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※ [本文轉錄自 Gossiping 看板 #1ItI5HMT ] 作者: abadcafe (abadcafe) 看板: Gossiping 標題: [新聞] 指揮大師阿巴多去世了! 時間: Mon Jan 20 21:14:53 2014 1.媒體來源: www.theguardian.com 2.完整新聞標題/內文: Claudio Abbado, the 80-year-old Italian conductor, has died. His death was announced earlier today; he had been in failing health for several months, and had not conducted in public since last summer. Abbado was one of the greatest and most acclaimed conductors of our age. Among his many posts were music director of La Scala, Milan's famous opera house, principal conductor of the London Symphony Orchestra from 1979 to 1988, and from 1989 to 2002 he was the chief conductor of the Berlin Philharmonic. In 2003, he founded the Lucerne Festival Orchestra and the Orchestra Mozart. 3.新聞連結: http://ppt.cc/GGUy 4.備註: 記得幾年前, 阿巴多率領琉森節慶管絃樂團來北京演出, 其馬勒第一交響曲和馬勒第四交 響曲的演繹可謂出神入化. 尤其是第一交響曲, 洋溢著青春的氣息和詼諧, 卻也帶著典型 的阿巴多式色彩豐富的處理. 當下在感動陶醉之於, 心中便有遺憾, 大師年事已高, 今後怕是不太有機會再聆聽大師的 演繹了. 卻沒想到會這麼快. R.I.P -- 堂堂正正的中國人. 堂堂正正的台獨分子. 堂堂正正的自帶乾糧五毛. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
n873192000:R.I.P. 01/20 21:15
MMMB4219:不認識 01/20 21:15
a1052026:誰? 01/20 21:17
dnek:還以為是來過台灣,關我 01/20 21:17
KasmirLo:RIP 我買的第一部華格納歌劇是他的版本 01/20 21:17
mvpdirk712:我只知道祖賓梅塔跟卡拉陽....... 01/20 21:17
senior:好像很偉大 RIP 01/20 21:17
mvpdirk712:慚愧 小弟無知 01/20 21:18
unclefucka:古典樂壇最後一根支柱倒下了 :P CD黃金期大降全都陣亡 01/20 21:18
unclefucka:就等英國的蕭提了.... 01/20 21:18
QBey:卡拉揚還在嗎 01/20 21:18
KasmirLo:卡拉揚1989就... 01/20 21:19
unclefucka:前幾年慶祝的是百歲冥誕,你說呢? :P 01/20 21:19
KasmirLo:蕭提1997也是 01/20 21:19
cancer0708:R.I.P 弟弟是阿巴瑟 對吧 01/20 21:20
Daedolon:等蕭提啥...... 01/20 21:20
unclefucka:我白癡,原來蕭提也早死了....。那真是全軍覆沒.... 01/20 21:22
shiroko:聽都沒聽過,知道他是誰會比較有錢嗎? 01/20 21:26
ngalay:英國的Solti?先弄清楚再來附庸風雅吧 01/20 21:27
unclefucka:有錢的都會聽過他...... 01/20 21:27
fantasibear:喔 01/20 21:28
Karajan8305:在叫我嗎? 01/20 21:35
defeatshame:◢▆▅▄▃▂▁崩╰(〒皿〒)╯潰▁▂▃▄▅▇◣ 01/20 21:38
kokohu:R.I.P 01/20 21:47
AMPHIBIA:RIP 大學時代的美好記憶 01/20 21:55
Posaune:阿巴多也趴了... 01/20 21:58
mozarts:小澤征爾還在~~~ 01/20 22:08
togo324:R.I.P. 01/20 23:09
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 轉錄者: seazilicy (, 時間: 01/21/2014 00:05:45
Holerabbit:R.I.P...(半年多前還聽他現場指揮柏林愛樂的說...) 01/21 10:26