看板 NBA 關於我們 聯絡資訊
來源: ClutchPoints 網址: https://tinyurl.com/vgz36sg Pistons star Derrick Rose becomes Emmy Award winning producer for his documentary 活塞明星Derrick Rose因他製作的紀錄片拿下艾美獎 Detroit Pistons point guard Derrick Rose has become an Emmy Award winning producer for his documentary called “Pooh.” 活塞控衛Derrick Rose因他所製作的紀錄片"Pooh"拿下一座艾美獎。 The documentary came out in April: 這紀錄片是在4月份的時候問世。 Rose IG: https://tinyurl.com/rdfatcc 截圖: https://imgur.com/H9UFd4o.jpg
The documentary detailed Rose’s rough upbringing in Chicago to becoming a basketball superstar. He grew up in Englewood, one of the most dangerous neighborhoods in The Windy City. 這個紀錄片描述了Rose在芝加哥艱苦的成長到最後成為籃球明星的過程,他是在芝加哥的 Englewood區域長大,該區域被認為是芝加哥最危險的區域。 A star at Simeon High School in Chicago, Rose won two state championships. He then played one season of college basketball at Memphis, where he led the team to the national championship game. 他是念Simeon中學,幫學校拿下兩屆州冠軍。之後他去曼菲斯念大學一年,也率領學校球 隊打進全國冠軍賽。 Rose was the No. 1 overall pick in his hometown of Chicago. He won the Rookie of the Year and MVP Award with the Chicago Bulls. He was also a three-time All-Star. 芝加哥公牛在當年選秀以第一順位選上Rose,他也在那年拿下年度菜鳥,之後也在公牛時 期拿下MVP。他也三度入選全明星。 Now on the Pistons, Rose comes off the bench, but he’s still very productive. The former MVP is averaging 18.4 points, 1.8 rebounds and 5.8 assists per game for the Pistons this season while shooting 54.1 percent from the field and 89.7 percent from beyond the arc. 現在Rose在活塞,從板凳出發,但是他的表現仍舊亮眼。這位前MVP的場均有18.4分,1.8 個籃板,5.8次助攻,投籃命中率54.1趴,罰球命中率是89.7趴(原文是錯的,三分球是 37.5趴)。 The Pistons have gotten off to a bad start. Detroit is just 4-9 and has lost four games in a row. 活塞開季的表現並不好,目前是4勝9敗,而且是四連敗。 Rose and the Pistons are back in action on Wednesday when they take on the Bulls. D-Rose will likely get another standing ovation from the United Center crowd like he did last time. Rose以及活塞會在星期三面對公牛,飆風玫瑰應該會跟上次一樣在公牛主場受到全場的起 立致敬。 -- 艾美獎加年度最佳第六人! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1574130059.A.325.html
haoche891208: 玫瑰就推 11/19 10:21
※ 編輯: pneumo ( 臺灣), 11/19/2019 10:22:45
Mezerized : 推 11/19 10:22
tony5758595 : 我羅推! 11/19 10:24
TorukMakto : 推啦,Rose!! 11/19 10:24
chatnoir : 永遠的飆風玫瑰! 11/19 10:24
※ 編輯: pneumo ( 臺灣), 11/19/2019 10:24:46
zaza1128 : 推 11/19 10:25
alex53001 : 推 11/19 10:25
sodistrues : 皇叔再起 11/19 10:27
w84081612 : 帥啦 11/19 10:27
Mensholaten : 皇叔這數據很強 11/19 10:28
drosyo : Roseeee 11/19 10:28
IAMGRICE : 太威了,從賣鞋到賣片 11/19 10:29
BlueToast : 斜槓玫瑰 11/19 10:30
GGxyz : 太勵志QQ 11/19 10:31
kairiyu : 臣等願一生跟隨劉皇叔!! 11/19 10:32
hellogym : 斜槓MVP 11/19 10:33
SCLPAL : XDDD 11/19 10:35
Pritfuss : 漢中王 11/19 10:35
fongminp : 真皇叔 11/19 10:40
emirotin : 推Rose 11/19 10:41
openbestbook: POOH? 羅維尼? 11/19 10:42
crossoverpig: 推! 11/19 10:43
ilovekobe824: pooh是他的綽號 11/19 10:46
duece0927 : 勵志QQ 11/19 10:48
chinpo : QAQ 11/19 10:56
sinben : 皇叔讚 11/19 10:58
imret : 這部中國一定會被中國禁 11/19 10:59
wayne0215 : 考試作弊有寫進去嗎? 11/19 11:01
justin521 : 以前被酸東鞋結果一直受傷奮起洗白 11/19 11:10
Nokia5269 : 皇叔 復興漢室!! 11/19 11:17
ethel7669 : 對齁,他在大學的考試作弊過 11/19 11:22
kuaiphoto : 我羅推起來 11/19 11:24
cblade : 永不放棄的男人 11/19 11:52
nathan2000 : 無法擊倒的男人!!!!! 11/19 12:02
qaz985621asd: 小心中國封殺 11/19 12:05
q9999123 : 太神啦! 11/19 12:25
caeserhaha : 平頭ROSE帥呆了 11/19 12:26
kf7 : 皇叔就是屌 11/19 12:31
KillLakers : 支那:你說片名叫啥???????????? 11/19 12:41
Derrick906 : 推 11/19 12:48
iamaq18c : 大推皇叔 11/19 12:57
zoneken : 禁播 11/19 12:59
laugh2star : 淚推 11/19 13:05
artistno1231: 恭喜迪羅! 11/19 13:10
RG5678 : 真男人 11/19 13:17
soulboy330 : 恭喜我羅 11/19 13:57
KOIBU : 永遠羅粉 11/19 14:24
louispencer : 玫瑰先推啦 不過標題這樣寫484有農場的嫌疑 11/19 15:14
Rose製作他自己的紀錄片 這樣應該沒有太農場吧?! ※ 編輯: pneumo ( 臺灣), 11/19/2019 15:35:30
woods0598 : 被籃球耽誤的導演 11/19 16:59
bengret : 中國禁播XDD 11/19 18:49
swingingbear: 會被中國禁播了 11/19 19:21
Gsun : 以後皇叔不能入境中國了 Derrick “Pooh” Rose 11/19 21:55
ooxxman : 維尼4Ni? 11/20 05:15