看板 NTUHORTI100 關於我們 聯絡資訊
我上星期三才選的,更常聽到的東西基本上都被選走了 所以不能先跟大家要去年翻譯過的作業再來選哈哈哈 (雖然我本來也沒有要找誰罩我作業) 可是!!以我下星期的情況來說,如果可以少作一份作業我就可以多活一天O_Q 救人一命,勝造七級浮屠 順手捐作業,救救玩命人 小弟在此呼籲各位同學要勇於向身旁的人生出圓手。 ----------------------- MORACEAE Artocarpus altilis breadfruit The origin of breadfruit, Artocarpus altilis (Park) Fosberg, (Moraceae) is New Guinea and possibly the Moluccas with numerous varieties spread throughout the islands of the Pacific. Since the late 1700s, it has been distributed throughout the humid tropics. The tree was the reason for Captain Bligh's voyage to Tahiti and the mutiny on HMS Bounty (Spary and White, 2004). In many regions, the seeded and seedless cultivars have different common names. Seeded breadfruit are called breadnut (English), kelur or kelor (Indo-Malay) and kamansi or pakok (Filipino), while seedless are sukun (Indo-Malay) and rimas (Filipino). Other names are arbre àpain (French), sake (Thai and Vietnamese), árbol del pan or panapen (Spanish), frutapao (Portugese) and 'ulu, uru, kuru, uto, mei, lemae or mos (Pacific islands). World production and yield Breadfruit is principally grown as a subsistence crop in most areas of the... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
ahlolha:你應該要先問大家然後再去選題目的XDD 04/18 00:34
ahlolha: ╭───────╮ 04/18 01:15
ahlolha: │十八洨人滿分圖│ 04/18 01:15
ahlolha: ╰───────╯ 04/18 01:15
ahlolha:z───┐ ● ┌──┐ ˇ 04/18 01:15
ahlolha:x100分 │ <□-┤100 │ ◎> ┌───┐ 04/18 01:15
ahlolha:|─┬─┘ ㄦ │ 分 │ /● │ 100 │ 04/18 01:15
ahlolha: ●/ └─╦╩─┴─┐│ 分 │ 04/18 01:15
ahlolha:<▼ \●┌───┐│100分 │└─┬─┘ 04/18 01:15
ahlolha: /| ▲┤100分 │└───┘ │ 04/18 01:15
ahlolha: ㄇ└───┘ ●GΕ 04/18 01:15
ahlolha:>◎● ┌───┐ㄚ 04/18 01:15
ahlolha: |\ ┌───┐│100分 ├▼ ㄍ 04/18 01:15
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ahlolha:x 100 │└─┬╦╩─┐ /● 04/18 01:15
ahlolha:x 分 │ ●/ │100 │ Υ ┌─┴─┐ 04/18 01:15
ahlolha:|───┘ <¥ │ 分 ├-█ │100分 │ 04/18 01:15
ahlolha: /\ └──┘ ●\ └───┘ 04/18 01:15
ahlolha:z──┐ ┌──┐ ┌──┐ 04/18 01:15
ahlolha:x100 ├●rn │100 │..nnn●┤100 │ 04/18 01:15
ahlolha:x 分 │ │ 分 │ │ 分 │ 04/18 01:15
ahlolha:|──┘ ┌──╬──╬──┐ └──┘ 04/18 01:15
ahlolha: ● │100 │ ● │100 │ ● 04/18 01:15
ahlolha: 凸█-┤ 分 │<╤>│ 分 ├-█凸 04/18 01:15
ahlolha: /\ └──┘ /\ └──┘ /\ 04/18 01:15
ahlolha: ┌──┐ 04/18 01:15
ahlolha:-╤-┌──┐ │100 │ ┌──┐-╤- 04/18 01:15
ahlolha: █-┤ 100│╭●╯ ☆│ 分 │ │100 ├-█ 04/18 01:15
ahlolha:/● │ 分 │ (╱ └──┘ │ 分 │ ●\ 04/18 01:15
ahlolha: └──┘ ╯ └──┘ 04/18 01:15
yl9140509:推十八笅人 04/18 01:31
※ 編輯: dennisthc 來自: (04/18 17:59)