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我是美聿 不是我要問環島問題 是我要幫人問 有沒有人知道台灣環島要"露營"的話 該怎麼找點?(台灣似乎沒什麼露營場) 故事是 我收到兩封來自warmshower.com的信(註1) 一個來自美國芝加哥 一個來自香港的外國人4月要來台灣單車環島 兩人都問我找露營場或便宜民宿的問題 各位環過島的大家 有什麼住宿點是推薦的嗎? 還有..很不幸的我家無法收留他們(我媽不可能會答應讓不認識的單獨男生來我家住>"<) 有沒有人 或 任何車店 願意讓他們待一晚?(他們有帳篷 應該睡沙發或地上或院子都行XD) 代價是可以聽到精彩無比單車冒險故事!!! (來自芝加哥的joe曾經從北美阿拉斯加騎車到南美最南的火地島!!! 香港的Iris旅行了42個國家 招待/被招待的紀錄非常驚人) 如果都沒人可以 有沒有人知道台北有什麼便宜的住宿點?(<--最好交通方便 方便打包單車去機場) ---- 註1: warmshower.com是一個專門給單車旅行交換住宿用的網站(當初車神wagaga推薦) 我之前用過這個網站在加拿大單車旅行 (免費)住了好幾個單車客家裡 其中還有一個點是單車店 所有我遇到的人都非常有趣 回到台灣後很不幸的我家只可能收留女生.... 但是我還是很希望能do my best讓每位路過台灣的單車客能獲得最大的幫助 感謝大家 以下是他們的自介copy from warmshower.com Iris CHIM:(香港) I love cycle touring so much that I would fly twice a year and have clocked up 42 countries so far. I got to expreience a lot more when I could stay with local cyclists and we all could relate so easily on the hardship and challenge we had on the road. Very likely, we would arrive knackered, dirty, sweaty, tired, thirsty and hungry ... I love it when the host asks if I have any clothes to wash! This is so meaningful to me if I could make other touring cyclists feel at home for a few days when they are far away from home exploring the world this wonderful way. I may not be returning the favor to the same cyclists who had hosted me or I had hosted before, but you would never know, it's only a small world, even on 2 wheels! Joe Gromala:(美國) I have toured on every continent except the snowy one and speak un poco espanol. Been across the US on the TransAm and biked Alaska to Ushuaia. I always enjoy meeting other tourists but not enough come through Chicagoland. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: