看板 NTUHORTI98 關於我們 聯絡資訊
試題 : Make a right choice (may be multiple choice)(10.5points) 1.Vegetable legume crops are (a)short-day (b)long-day (c)day-neutral plants in general 2.Pea sprouts (seedlings) can be harvested at (a)3-5 (b)7-10 (c)15-17 days after sowing 3.The number of seeds in a lima bean pod is (a)2-4 (b)5-7 (c)8-10 4.The pod lenth (cm) of an asparagus bean is (a)30-40 (b)50-60 (c)12-14 5.Primary vegetable sources of nitrate are (a)lettuce (b)spinach (c)Chinese mustard (d)Chinese cabbage 6.The crop which is sensitive to light from roadside lamp in the field is (a)spinach (b)leaf lettuce (c)celery (d)Chinese mustard 7.Application of GAs to increase yield may be practiced in (a)lettuce (b)spinach (c)celery (d)Chinese kale 8.F1 cultivars are regularly used in the production of (a)cucumber (b)bitter gourd (c)loofah (d)melon 9.Among cucurbit crops which can be economically grown in a greenhouse are (a)watermelon (b)muskmelon (c)cucumber (d)loofah 10.Vegetable which can be stored well are (a)radish (b)cabbage (c)carrot (d)head lettuce ; Both radish and carrot start root expansion at (a)early seedling stage (b)middle seedling stage (c)large plant stage Fill in blanks with the proper answer(10 points) 1.Harvest season for peas is from______to______& for Phaselous beans______ x2.The crop belongs to Family Graminea(Poaceae):(a)asparagus (b)water bamboo (c)bamboo shoot (d)taro; among them______is produced in paddy; ______is primarily propagated asexually; the edible part of water bamboo is ______ 3.Among the following 5 Solanum fruit crops, ______ can best stand lower temperature while ______ least withstands high temperature. (a)tomato (b)bell pepper (c)chili pepper (d)eggplant (e)pepino 4.Carrot and table beet are from family of ______ and ______,respectively Give brief and right answer to the following questions(62points) 1.How does the production of pole type bean differ from production of bush type bean? 2.What characteristics can differentiate spinach varieties? leaf type:皺葉 半皺葉 平滑葉 seed type:OP(永靖角粒) F1(平滑) What season (month) do we have spinach? 10~11月 3.What are the uses and nutritive value of cole crops? what are the differences between a cauliflower and a broccoli in the market plant part? 1-uses-in soup salad cooked nutritive-vit C 4.What characteristics are usedd to differentiate cabbage cultivars? market use ;leaf shape ;maturity ;color 5.Chinense cabbage, like other cole crops are usually grown in cool season, what conditions may cause them to bolt? long day & warm temp 6.What are the (a)use of cucurbit crops? (b)the difference in climate , water and care requirement between vegetable use cucurbits and dessert use cucurbits? 7.How can we have a watermelon earlier in production? What are watermelon harvest indicators? 8.What factors cause a cucumber tasting bitter? 9.What advantages can be obtained in a to,atp crop from staking and pruning? 10.How to eliminate the various physiological disorders in a (large-fruited) tomato crop? Sunscald, cracking, blossom-end-rot 11.How do we determine when to harvest (a)tomato (b)bell pepper? What is a high-quality eggplant fruit? 12.What is the planting material used for potato production? What are the differences in quality requirement of potatos for fresh use and for chipping? 13.What are some of the general types of lettuce? crisphead; leaf lettuce; stem lettuce; latin lettuce; semiheading; loose leaf romaine 14.What effects do temperature and light have on celery and lettuce seed germination? celery-發芽最適溫度15-20 溫度越高發芽數越低 33度0發芽率 lettuce-高溫抑制發芽 15.What factors contribute to pithy, cracked, and/or harsh-tasting radish roots? What effect does temperature have on carrot storage root? What is baby cut of carrots? Explain the following term(17.5points) 1.shelled peas vs. edible podded peas 2.pulse crop vs. string bean 3.tip burn vs. black heart of salad crops 頂燒 黑心病 4.slicing cultivar vs. pickling cultivar 5.gynoecious vs. monoecious cucurbit 6.flavor index vs. organoleptic quality of a tomato 7.whiptail vs. riciness of cauliflower 鞭尾病 鉬缺乏會植物幼葉上生出黃斑,向內側捲曲,漸漸地黃斑變褐色,另一症狀為葉身沿中 肋變小型呈鞭狀葉 (whiptail) 。老葉則會出現葉脈間的萎黃與壞死。 riciness就是指高溫會造成花椰菜頂端那團白白的東西長出花芽的現象... 會使得花椰菜表面看起來一粒一粒的 -- 那時候念只有幾題有找答案 加減看吧~ 考試加油 -- 當你真心渴望某樣東西時, 整個宇宙都會聯合起來幫助你完成 ...from 牧羊少年的奇幻之旅 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
Dontsailaway:我還是重修好了 01/14 01:22
dwh1121:喔耶 連題目都看不懂耶XDD 01/14 01:29