看板 NCCU10_BANK 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ [本文轉錄自 NTU 看板 #1J1qt0NN ] 作者: rexshen33233 (沈雷克斯:^)) 看板: NTU 標題: [網宣] J.P.Morgan 2/25 校園徵才說明會 時間: Fri Feb 21 20:59:41 2014 各位同學你好, 如果你對財務金融領域有一些些興趣,那你肯定聽過J.P. Morgan。 如果你對財務金融領域有多一點興趣,那你應該試試每年暑假的實習機會。 如果你對財務金融領域有非常多興趣,那你千萬別錯過這次台政大的校園招募! 什麼是J.P. Morgan CADP? J.P. Morgan CADP是Corporate Analyst Development Program。是針對今年應屆畢業的 碩/學士提供一個為期兩年的計畫,讓你有機會在JPM裡體驗數個不同專業的工作,培養更 廣泛的Hands-on experience。 而尚在就學的同學也可申請 CADP interns計畫爭取暑期 實習機會。 今年JPM CADP將史無前例在台灣招募頂尖優秀學子,有興趣的你千萬別錯過 2月25日中午12:30在台大集思會議中心柏拉圖廳的徵才說明會。 (以下附上其他英文官方資訊) Careers Event for Corporate Analyst Development Program Our Corporate Analyst Development Program is designed to develop well-rounded future leaders for a variety of business-aligned roles within our infrastructure business. The program will give you exposures to a range of core disciplines, including Compliance, Finance, Human Resources, Operations, Research, Sales and Technology. We’re hosting a careers event on campus, where there will be a panel discussion for you to discover how this program could help develop core skills, and prepare you for a variety of leadership roles in the firm. You can also meet our people at the networking session to find out what other programs are available for you at J.P. Morgan. When: February 25, 2014 (Tuesday) 12:30 – 2:00pm (Registration begins at 12:10pm) Where: B1, No. 85, Sec.4, Roosevelt Rd. Taipei (GIS NTU 集思台大會議中心 – Plato / Archimedes) RSVP: Space is limited and admittance is on a first-come, first served basis. Remarks: This event for penultimate and final year students. For hints and tips about networking, visit the 'Advice Center' of our careers website. We look forward to meeting you. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: rexshen33233:轉錄至看板 NTUfin03 02/21 21:00 rexshen33233:轉錄至看板 NCCU 02/21 21:01 rexshen33233:轉錄至看板 NTUfinGrad03 02/21 21:07 ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 轉錄者: jerry820222 (, 時間: 02/22/2014 00:48:58