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http://www.businessinsider.com/bill-mcraven-commencement-speech-at-ut-2014-5 Every morning in basic SEAL training, my instructors, who at the time were all Viet Nam veterans, would show up in my barracks room and the first thing they would inspect was your bed. If you did it right, the corners would be square, the covers pulled tight, the pillow centered just under the headboard and the extra blanket folded neatly at the foot of the rack—rack—that's Navy talk for bed. It was a simple task—mundane at best. But every morning we were required to make our bed to perfection. It seemed a little ridiculous at the time, particularly in light of the fact that were aspiring to be real warriors, tough battle hardened SEALs—but the wisdom of this simple act has been proven to me many times over. If you make your bed every morning you will have accomplished the first task of the day. It will give you a small sense of pride and it will encourage you to do another task and another and another. By the end of the day, that one task completed will have turned into many tasks completed. Making your bed will also reinforce the fact that little things in life matter. If you can't do the little things right, you will never do the big things right. And, if by chance you have a miserable day, you will come home to a bed that is made—that you made—and a made bed gives you encouragement that tomorrow will be better. 粗略翻譯 折棉被哲學:雖然是小事,甚至感覺不太重要,但卻是每天所做的第一件事情。把每天 的第一件事情做好,則會更有信心更有動力把接下的事情也做好,滾雪球的道理。如果 你連小事都做不好,那大事就甭想了。最後,至少,如果你那天過的很糟,至少最後要 睡覺的時候,可以看到一個整齊乾淨的床,鼓勵你說明天會更好 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Militarylife/M.1400723604.A.100.html
accin:推 但退伍完全沒動力折..... 05/22 09:56
mlconx:我聽他在放屁!!!最好是折棉被跟你一天過的怎樣有正相關啦!! 05/22 09:56
zj4ej04jo6:跟一天過怎樣沒關,但是跟你的態度卻是大大地有關 05/22 09:59
zj4ej04jo6:起床會把棉被折好的幹部大多都是好幹部!其他就只會嘴 05/22 10:00
zj4ej04jo6:炮兵折棉被很弱,自己都不折!這種人就是廢物志願役 05/22 10:01
zj4ej04jo6:部隊會出問題都是這些北爛搞出來的爛攤子!人見人杜爛 05/22 10:02
zj4ej04jo6:折棉被是可以看出一個人的個性的! 05/22 10:03
Spartan117:重要的不是折棉被 是紀律 折棉被都做不好的人 05/22 10:04
Spartan117:不會懂什麼叫紀律 紀律不是盲目服從 不是奴隸心態 05/22 10:04
pp0731:聽說海陸免折被,那紀律......? 05/22 10:30
lrh18:現在的折棉被早就跟紀律無關了 只是幹部太無聊要玩人的手段 05/22 10:32
EVA96:人家的折棉被是真正的折棉被 我們的折棉被是... 05/22 10:47
Spartan117:台灣哪個部隊紀律好的? 05/22 10:54
alwaysstrong:折棉被哲學是要自發去做才有意義 被命令的就算了吧… 05/22 12:21
Kuokenken:國軍領先全球 05/22 13:30
Famicom:我覺得這邊要注意一下 這邊上將所說的訓練跟惡整 是針對 05/22 13:47
Famicom:「未來的軍官」所作的 目的下一篇的推文有 但是他們對待 05/22 13:47
Famicom:最前線、最低階的士兵不會用這麼惡整的方式玩 05/22 13:48
Famicom:台灣的問題則是把對付軍官跟士兵的方式反過來... 05/22 13:49
lcy317:上將說的內容 核心含意是從最小的事情做起 是要求自己 05/22 18:20
lcy317:跟國軍把折棉被拿來玩兵 根本是似是而非的兩件事 05/22 18:20
lcy317:國軍最讓人度爛的我相信不是折棉被被玩 05/22 18:22
lcy317:最度爛的是玩你的那個廢物中士自己根本不折棉被 05/22 18:22
lcy317:操你的那個人 如果自己的所有標準都比你高 被操的人會服氣 05/22 18:23
lcy317:但國軍是這樣嗎? 05/22 18:24
lcy317:我服役時內務點最兇的人自己內務櫃打開會有一堆東西噴出來 05/22 18:25
lcy317:而且他也不怕你知道他都不整內務 05/22 18:25
c780412:當軍隊拿折棉被來玩你或者搞你 我相信你不會在有這種想法 05/22 19:16
detective14r:折棉被? 不都塞內務櫃嗎? 05/22 21:58
seednet2:他講的是海豹部隊的訓練 05/23 01:36
seednet2:如果真是的能通過惡整的人 那真的沒話講 投降輸一半 05/23 01:38
cs0764:同意樓上 特種部隊訓練內容很機車就是因為要培養能在戰場 05/23 09:09
cs0764:應付各種情況的士兵 但國軍的一般部隊另一回事... 05/23 09:10
MichaelScott:其實特種部隊整人,一般人都受得了。 05/23 23:31
MichaelScott:只是他們以這種話術來正當化...底下的兵也會漸漸認同 05/23 23:32
MichaelScott:因為心中也會燃起"我跟其他兵"不同的優越感XD 05/23 23:32
JOGIBA:不好意思,棉被論只是話術而已 05/24 13:47
newstyle:國軍內務訓練就是學美國的 06/21 10:32