看板 NFL 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Titan 的教練大概真的是不想幹了.. 而 Titan 的球員大概聽了會很幹吧.. http://tinyurl.com/yhcwmfl Fisher appeared during the event at Lipscomb University along with former Colts coach Tony Dungy and country music star Martina McBride, among others. As Fisher introduced Dungy, he removed his jacket and dress shirt to reveal a blue Peyton Manning jersey underneath. Fisher stepped back up to the microphone and said, "I just wanted to feel like a winner," Video http://espn.go.com/video/clip?id=4582060 看影片好像還好. 不過還是個不好笑的玩笑.. 道歉也完全不像道歉 態度很硬.. 不過球隊老闆和球員聽到大概不會高興到哪裡去.. 特別是 0-6 然後剛被打個 0-59 創紀錄的比數之後. ※ 引述《Anger (To gain the silver back)》之銘言: : 上半場結束 新英格蘭愛國者隊已經45-0 領先了 : 有點一面倒的比賽.. : 上半場所創的紀錄 : 1.得45分 : 2.QB 5TD : 3.QB 345 passing yards : 應該還有請強者補充 -- One out of four people in sciences are mentally unbalanced. Think of three labmates. If they seem okay, then you are the ONE. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
vip82:XDDD 這什麼教練 在怎麼樣也不能穿同區對手的球衣阿 10/22 10:44
※ 編輯: oplz 來自: (10/22 11:13)
JamesSoong:長他人志氣 滅自己威風(雖然titans也沒什麼威風了) 10/22 17:53
JamesSoong:但起碼的尊嚴還是要顧一下 10/22 17:53