看板 NCHU_MIS99 關於我們 聯絡資訊
P. 107 Q3: Discuss the responsibilities of an advertising or marketing communications manager in a comany that uses a centralized organizational system versus a company using a decentralized system. [論述廣告/行銷企劃經理在一家集權或分權組織體系的公司之下的責任。] Q10: Discuss the reasons why advertising agencies lose accounts. [論述為什麼廣告代理商失去顧客的理由] Find an example of a company that changed advertising agencies and identify the factors that led them to switch to another agency. [找一個案例:公司改變了廣告代理商,並且定義導致轉換的因素。] P. 140 Q2: Recently, there has been a great deal of attention paid to environmental issues resulting in a number of companies embarking on "green" campaigns. [最近,環保議題被大量的重視,造成部分公司著手進行”綠色”活動] Discuss some of the reasons as to why companies are developing such campaigns. [論述為什麼公司進行此類活動的理由] Do you think these campaigns will change consumers' attitudes toward the environment and/or these companies. [你認為這些公司會改變顧客對於”環境”亦或公司的看法嗎?] Q4: Explain the differences between functional and psychosocial consequences. [解釋兩者之間的不同] Give examples of advertising that focus on both types. [舉些廣告的例子著重在兩個種類] 翻譯是我自己筆記用,請自行翻譯!!! ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
JOGIBA:幫推 03/24 21:41
※ 編輯: wangjz 來自: (03/25 16:22)
jing7782:有翻有推~ 03/26 14:16