看板 NTU 關於我們 聯絡資訊
大家好, 這是NTUEE+與B00電機系、R04電機所計算機組畢業系友 彭俊人學長任職的日本新創公司Cinnamon Inc.合辦的演講,邀請來Cinnamon Inc.的CAIO (Chief AI Officer) 堀田 創 博士、以及 Senior AI Researcher - Dr. Khan Md. Anwarus Salam 來台演講,講者有豐富的業界新創經驗,講題從AI的技術層面到產業趨勢發展,皆有涵蓋,機會難得! 活動附贈精緻餐盒,會後現場抽出五組10張電影票,名額有限,歡迎填寫google表單報名參加。 https://goo.gl/forms/72DR1edQa8GiDkpo1 http://i.imgur.com/al46NfS.jpg
*活動資訊: - 活動時間:2019年3月28日 星期四18:00 - 19:30 - 活動地點:電機二館 R105 - 報名方式::請填寫google表單報名 https://goo.gl/forms/72DR1edQa8GiDkpo1 *活動流程: Date: 3/28 (Thu.) 18:00 ~ 19:30 18:00 ~ 18:30 : Speaker: Dr. Khan Md. Anwarus Salam - Senior AI Researcher @ Cinnamon Topic: Machine Translation using Ontology Outline: 1. Machine Translation Research Challenges -Low resource language -Handling unknown words 2. Machine translation approaches -Example-Based Machine Translation: Chunk-String-Templates -Knowledge-Based Machine Translation: Universal Networking Language 3. Using UNL Ontology, WordNet to improve Machine Translation 4. Experience with Google Translate Community to improve Machine Translation for low-resource language 18:30 ~ 19:00 : Speaker: Dr. Hajime Hotta - Chief AI Officer @ Cinnamom Topic: AI Trend: A Startup and VC point of view Outline: 1. How I found 3 AI Startups in 10 years - Naked Technology - Cinnamon Inc. - Nexus Frontier Tech - Five weapons for AI startups to beat the Giants (Google, Amazon, etc) 2. The Business trends in AI from a VC point of view - The biggest implication from Blockchain world - Eternal spring -- applied industry explosion - Personalization is not an e-commerce recommendation anymore 19:00 ~ 19:30 : Q&A (對談將全程以英文進行) *About the Speaker: http://i.imgur.com/vehqm69.jpg
Dr. Khan is the Senior AI Researcher of Cinnamon. Before joining cinnamon he worked with IBM Research Tokyo as a research scientist, where he worked with natural language processing for robots. Before that during 2014 - 2016 he worked as a country engineering consultant for Google in Bangladesh. Khan did his research in machine translation at The University of Electro-Communications in Tokyo. He received his PhD and master’s degree in Information and Communication Engineering, as well as his B.Sc. in Computer Science from BRAC University, Dhaka in 2009. 堀田 創 博士目前於Cinnamon擔任CAIO (Chief AI Officer),帶領65位深度學習研究專家,透過打造人工智慧解決方案服務銀行保險、製造、網路、醫療、製藥等行業的公司。此外,堀田博士也是一位非常活躍的投資人,投資的公司超過30家,對亞洲的新創生態圈有不小貢獻。同時也是「Zeroth.ai」(AI投資公司)的合夥人之一。 堀田博士更是一位連續創業家,他曾共同創辦的Cirius與Naked Tech分別被日本雅虎與Mixi收購,總計金額2,000萬美元。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NTU/M.1553510915.A.2D5.html