看板 NCCU10_ITMBA 關於我們 聯絡資訊
2012 Unilever Trainee 儲備精英徵才活動 GREAT THINGS COME TO THOSE WHO WANT Our brands are among the most successful in the fast moving consumer goods industry because the people behind them weren’t afraid to stay hungry for success. We’re sure you feel the same. The end of university could be the start of something big. Unilever can offer you more than professional development - it can offer you personal development. Whatever you’ve studied, this is your chance to become a leader. You’ll do world-changing work. You’ll have talented colleagues around you. Sound exciting? Visit our website to explore what a career at Unilever could mean to you. 徵才部門&建議科系: 行銷部:商學相關系所 財務部:商學、財務相關系所 客戶發展部:不限系所 供應鏈部:工業工程管理及商學相關系所 飲食策劃部:商學、餐飲相關系所 履歷投遞期間:2012/03/09~2012/04/09 應徵方式:歡迎將制式履歷寄至[email protected] 制式履歷請至聯合利華台灣官方網站 ( www.unilever.com.tw ) 下載 歡迎加入facebook粉絲團「聯合利華儲備精英計劃 2012 Unilever Leader Program」,以獲得更多相關訊息。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: