看板 NTUBST98 關於我們 聯絡資訊
作業有 ch35- ch38- 考試範圍 Chapter 34 sections 34-7, 34-8 Chapter 35 sections 35-2 to 35-4, 35-7 Chapter 36 sections 36-1 to 36-3, 36-6, 36-7 Chapter 38 sections 38-1 to 38-9 Chapter 39 sections 39-1 to 39-4, 39-8, 39-9 加油~~~ -- "How we are in bed is how we are in life. I've never met a man who was bad in bed but good at life." -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
greenpeace29:超耐司的欸XDDDDDDD 06/22 21:03
ponobbs:是這樣啊...考試範圍我竟然搞錯了T^T 06/22 21:07
WilsonSun:39章要考啥啊? 06/22 21:55
ponobbs:原來要考那麼多呀... 06/22 22:39