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※ [本文轉錄自 joke 看板 #1GuezPJP ] 作者: e1q3z9c7 (米直) 看板: joke 標題: [趣事] 找三個單字,它們將在今年降臨在你身上 時間: Tue Jan 1 15:25:10 2013 在笨板看到的,但是原文的圖有上色會干擾所以重發 原標題: the first three words you find will come to you in the next year 圖: http://i.imgur.com/mcgCm.jpg
就是在字母堆中隨機拼單字,直橫不拘 大家都來玩玩看吧 -- 您的鼓勵是午仁創作的原動力 http://lz-4.blogspot.tw/ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 轉錄者: e1q3z9c7 (, 時間: 01/01/2013 15:25:18
MotleyCrue:成功,告訴,力量(權力?) 01/01 15:34
Epondo:快樂 智慧 錢 01/01 15:57
vianne:love experience intelligence :) 01/01 16:03
benoire:Youth,love,money...@@ 01/01 16:23
wader207:money,win,intelligence 01/01 16:25
supergay3:experience, happiness, love... 好希望是真的!!! 01/01 16:42
XIAOFENG:experience happiness beauty 01/01 16:45
Phlegm:fun , love , success 也太好XD 01/01 16:57
akinachan:Love , Go, Ace 01/01 17:14
lovemeangel:love fun time ...好詭異XD 01/01 17:17
kind20070:beauty love power 01/01 17:18
zoeyfly:win,fun,popular 01/01 18:01
goldnun:happiness,success,friends~ 01/01 18:12
hurosixth:money hornest love 01/01 18:15
kidjoy:love.end.success 啥!!!!! 01/01 18:19
smilesylvia:time success freedom 01/01 18:21
cinlia:love popular one 01/01 18:23
qpizza:honesty,happiness,telligence :) 01/01 18:28
newnewer:love, success,time. 01/01 18:35
js0431:happiness money win 01/01 18:40
CRCRRCRC:love, happiness, money~ 01/01 18:52
maria:beauty,win,tell.... 01/01 19:00
EmperorOslo:Love, Power, Win. 好讚的感覺XDD 01/01 19:30
dlbum11:love you happiness 這樣算嘛~ 01/01 19:36
hlfy3169:Win end money 01/01 19:50
cccvup:Love, till, still. 01/01 19:57
homey:beauty youth go XD 01/01 20:06
dulalala:popularity, heal, humor~ 01/01 20:07
loverduo:friend, honesty, love 01/01 20:23
GabeHypnos:love/happiness/intelligence...真的?? 01/01 20:37
lookworld:只找到love跟happiness..但兩者都能擁有的話我想也夠了 01/01 21:11
GabeHypnos:intelligence我還以為是情報的意思,剛好跟自己對於軍 01/01 21:53
GabeHypnos:事的嚮往聯想起來... 01/01 21:53
flylily:love,tel,win 01/01 21:59
CRCRRCRC:g大,看到那麼長又複雜的字也太厲害~:P 01/01 22:01
retawh:power,beauty,popular~XD 01/01 22:04
doras:experience intelligence beauty 01/01 22:19
kasa315:Love.Money.Time 01/01 22:20
aprilfools97:win,intelligence,lust 囧 lust阿~~~ 01/01 22:24
rainlily:love,success,power 01/01 22:29
cm820220:lovw money 01/01 22:45
poguest:tell win free 01/01 22:48
kiwicorn:LOVE MONEY INTELLIGENCE 01/01 23:03
vivian12328:tell money fun 01/01 23:05
willychue:TIME, LOVE, SUCCESS 01/01 23:11
starmare:time, freedom, youth... 是在說要把握青春嗎 囧 01/01 23:15
kazenol:我看到GAY............... 01/01 23:16
milk68387:power money youth 01/01 23:23
kissygogo:Love,happiness,beauty 01/01 23:29
em36:beauty, love, happiness 01/01 23:30
em36:真希望如此呀 01/01 23:30
luckykotoko:success health Love 01/01 23:31
tingha:love success honest 01/01 23:53
fafa22:success, happiness, humour 01/02 00:35
mimimi27:time,win,money 01/02 01:11
iamseal:Fun popular freedom自由的用意是> <? 01/02 01:43
casifa:friend,popular,love 01/02 01:48
jzyuan:cute love happiness 01/02 01:50
seanleo:youth power time 01/02 03:26
death5212:success love honesty 01/02 04:57
yy0412:money/love/win 01/02 09:15
yunyun85106:LOVE FREE SUCCESS 01/02 09:25
banana0118:love, success, health 01/02 09:44
qwop:love. happiness. win !! 01/02 10:33
friga:love happiness success!!!希望~~~哈哈! 01/02 11:28
gf1115:You love NY (??)紐約喔:) 沒去過耶 01/02 12:24
beconfident:time,love,happiness, 01/02 12:44
alterlove:love,win,friends:) 01/02 13:11
C4TNT:money, beauty, win 01/02 13:21
sakura9bear:Honesty, Love, Beauty :) 01/02 15:41
cidweng:love,beauty,success 01/02 17:20
colleen7739:time, money, love XD 01/02 18:35
angelapooh:Humor, power, free! :D 01/02 19:37
power00:love come true 01/02 21:16
freedom9:LOVE FUN WIN ~~!!! 01/02 21:49
bthsieh:Freedom time love 01/02 22:15
wdn:popularity success money... WOW~ really? 01/02 22:18
SummerxKid:LOVE、TIME、MONEY 01/02 22:41
Greed623:beauty popular fun 01/02 22:50
yacj:love time fun!! 01/02 23:00
jerseyoning:happiness, intelligence, success 01/02 23:38
silviawu:Beauty...@@ 01/03 10:30
qian0827:FREE MONEY BEAUTY 01/03 16:38
viviona:tell, money, success, happiness, friends, power 01/03 21:09
power00:LOVE COMES TRUE !! 01/05 11:12
bigmimi:power friends 01/05 12:50
jk0204:錢~愛~磨練~~~~ 01/05 23:37
reluv:love power win. 太棒了。。 01/06 09:34
silverarc:popular happiness money 01/06 15:44
gloria3136:love friends success @@ 01/06 23:41
suchiachi:health love friends 01/07 19:01
lsslhuam:LOVE SUCCESS HEAL? 01/10 03:46
momoguy:love,youth,experience 01/13 19:20
kulilin:love/friends/win! 01/14 00:58
hellonew:popular fun run 01/20 22:15
dadada0821:love tell free 02/03 19:10
Ame0310: Love,time,money超讚 04/19 01:43