!!’’ Seal就是要用LBT Q:other then the crye shirts would you ever run a soft shell jacket? Im looking for one any suggestions? 除了Crye的戰鬥服外還有穿過軟殼衣嘛? A:‘’ CRYE made us a sweet soft shell jacket, but not sure it’s name. Beyond that Arc Teryx COMBAT jacket is the top of the line! I have soft shell jackets in every color!!! Ha. Aor1, aor2, multi cam, desert tan ,,,,,,,. Get to ST6 and you too can get all this gear for free! Ha. ’’ Crye有幫我們做一件軟殼衣 除此之外最棒的就是始祖鳥的Combat了 我總共有AOR1 AOR2 MultiCam 沙色... 加入六隊 裝備免費!! Q:Whats the pro/cons with lbt 6094 vs crye cpc? See you got em both. Which one do you prefer and which one did you use during the famous night? :) LBT 6094 vs Crye CPC ? A:‘’I use the LBT 6094. I love the JPC as well, however when you carry the heavier loads I don’t like how it rides so i always end up back at the 6094 as my standard! the top pouch carried my extra batteries, power bars, my eotech 3x mag, and some spare zip lock bags. the bottom was my med kit! Both pouches are’’ 6094載重的東西時感覺比CPC好... Q:Hey Mark. Do you run a crye cpc in aor1?or in multicam? AOR1/2 vs MultiCam ? A:‘’ to be perfectly honest I really like the AOR1 and AOR2 colors more than I like multi cam. Nothing against that pattern at all, it kicks ass. I just like a true woodland/jungle pattern like AOR2 when needed. Same goes for AOR1 and desert environments. Hope that makes sense’’ AOR1/2 草比較多就穿AOR2 砂石多就穿AOR1 Q:What kind of sunglasses you wear? 太陽眼鏡? A:‘’Keanon’’ Q:I’ve worn my Suunto Core on a daily basis for the past two years. It is the best watch I’ve ever had. Suunto Core超好用的 A:‘’dude, I rock the Suunto Ambit now and it rocks!!! Check it out’’ 我現在用Suunto Ambit Q:You ever use MICH 2000s/ ACHs anymore? MICH 2000 / ACH ? A:‘’ Nope, We only use the Ops-Core helmets. The D boys run the CRYE helmet.’ 六隊用Ops-Core 三角洲用Crye AirFrame Q:You only carried 3 extra mags? 只帶三個彈夾? A:‘’four total with one in the gun for just about everything!’’ 加槍上總共4個就夠了 Q:Hey Mark, I noticed I can pretty much never find any DEVGRU operators wearing a battle belt setup. Seems like most operators appear to reindex mags back into pouches, any insight on this? As always, I loved the book and look forward to the next. 好像很少6隊的用裝備腰帶? A:‘’ we don’t like any on our legs and waist. At the most just a pistol and that’s it. Not even an extra mag for the pistol’’ 我們不喜歡在腰上或腿上放一堆東西 最多就一把手槍 Q:Did you use any other brand of knives apart from Emerson and winkler? And were they issued or did you choose and buy them with your own hard earned cash? 刀? A:‘’ I’ve got almost a hundred different knives that I’ve been issued. Never paid out of pocket, especially once I got to st6. I’ve used Strider, Emerson, Benchmade and Winkler pretty extensively.’’ 從軍生涯總共拿了一百多種刀 全都免錢! Q:did you continue to use pvs 15′s for different missions after getting GPNVG’ s? Or did you just use GPNVG’s for every mission. 有了GPNVG後還在用PVS-15嘛? A:‘’ dude, the second I got my GPNVGs I never used my PVS15s again! Those GPNVGs are pimp!!!’’ 有了GPNVG後 PVS-15可以拿去填海了 Q:are devgru guys required to use the 226 or is it personal preference? 6隊規定要用SIG P226? A:‘’we get the Sig 226 and the HK45C. We have other pistols in the inventory as well but those two are the primary.’’ 主要用P226跟HK 45C 還有其他槍可以選.. Q:how quiet is it actually when you shoot a suppressed 416 or anything 5.56? 裝消音器的416到底多安靜? A:‘’ quiet enough not to be a recognizable gun shot from a short distance away. When shooting in a house room to room it still sounds like a gun shot, just muffled. That’s why we’ve started using the 300 blk out. It’s super quiet.’’ 室外即使在短距離也聽不出來是槍聲 室內就聽得出來 只是比較模糊 現在都用300 AAC Blackout(7.62x35mm) 更安靜 Q:Are you finding it less necessary to run irons as the reliability of optics increases? 槍上要放備用傳統描具嘛? A:‘’Most modern optics are so reliable, plus the fact that I’ve almost always shot people using my IR lasers,,,, just less and less use for them. If all my options run out or stop working, something tells me ill be just fine looking down my barrel and shooting. Sounds lame, but the truth!’’ 現在光學描具超耐用 加上我大部份都用夜視鏡褡配紅外線雷射 很少用到鐵描具 如果真的全都壞掉的話 我可以只看著槍管描準射擊 聽起來很鳥但我還可以接受 Q:This MP7. Is it a gun for the pointman and the first stealthy shoots? I mean, I’m curious on how useful that caliber is from a few meters away. MP7效果怎樣? A:‘’works great up close. Over 100 Meters,,,, the ballistics suck. There is a place for it though. When I carried the MP7 I typically carried the M79 “ pirate gun” as well for a bit more ass.’’ 近距離不錯 超過一百公尺就GG了 當我拿MP7時 還會再帶一把改過的海盜版M79榴彈槍多點火力 Q:Did you prefer your 416 or MP7 when conducting missions? 416還是MP7? A:‘’ 416 by far!!!! At first I wasent sure about them because they were heavier than my M4. But after 6 months of running it along with my advanced armament can,,, I can’t shoot anything but the HK416’’ 416 一開始因為比M4重所以還不習慣 但6個月後我發現回不去了~~~ Q:Do you still run mp5′s in the teams or have all of you made the move to the mp7? 有了MP7後 MP5呢? A:‘’ MP5 are still in the inventory however the MP7s are light years better so we don’t really touch the MP5s anymore’’ MP5還在武器庫中 因為MP7比MP5先進好幾光年 現在沒人用MP5了 Q:since reading your book I’ve really wanted to experience the things you have told us about in your book, i want to join up but the only trouble is I’m British :( if I could I’d get American citizenship and join straight away do you know anyone that’s done that? 英國人可以當海豹嘛? A:‘’ I know a British Delta force guy who married an American chick then joined the army’’’ 我知道三角洲裡面有個英國人 他先娶美國老婆再加入美國陸軍XD Q:Ok, which city has hotter women, San Diego or Virginia Beach? San Diego跟Virginia Beach 那邊的妹比較辣 (註:西岸跟東岸的海豹基地) A:‘’ ha ha,,, dude, come on,,,,,,, SD by a LONG shot!!’’ San Diego Q:What’s your two second opinion on the raid scene from zero dark thirty? Accurate? Inaccurate? Seems like it was moderately similar to your book’s account. 對Zero Dark Thirty的感想? ‘’ the Real life CIA chick wasent as hot as the one in the movie!! Ha. … .and we never whispered Bin Ladens name’’ 真的Maya沒有電影中那麼正XD 而且我們也沒有一直喊賓拉登踹共 -- 噗噗噗~~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
zaknafein987:好鄉民的回答XD 11/12 20:32
diechan :翻譯也鄉民了,推一個XDDD 11/12 20:38
defenser :女情報官躺著也中槍XDD 11/12 21:04
HDT :瑪雅哭哭XDDDDDD 11/12 21:27
ato0715 :原文根本沒有那麼鄉民好嗎XDDD 11/12 22:09
zseal :加入六隊 裝備免費!! 11/12 22:53
gasbomb :我想知道要怎麼看著槍管瞄準 太強了 11/12 23:28
defenser :類似打漆彈那樣吧,不過他指的應該是近距離緊急場合 11/12 23:32
r0930 :XDDDDDDDDD 11/12 23:39
r0930 :他是被不榮譽退伍? 11/12 23:41
他退伍後才寫書的喔~~ Mark, how do your former team buddies feel about you writing your books? I know that former UKSF guys who penned books were pretty much ostracised and many shunned by their former colleagues, does the SEAL community react in the same way? 你隊友對你出書的看法如何? ‘’ hey buddy,,,, good question. A lot of my buddies fully support me because they are my friends and they know I’m doing this in the best and most respectful way to the team I know how. They also know I’m not leaking any sort of information that could put them in danger. The others that are “ haters”, will most likely always be haters.’’ 他們都很支持我 因為他們都知道我是以最適當的方法在幫助他們 他們也知道我沒有洩露任何危害到他們的資訊 至於那些對我有意見的憤青們 就只會繼續嘴砲下去而已
skyhawkptt :超級貼切的口語 XDD 11/13 00:53
snd :室外就聽得出來 只是比較模糊<==應該是室內? 11/13 02:57
MOONRAKER :他翻反了。 11/13 10:20
已更正 XD
pennymarkfox:我還在想cpc是什麼 是jpc吧? 11/13 11:33
CAGE Palte Carrier http://www.cryeprecision.com/C-233/CAGE-Plate-Carrier%E2%84%A2-%28CPC%29 ※ 編輯: imprezasti 來自: (11/13 16:13)
r0930 :原來如此 感謝原PO 11/13 18:30
MPSSC :鄉民翻譯有笑點,但兩個地方和原意差很大 11/13 22:20
MPSSC :1.他沒說他的靴子是Salonmon,請不要腦補 11/13 22:20
原網站Summary/Overview下 Boots Salomon Quest 3DXA pro Salomon QUEST 4D GTX "donated the “quest” boots to the CIA museum"
MPSSC :他明明說是羅德西亞下面穿6094 slick,羅德西亞是LBT 11/13 22:24
MPSSC :做的? 11/13 22:24
Rhodesian指某種形式的chest rig "All London Bridge Trading gear" ->LBT 9040A
MPSSC :3.原文明明是說JPC舒適度,他根本沒提到CPC吧?? 11/13 22:32
眼殘只看到問的人打CPC ※ 編輯: imprezasti 來自: (11/13 22:56)
summer34796 :我看no easy day 他好像穿的是RRV @@ 11/14 06:52
charlysu :樓上+1 11/14 13:34
MPSSC :而且,chest rig有很多種,特別提羅德西亞意思很明顯 11/14 21:53
MPSSC :尤其羅德西亞又是一款很有名的rig 11/14 21:54
All London Bridge Trading gear 難到是Eagle做的?? 又查一下應該是LBT 2586 ※ 編輯: imprezasti 來自: (11/14 22:39)
sneak : 尤其羅德西亞又是一款很 https://daxiv.com 11/11 13:21
sneak: 樓上+1 https://muxiv.com 01/04 21:29