看板 NOCHIGH 關於我們 聯絡資訊
All natural and technological processes proceed in such a way that the availability of the remaining energy decreases. In all energy exchanges, if no energy enters or leaves an isolated system, the entropy of that system increases. Energy continuously flows from being concentrated, to becoming dispersed, spread out, wasted and useless. New energy cannot be created and high grade energy is being destroyed. An economy based on endless growth is... Un-sus-tain-able! Un-sus... Unsustain, unsustain-able Unsustainable, unsustainable Unsustainable, unsustainable Unsustain, unsustain-able You're un-sus-tain-able! Unsustainable, unsustainable, unsustainable Ooh ooh Ooh Uuuh Uuuh Ouhh The fundamental laws of thermodynamics will place fixed limits on technological innovation and human advancement. In an isolated system the entropy can only increase. A species set on endless growth is... Un-sus-tain-able! Unsustain, unsustain-able Unsustainable, unsustainable Un-sus... Unsustainable, unsustainable You're un-sus-tain-able! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
michale5566:112學長快告訴我台大機械如何~ 10/03 12:04
w0320:好 10/03 12:08
michale5566:最近要開始推徵了~KER KER 10/03 12:10
w0320:麥摳排名幾趴呀 10/03 12:11
michale5566:13 10/03 12:14
w0320:板上IP又要多一位112了 10/03 12:16
s15512207:推甄季要開跑了~~ 10/03 12:25
w0320:推甄問題 問樓上跟wade就對了 10/03 12:29
michale5566:只是想先問台大機械如何而已~XD(上了也不一定會去) 10/03 15:17
exine:你想推哪組,有沒有想跟的老師或是領域 我可以打聽一下 10/03 20:36
michale5566:台大分"熱"跟"流",我想走能源類(再生能源之類的) 10/04 00:18
馬小康、楊鏡堂,這兩位老師都不錯 最近東元科技創意競賽的冠亞軍就是這兩位老師所帶的實驗室拿的 BTW,楊老師是我大學同學老爸,從清大被挖過來的 有做仿生,算是這個領域的大咖 之前我們老師辦一個仿生的演討會就有邀請他,很有趣的研究主題 ※ 編輯: exine 來自: (10/04 22:36) ※ 編輯: exine 來自: (10/04 22:56)
jillmackey:有沒有男友介紹……(純粹來亂) 10/05 21:17
apple80609:我....私立112 30% 悲慘 10/05 22:13
apple80609:私立118才對 笨了 10/05 22:15
exine:看你要哪種類型... 10/06 11:07