看板 NCCUbike 關於我們 聯絡資訊
嗨大家,前幾天太陽公公都有出來露臉, Hello everybody, these days it is sunny, 不知道大家有沒有趁著好天氣出去走走呢? and it's good time to have a walk outside. 言歸正傳,單車社期中後第一次社課來囉! And, our first class after mid-term is coming! 如同上禮拜所說,由輪亞單車老闆為我們上課, As the letter send to you lastweek, a bike shop boss will be our teacher. 內容包括單車騎乘小技巧、上路注意事項、 He will speech about what to notice when we are bicycling, 以及各種騎車小狀況的簡單處理方法, and what should we do when something is unfortunately wrong. 明天晚上老闆都將傾囊相授喔! The class is coming at tomorrow night! ===================================== 社課Class [單車上路][Bicycling on roads] 時間Time 11/30(WED)19:00 地點Place 140106教室集合,一同前往輪亞單車 Assemble at classroom 140106, go to the bike shop together. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: tod206019 來自: (12/06 21:35)
peggyotina :社長好威>////< 12/07 00:07