看板 NBA_Fantasy 關於我們 聯絡資訊
第一則:In the spirit of an election year, Griz fans may look back and remember Feb. 1 as Super Friday. Just before the Griz shipped Pau Gasol to the Los Angeles Lakers, they agreed to a deal with New Jersey that will send Stromile Swift to the Nets for center Jason Collins. 第二則:Krstic (knee) is expected to play 15 minutes Saturday night in Atlanta, the New York Post reports --------------------------------------------------------------------- 關於第一則個人想法:如果Kidd沒被交易掉的話,他有沒有可能讓 Swift變身成第二個K.Mar呢?重點是, 狂賀網迷終於擺脫樹樹了(擺脫不掉髮禿,擺脫樹樹也莽莽好啦~) 第二則:看來Boone跟香威在Krstic跟Swift進來Rotation後, 上場時間應該是會受到些影響~ -- 感謝給我下面網址的老哥....我不再迷惘了.. http://www.socialforce.tw/phpBB/portal.php -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
eMule:小米利的利多 02/03 02:38
AMARE32:搞不好灰熊教頭更喜歡用Collins...Swift在灰熊真是沒愛... 02/03 08:25
loat5oo:大三零有雖然其他數值是0,但魅力值99XD 02/03 10:42