看板 NFL 關於我們 聯絡資訊
: 推 Phater:Matt Light也出來補刀了, "I never believe in Hernandez" 06/27 23:09 : 推 driftcreator:Hernandez當年不就是因爲場外問題才掉到四輪嗎 06/28 00:00 補一下當初 Hernandez 的選秀報告 http://tinyurl.com/m3ydqm9 當初他進 Gator 大學時, 才 17 歲又兩個月. 之後遇到老爸開刀死了. 打了兩年 NFL..現在也才 23 歲. An NFL scout revealed his team’s pre-draft file on Hernandez on Thursday, and one section stood out: “Self-esteem is quite low; not well-adjusted emotionally, not happy, moods unpredictable, not stable, doesn’t take much to set him off, but not an especially jumpy guy,” the scout said. 再加上他在大學藥檢沒過 抽大麻... 讓 Hernandez 一路落到第四輪時才被 Patriots 撿了起來 現在看來好像愛國者好像賭輸了.... It didn’t take long for Hernandez’s quick temper to be revealed at Gillette Stadium. According to an NFL source, within days of being drafted, Hernandez was at the team facility trying to watch film. When he couldn’t figure out how to use the equipment, he asked how it worked, but got no answer. When Wes Welker walked by the room, Hernandez asked for his help, but Welker said, “Rookie, you figure it out.” Hernandez responded with expletives. Hernandez spends little, if any, time with his Patriots teammates off the field, opting to spend his time with those same friends who used to visit him in Gainesville and have known him for years. Welker 現在回想起來, 應該覺得 thankful, Hernandez 只是用嘴巴幹他..而不是動手幹掉他.. -- Sometimes I Go Commando -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: oplz 來自: (06/28 00:13) ※ 編輯: oplz 來自: (06/28 00:18)
tanaka0826:responded with expletives...wow 06/28 00:17
JamesSoong:選秀報告都會特別撥一段描述球員的emotion嗎? 06/28 05:48
Osama:Fuck you Wes, I will fuck you up! 06/28 07:42
Marte:也沒賭輸吧, 至少打了兩年不錯的比賽 (反正也只是第四輪) 06/28 09:52
oplz:剛看到一個問題: Who was the best shooter this month? 06/28 13:21
oplz:(a) Ray Allen, (b) Danny Green, (c) LeBron James, 06/28 13:21
oplz:(d) Aaron Hernandez 06/28 13:22
tanaka0826:XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 06/28 16:45
chadtracy:果不其然,Ray Lewis被抓出來比較了 06/28 18:05
JamesSoong:best shooter XD 06/28 18:39
sibala:其實這兩天一個 低級笑話還滿紅的 這版上還沒看到 06/30 00:45
sibala:In jail, don't tell your roommate you are a tight end 06/30 00:47
sibala:進化版是 Hernandez went into jail a tight end, 06/30 00:48
sibala:and came out a wide receiver..... 超機的 06/30 00:49
shane:XD超有梗 06/30 01:14
freesoul:XDDD 這超好笑!! 06/30 06:06
misano:有笑有推 XDDD 06/30 13:50
cic23:XDD 06/30 18:57
tanaka0826:UPDATE: Aaron Hernandez being investigated for 06/30 21:30
tanaka0826:possible involvement in disappearance of Manti 06/30 21:30
tanaka0826:Teo's girlfriend. XDDD 06/30 21:31
imanikki:靠么XD 06/30 22:20
forgetta:媽呀 Tom Brady跟這種人當隊友這麼久 好可怕 06/30 22:47
mrkey:ibala 的那個梗是什麼??? 06/30 23:44
oplz:就屁股本來很緊後來就鬆了啊... 07/01 00:41
mrkey:okay...字面翻譯XD 07/01 12:04