看板 MyLittlePony 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://www.equestriadaily.com/2014/02/idw-solicitations-for-may-friends.html 最新官方漫畫 MY LITTLE PONY FRIENDSHIP IS MAGIC #19 Synopsis: As our favorite ponies traverse a strange new world, the secret history of Celestia comes to life! Will the choices she made years ago come back to haunt her and doom an entire world? And which surprising pony is at the heart of her choice? Release Date: 5/21/2014 黑化的平行世界Celestia!? MY LITTLE PONY FRIENDS FOREVER #5 Fluttershy and Zecora take the spotlight in the new fan-favorite series! Fluttershy wakes up one day to find that all of her animal friends can talk to her! But what secret are they hiding? It will be up to everyone's favorite rhyming zebra to determine the nature of this strange occurrence! Release Date: 5/14/2014 動物都能跟FS交談!? 我可以期待天使兔會說出什麼毒舌之言嗎XD 巫醫Zecora和動物管理者FS的共同冒險 -- 昔日,奧雷利亞星曾是星區的一顆耀眼明珠、億萬生命的歸宿 然而,隨之而來的次元風暴,將奧雷利亞星化成了冰封的星體 如今,奧雷利亞星已經歸來,並從星球表面再次傳來了訊號... <<戰鎚40000:破曉之戰II 渾沌再起>> -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
danielsig727:http://ppt.cc/2pcj 02/20 00:01
danielsig727:作者說了那是 Celestia 的 backstory! (期待中XD 02/20 00:02
PrincessTS:應該還是平行世界的Celestia吧 (猜測) 02/20 00:30
caryamdtom:TS魔法老馬,把全部都逆轉? 02/20 18:23
PrincessTS:有一面鏡子通往平行世界的樣子,應該不是我的錯XD 02/20 19:09
PrincessTS:要配合#18一起看 02/20 19:40
PrincessTS:http://i.imgur.com/Gu7JHrY.jpg 02/20 19:40
xxx60709:喔喔沒翅膀的TS 02/20 20:00
danielsig727:黑暗版的 derpy wwwww 02/20 20:09
PrincessTS:最新的EQG2 的商業廣告好傷眼oAQ 02/21 09:30
PrincessTS:My eyes , My eyes~~ 02/21 09:30
buzzy0306:只有Spike沒變XD 02/23 15:33