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因為是聽寫的關係 可能會有一些錯誤 不過應該是不影響作答啦 如果有些地方不合文法或是語意不通 請多見諒 --------------------------------我是分隔線------------------------------------ Whether the concern is getting in shape, releasing tension, or simply having a good time, more and more people are becoming active in sports these days. And these sports enthusiasts have quite a variety of games and activities to choose from. There are the numerous sports which involved doing something with the ball-getting it over a goal post, down the lane, into a net or over one, into a basket or a hole, or out so far out in the field that no one can catch it. Then there are the sports which involved animals-riding them, catching them or just finding them. There are also the sports involving weapons, both ancient and modern. Some sports use the body as the weapon against an opponent in the participant hopes to put flat on the floor. Still other sports simply involved moving forward, on foot or on wheels, on rinks or pads or mountain slopes, at a steady pace or slowly up or swiftly down. There are the ever popular water sports-those played in it, on it, and on its frozen surface. And nowadays for thrill seekers, there are the so called “daredevil sports.” A high risk activity with primary attraction is the excitement of facing death. Which of these sports a person enjoys participating in, or maybe good at, depends in part on his physical build. Different body proportions and muscle development give one person the potential to be a good swimmer, and another a good runner. Besides a person’s body type, the sports learned and enjoyed as a child help determined the choice of activities and adult will later take part in. Children who live in neighborhood with large yards or empty lots may have regular ball games with there playmates. Children whose families place an importance on athletic abilities are encouraged to join school clubs and try out for school teams. Of course some schools have better recreation facilities than others, and depending on facilities and the teacher, physical education class may be a rewarding or disappointing experience for a child. Not only individuals, schools but states and nations may differ in the amount of emphasis they place on athletic development. Some governments provide funding for athletic programs, often with an eye on the Olympic Games, promising young athletes often have opportunities to progress rapidly in regular training programs. In some cases, athletes are encouraged not only to perform well and perhaps set a new world’s record or to win at any costs. A modern problem in the spots world is athletes use some drugs to enhance their performance and increase their chances of winning. Laws have been created to ban the use of such drugs. In professional sports, drug abuse is only one area of concerned today. Another is the enormous salaries commanded by famous athletes, and the huge amounts of price money offered in athletic competitions. Related to the latter is the problem of the unsportsmanlike behavior of some well known sports pros who insult referees and even break the rules in order to win. With whether or not athletes play by the rules, sports fans come out to watch them, and spectator sports are as popular as ever. During the football season, those who can not watch at the stadiums follow the major league games on the television, and enjoy seeing instant replays. For many fans, the most interesting part of the game is winning or loosing the bet they have placed on their favorite team. Today’s athlete, whether a tennis pro or a weekend golfer, is very concerned about having the latest equipment and sports apparel available in sporting good stores. Running in the right kind of shoes is something even beginners tried to do, because they want to reduce their chance of injury. However, even wearing all the right clothing, amateurs and professionals alike, may push themselves too hard and end up getting in injury. Amateurs in particular, may want to progress too rapidly from running one mile to running five. They may have attempt to sport that is too physically demanding, and not take time to do warm-up exercises. A businessman might remember his years on the college baseball team when he was in excellent physical condition, and not want to admit that he has not stayed in shape. Then there are the weekend athletes who work at desk jobs during the week and only have a chance to play their sport on Saturday and Sunday. Such people have a high risk of injury, but if they are injured, they need not see an ordinary doctor. They can often consult a professional who has come into being along with all the modern interest in sports. That is, a specialist in sport medicine. -- ╭┬─╮╭┬─╮╭┬─╮╭──╮╭╮ ││ ││ ││ │││ │││ ││ │├─ ││ │││ │││ ││ ││ ││ ││ ╯│╰─╮ ╰┴─╯╰┴─╯╰┴─╯╰╯ ╯╰──╯ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
sophiamag19:=口=!!!!!神人出現了!!!!!!!!!!!! 10/04 20:59
ceorl:問一下 需不需要改低調啊? 10/04 21:01