看板 NARUTO 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Oh, i think i huv to ask Mr.Tiny sir. and maybe he'll give me the suggestion:ms34fm oh, yes, he will answer me in eng. please enjoy.thx a lot. XD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
ANZO:YA-HA- 07/03 13:08
O46:is english ~ oh my father~ 07/03 13:09
rollr:=-5 07/03 13:09
jordan621:低調推 07/03 13:13
kurtsgm:push 07/03 13:14
yabeorz:WOW push 07/03 13:15
reuititan:低調推~ 07/03 13:22
A350:...It's English version! 07/03 13:22
j0958322080:Oh no!!!I wnant Chinese Traditional version 07/03 13:41
loneblackcat:WHY IS 454 IN ENGLISH ? I WANT TO SEE 454 IN CH. 07/03 13:49
joehpj:cool down please~ 07/03 13:58
phix:維大力?? 07/03 14:08
KaoCheng:you say three small ? 07/03 14:10
ClubT:還以為是...Orz...剛好5句說 07/03 14:16
Andy5566:自從囧rz改成需要等待時間看他的廣告我就不用他了= = 07/03 14:17
VortexSheet:是英文版 07/03 14:30
x73831:my English is too poor to understand this 454??? 07/03 14:35
gamino:低調推 07/03 14:36
lave2002:GJ 07/03 14:37
foxhound1204:啊度啊也要賺文章數喔 07/03 14:40
wildinheart:低調推 07/03 14:51
biography:快推~ 不然樓下匯以為我看不懂!! 07/03 15:27
nopass:該不會又是英文版吧.... 07/03 15:31
briankof:push 07/03 16:14
shgenius:huv˙have 傻傻分不清楚 07/03 17:38
jpg10330:lol 07/03 18:12
kyle5241:ha ha I saw "come on" several times. 07/03 18:33
wu41289:NICE~~ but my en is so poor... 07/03 19:50
zaks:快笑 不然別人以為我看不懂 07/03 23:22
chvkimo:還以為 這是歐洲語系的 07/04 02:25
Midoryugi:En Ver. is so funny,BTW OrigPO where u found this?? 07/04 07:45
paul4047:secret...XD (lol 07/04 22:06
sneak: you say thr https://daxiv.com 10/21 03:35