看板 NTU-Exam 關於我們 聯絡資訊
課程名稱︰個體經濟學二 課程性質︰系定必修 課程教師︰鄭秀玲 開課學院:社會科學院 開課系所︰經濟系 考試日期(年月日)︰97/03/27 考試時限(分鐘):兩個小時 是否需發放獎勵金:是 (如未明確表示,則不予發放) 試題 : Q1 Suppose that the production function is f(X1,X2)=C X1^2 X2^2 where a,b,and C are positive constants. (a)For what positive value of a,b,and C are there decreasing returns to scale? (b)For what positive value of a,b,and C is there decreasing marginal product for factor 1? (c)For what positive value of a,b,and C is there diminishing technical rate of substitution? Q2 A firm has the production function f(X,Y)=min{2X,x+y}. (a)Please sketch a couple of production isoquants for this firm. (b)Please measure its elasticity of input substitution. Q3 Your coffee mug company is currently producing at an output level of 200 units per month. Fixed costs are $500 per month. At the current output level,you know that marginal cost is $10 and equal to average total cost. At an output level of 150,you have determind that marginal cost would be $6 and equal to average variable cost. The market price for your coffee mug is $8. If your goal is profit maximization,should you continue at q= 200,increase q above 200,or reduce q below 200? Would you do better to shut down? Q4 Lisa's Fashion Boutique can jointly produce evening gowns and formal gowns. The joining cost curve is:C(q1,q2)= 75q1 + 125q2 - 20q1^1/2 q2^1/2,where q1 is the numbr of evening gowns adn q2 is the numbr of formal gowns Lisa produces. If Lisa produces evening gowns alone,the cost function is C(q1) = 75q1. If Lisa produces formal gowns alone,the cost function is :C(q2)= 125q2. Calculate Lisa's degree of economics of scope if she produces 25 evening gowns and 9 formal gowns. (hint:SC = C(q1,o) + C(0,q2) - C(q1,q2) / C(q1.q2)) Q5 如果某面板廠的生產函數為:Q=L^1/2 K^1/2 ,每台模組設備成本為二十萬元,技術員工 的薪資為五萬元,試問: (1) 每月預計的產量為40單位,可求算其最適員工的僱用量與設備僱用量分別為L*與K* ,其長期生產成本為Co,請求出L* K* 與 Co分別為何? (2) 如果生產部門經理不打算以產出為目標,改以在現有的成本Co的限制之下,欲生產 最多的產出Qo,則其生產要素僱用量是否會異動,Qo的值為何? 是否能生產較以往 (Q=40)還多的產量? Q6 假設某電子廠商的最適生產決策如下: Min C= PL L +PK K s.t AL^a k^b=Q 試問: (1)請說明兩要素僱用量成比例關係 (2)廠商最適要素僱用量為何? Q7 請繪圖說明完全競爭市場之下,廠商如何從短期的均衡調整至長期均衡,達到P = LMC = min LAC = min SAC = SMC. 加分題 台灣的IC設計產業之產值佔全球第二(約18%),僅次於美國,就你所知,提出IC設計 公司的生產函數可能為何?(請列出其投入和產出變數)?其生產成本為何?(請列出 其主要成本項目) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
impactwhite:我還蠻好奇原PO怎麼弄到題目的...不是都收走了嗎= =? 03/28 00:52
TINTINH:已收精華區:) 03/28 04:15
sincelost:請坐最後一個位置 然後去跟老師說你沒拿到 03/28 20:30