看板 MuscleBeach 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《oxymoron (很閒 何不來秀?)》之銘言: : http://tw.youtube.com/watch?v=vE6uegoRiFk : 看一下吧? 他講話蠻中肯的 : (超人李講話...蠻親切的..) 在下英聽還好, 如有錯還請先進指教 我只寫出卡特這一段 Question: Is there anything in bodybuilding that you consider cheating? Jay Cutler: No, I mean everyone is looking for that edge. You know there're stories involved in the sport. Ok, in bodybuilding. Obviously. That's the problem with our sport. And that's why it hasn't got accepted by a lot of society, because they look at the bodybulidng and they say "oh, steroids." But, they don't understand what actually goes into the sport, okay. You do, you do it to be the best in the sport you do. You do, you do it to win. If You want to call it that cheating, fine. But, I have the edge. That's why I'm dosed. 中文大意是 導演問卡特他是否認為健美裡有任何事算的上作弊. 卡特回說他不認為健美裡有作弊可言, 每個人都想有優勢. 普羅大眾不接受健美是因為他們認為健美只與類固醇有關 而不知道健美這運動到底是什麼. 卡特又說你要比就要贏,要拼就要當最好的. 如果你認為那叫作弊, 無所謂. 但他已有了優勢. 這也是他為什麼用藥. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
oxymoron:話說 手臂有25吋那個.. 真是超可怕... 06/14 14:18