看板 NTUDormG1 關於我們 聯絡資訊
All the information of those who has registered, but still has problem, has been checked and countered checked more than once. It has been found out today that for some reason, the system didn't do the necessary update action. Thus, they refreshed the entire system this morning. Your internet connection should be OK already. For those who HAS REGISTERED but still has problem with internet connection, can you pleas email me with your complete information again at [email protected] Thanks!! Sorry again for the inconvenience! ※ 引述《Request ()》之銘言: : 我和室友的ip為140.112.234.73 及.74 已經11天無法上網了 : 從上星期三開始 就在(1)板上潑文兩次 再加上也有(2)在門口貼紙條 : 也有(3)寫信到女網管的信箱 在上星期一也有在(4)網路修繕申請單上填寫 : 但是都沒有任何的回應 我已經把我能想到的方法都用到了 : 我這次另請標題 請認識研一女網管的人 或是女網管有以另外一個id上站有看到 : 請幫忙作處理.... : 已經11天無法上網 也連絡不到女網管 對我們造成很大的困擾 請幫忙 : 本文將在聯絡到女網管或是網路不通的情形解決後自d : ※ 編輯: Request 來自: (10/04 15:03) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: