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※ 引述《mrkey (距離太遠 思念太近)》之銘言: : I老大注重家庭 : 今天(感恩節)早上沒有參加練球 : 因此 Pistons 教練 Michael Curry 表示 : 明天 vs MIL 的比賽, Iverson will suspended + fined 原文貼一下好了 Iverson will be fined and will not start Friday night against the Bucks as a result of missing Thursday's practice, the Detroit News reports. Coach Michael Curry will decide during the game whether Iverson plays. Recommendation: Iverson, whose classic rant about practice is about to be dusted off by the media, was the only player who wasn't there when the Pistons worked out on Thanksgiving. Rodney Stuckey will start in Iverson’s place against the Bucks. (roto跟yahoo都沒有提到家庭阿...) STATS用了work out那就是重量訓練 不過上禮拜天AI爆胎 他也是說他只是賽前重量訓練做太多 看來他只是喜歡在禮拜天重訓而已 科科 所以Iverson明天不一定會上場 Stuckey會先發 不怕FG%被拉低的趕快撿來用! -- ██◤ ◢███◣ ◢█ ◢█ █ ◢█◣◥◤███ ◥◤◢█◤By ██ ███ █ ██ ◢█◤ █ ◢████◣ ████ █ ██ ███ █ ██ █◤ ██ █◤ ◥█ █ ██◤ ██ ◥█◤ █◤ ◢█◤ Oneal ██ █◣◢█◤◢█ ◢█ █ ██ ◢█◤◢◣ ◥█◣ ██◣ ◥◣◥██ █◤◢◤ █◣ ██◢ ██◣◢█◢ ◥██◤◢ ◢█ ◥█ ◥██ ◢█ ██ ████◤◥█◤ ◥██◤◥◤ ◥██◤ ◥███◤◢◣ ◥██◤ ◢██ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
nofun:只是說不給先發,又沒說不上場...start-->先發 11/28 10:30
e04ckymadam:Iverson從進NBA以來有打過幾次替補? 11/28 11:39
carrerachen:樓上那篇是記者嗎...很會加油添醋 11/28 12:25