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Brand Might Return This Week For 76ers For the first time since Dec. 17, when he dislocated his right shoulder in a game against the Milwaukee Bucks, Brand engaged in contact drills. He was limited to the half court. Brand said he would participate in both half- and full-court scrimmaging during today's practice. "I was encouraged," said Sixers coach Tony DiLeo. "I didn't see him shy away at all." DiLeo said the decision about Brand's return to the lineup would be made by the doctors, the Sixers' medical staff, and Brand himself. Added DiLeo: "If there's no setback with the shoulder, it'll be when he feels comfortable. If our medical staff gives the OK and Elton feels good, he can play." Brand said returning for tomorrow's home game against the Portland Trail Blazers "might be out." But, if today's full practice finishes without incident, and the shoulder feels strong, he should return to the lineup should very soon. "You still think about it at first, boxing out Reggie. . . . I have to test the arm out a little bit," Brand said. He admitted the shoulder was "not 100 percent," but said it was doing pretty well. 搞不好本週末或下週就會回來了 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
CBJackal:受個傷 回來之後 加油 好嗎 = =+ 01/13 18:29
a0212680937:真的希望可以加油,我好多聯盟都有他...... 01/13 19:38
wdv:我也一直在等他....@@ 01/13 20:46
PennyHughes:拜託不要 小AI正威 01/13 20:54
GaryJR:拜託不要,小AI正威 01/13 21:00
sooon219:晚點回來 小AI正夯 01/13 21:11
cchch:快回來阿 寶貝 ~ 你是我的第一輪 甲喜亞我都沒丟了.... 01/13 21:31
ksaon:最近好不容易大懶伯有一點點起色 他回來又完了 囧 01/13 21:42
overstarpjm:回來吧 I need you!!! 01/13 21:42
bonzer:拜託不要 小AI正威 大懶伯我剛好也有 01/14 00:39
penny2k1:來自東方的神秘力量....不要回來+1 01/14 00:48
burdette:我陣中同時有Brand和小AI 算是有得有失 不過還是希望 01/14 01:25
burdette:Brand能早日歸隊 還有大Z 安東尼也是 01/14 01:26
shumman:我三隊各自有一個 我也希望他們快回來! 大懶伯我可以丟他~ 01/14 01:46