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※ 引述《ksaon (小包)》之銘言: : Bucks' shooting guard Michael Redd is out for the rest of the NBA season with : tears in the ACL and MCL of his left knee. : Redd suffered the injury in the third quarter of Saturday night's game againt : the Kings and the tears were revealed in Sunday's MRI. Charlie Bell is the : early favorite to win the starting job, but Ramon Sessions and Tyronn Lue : will also get some extra minutes with the loss of Redd. In addition, Charlie : Villanueva's stock should remain fairly high for the rest of the year. : Sessions可能會旋風再起 但是Bell也有希望 : 我個人是推測 可能是Bell頂上先發 Sessions第六人出發 : 補上新聞連結 : http://0rz.tw/Qu4ze 結果今天Sessions先發了,這對他來說真是個天賜的好機會, 個人認為可以觀察他是否可以吃下Redd的時間? 如果是這樣的話,說不定真的又會成為第二個卡跌龍. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
BlueSunLight:以他的失誤來看應該很難 科科 01/27 09:41
kimigogo:第三節還未打完已經四個失誤... 01/27 10:37
KGRM:而且他沒有卡跌龍的外線火力..不過他還是有潛力低 01/27 10:41
iug617:談他的潛力不如談他教練怎麼用他比較實際 01/27 11:01
broken543:第二個Stuckey比較有可能.. 01/27 12:27
kimigogo:推樓上的見解... 01/27 14:38
Amilous:數據比較像Tinsley Tinsley也是有威過的XD 01/27 14:43
popstarkirby:才剛丟掉Session...orz 01/27 15:39
lcf0051:丟他的隔天Reed就受傷...XD 01/27 19:17