看板 MyLittlePony 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ [本文轉錄自 Gossiping 看板 #1Km0XO7K ] 作者: Pony5566 (Luna Akbar) 看板: Gossiping 標題: [新聞] 彩虹小馬充氣娃娃引發對小馬迷的爭論 時間: Thu Jan 22 04:12:58 2015 1.媒體來源: ※ 例如蘋果日報、奇摩新聞 The Huffington Post 2.完整新聞標題: ※ 標題沒有寫出來 ---> 依照板規刪除文章 Inflatable Life-Size 'My Little Pony' Doll Arousing Controversy With Bronies (NSFW) 3.完整新聞內文: ※ 社論特稿都不能貼! 違者劣退,貼廣告會被劣喔! An inflatable, life-size My Little Pony doll seems to be getting a rise out of the brony subculture. The doll is a bootleg toy called the “Sexy Inflatable Girl Pony." It stands at 5-foot-9, and looks like the My Little Pony character Rainbow Dash -- with some very distinct differences. This blow-up doll is a very curvaceous interpretation of the character and appears to be wearing a low-cut leotard over what would be the pony's private parts. horny pony Make no mistake: Hasbro, the company that owns the rights to My Little Pony had nothing to do with the “Sexy Inflatable Girl Pony." It is a bootleg product made in China by Hongyi Toy Manufacturing. The company sells the sexed-up dolls for $599 apiece, but will sell them for as little as $99 each for bulk orders. Hasbro has not yet commented on the “Sexy Inflatable Girl Pony" product, but "My Little Pony" fanatics are, on the brony-centric website Horse-News.net. Comments on the doll range from those asking "How do you MOUNT this?" to one from a man who sighs, "And this is why I'm slowly regretting becoming a brony, this community is just delving deeper and deeper into the disgusting." Indeed, sex toys marketed to bronies are getting weirder and weirder. 大略翻: 來自中國廣州的Hongyi Toy最近推出了一款真人大小的彩虹小馬充氣娃娃 該產品被命名為"Sexy Inflatable Girl Pony" 外型看上去則像是彩虹小馬中的角色 "小潤寶"的人型變種 大約175公分高 該充氣玩偶的售價為599美元 但如果大量訂購的話則能優惠到99美元一隻 擁有彩虹小馬品牌版權的孩之寶目前尚未對此玩具做出任何評論 4.完整新聞連結 (或短網址): ※ 當新聞連結過長時,需提供短網址方便網友點擊 http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/01/21/inflatable-lifesize-my-li_n_6511712. html http://goo.gl/FDgFas 5.備註: ※ 一個人一天只能張貼一則新聞,被刪或自刪也算額度內,超貼者劣文,請注意 好_龍表示: -- 【板主:po11po11/Pellaeon/NeVerEnouGh】[LoL] LoL L0L LOL L○L 看板《LoL》 作者 Pellaeon (秋風孤劍李鴻章) 看板 LoL 標題 [公告] 關於"可以SUP嗎?"討論串
po11po11 : 板主可以甲賽嗎11/22 01:46
po11po11 : 幫砍上面那句 好像不大對11/22 01:46
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1421871192.A.1D4.html ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 轉錄者: Pony5566 (, 01/22/2015 04:13:43
LyoBei: 支那人歧視抹黑就算了 還有夠外行的 誰在跟你用人版... 01/22 05:37
LyoBei: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YxhceMsDweQ 要都嘛這種 01/22 05:39
HDT: What the what?! 01/22 10:09
silverwolfEX: 超級詭異的,還有小潤寶是什麼奇怪翻譯啊??? 01/22 12:20
LyoBei: 還會需要轉換成人型才能用的根本就不配叫做clopper 01/22 12:21
LyoBei: "看到原汁原味原體原型的小馬才會inin"那才是真的clopper 01/22 12:22
inanna38: 非常不能接受小潤寶跟活力寶之類的翻譯 01/22 15:25
inanna38: 至於1F那玩意實在是有點.... 01/22 15:25
LyoBei: 誘人犯罪A__A 01/22 16:25
DaringDo: 這太智障了.. 01/22 16:38
TwiEnable: 噓56Id 01/22 17:37
tck01: ... 01/22 18:27
xxx60709: 人型RR.SS.FS我可以 01/22 21:38
sactor: 這是什麼妖怪XDDDDD 01/22 23:53
VongolaXI11: 啥ww 01/23 12:38
Symbian: XDDDDDDDDDDD 01/24 00:39
jpg10330: 幹好想要 01/24 02:39
Lions: 看到一樓就知道為什麼brony會被稱為網路之瘤 01/24 14:45
LyoBei: 不過就是個娃娃也可以扯到網路之瘤 哭惹 01/24 16:55
SamuelLuo: 真正的小馬迷是「射在RD裡面」的小馬人交。。。 01/26 02:28
SamuelLuo: 真的是醜死了,就算是擬人版也要有點人樣吧? 01/26 02:32
SamuelLuo: 玄德大懂的...(豆豆臉) 01/26 02:33
SamuelLuo: 真想跟TS來一次。。。不過我只有收藏NICI鑰匙圈而已 01/26 02:48
SamuelLuo: 最近從人型開始進化成小馬型真Clopper 01/26 02:57
LyoBei: 樓上也一樣變態呢w(握手) 01/26 09:08
miau9202: wat dafaq...... 01/26 10:22
DaringDo: 三小阿.. 01/26 13:10
inanna38: 什麼啊... 我只想跟PP好好來一次 01/26 23:21
LyoBei: 我想跟日月公主整晚狂歡後左擁右抱的睡 <3 01/27 01:24
SamuelLuo: 擊蹄、握蹄,想不想來尬一砲?(誤) 01/29 08:48
LyoBei: 跟日月公主的話 很想啊 <3 你會開傳送門去小馬國嘛?? 01/29 16:53
MyLittlePony: 以前還會自認是BRONY 現在哪敢承認啊... 這世道... 01/30 13:27
SamuelLuo: 樓上吉祥物 01/30 14:35
tsppajrdrrfs: 贊成樓上上MLP大 01/31 15:58
dogee: 這串歪好大...XXD 02/02 12:05
inanna38: 可以接受XD 02/02 17:56
dirubest: 對我來說,小馬就像是寵物或朋友,沒辦法跟性連在一起XD 02/04 17:10
flyfly30507: 笑屎xxxd 02/05 17:44
SamuelLuo: 失禮了,搏君一笑 02/12 10:27