看板 NTUDormG3 關於我們 聯絡資訊
主題 & Subject:訪客請務必登記與配戴訪客證 說明 & Activity: 近日發生多起違規訪客的事件, 請同學務必依規定登記換證, 並請大家謹守份際, 不要做出讓台大或國青宿舍蒙羞的舉措, 若同學們有發現違規情事, 請盡快通知生治會、輔導員或是警衛, 以維護宿舍的公共安全, 保障住宿同學的權益. 會客注意事項 GUEST ENTRY 1.所有訪客(含父母及家人)均需在櫃檯辦理登記,配戴訪客證(紫色吊繩的牌子), 會客時間限於早上9:00至晚上22:00。 All guests (including parents and family) must be properly signed in through the counter, wear a visitor permit and shall be hosted by ONLY at 9:00am to 22:00pm. 2.請尊重他人權利及隱私,並嚴禁留宿外客。 No overnight guests are allowed due to the IYC liability and privacy for other boarding students. 國青生治會敬上 IYC Student committee 98.10.02 -- 國青生治會總幹事(男) 33663366 #18960 國青生治會總幹事(女) 33663366 #18912 國青輔導員Emma & Fred 33669669,分機直撥69669 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: