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Sustainable Food可譯為永續飲食,也有人認為華人社會所講的「綠色飲食」實際上接近 永續飲食的概念,但英文中並無「green food」一字,故予以代之。 永續飲食並沒有一個定調或是法律上的定義,以下為一些網站上所定義的永續飲食內涵。 翻譯/方幼人 What is sustainable food? http://www.sustainweb.org/sustainablefood/what_is_sustainable_food/ from: Sustainweb There is no legal definition of ‘sustainable food,’ although some aspects, such as the terms ‘organic’ or ‘Fairtrade’, are clearly defined. Our working definition is that sustainable food should be produced, processed and traded in ways that: ‧ Contribute to thriving local economies and sustainable livelihoods – both   in the UK and, in the case of imported products, in producer countries; ‧ Protect the diversity of both plants and animals (and the welfare of   farmed and wild species), and avoid damaging natural resources and   contributing to climate change; ‧ Provide social benefits, such as good quality food, safe and healthy   products, and educational opportunities. 即使有些層面像是「有機」或「公平交易」等已被清楚定義,「永續飲食」並沒有在法律 上的定義。我們的定義工作認為,永續飲食應該透過下列方式被生產、加工和交易: ‧ 對地方經濟和永續生計的興盛有所貢獻─在英國和由其他國家生產並進口的案例都是   如此; ‧ 保護地球和動物的多樣性(還有農田與野生物種的福祉),且避免自然資源的破壞並   對氣候變遷有所貢獻; ‧ 提供社會福利,像是優良有品質的食物、安全和健康的產品和教育機會。 7 principles of sustainable food http://www.sustainweb.org/sustainablefood/ In our opinion, people and businesses adopting a sustainable approach to food should: 在我們的主張中,個人和企業接受永續飲食方式應該是: 1) Use local, seasonally available ingredients as standard, to minimise   energy used in food production, transport and storage. 使用當地、當令可得的食材為基準,最小化在食物生產、運送和保存的能源使用。 2) Specify food from farming systems that minimise harm to the environment, such as certified organic produce. 在耕種系統中詳細說明食物,最小化對環境的傷害,像是有機生產的認證。 3) Limit foods of animal origin (meat, dairy products and eggs) served, as livestock farming is one of the most significant contributors to climate change, and promote meals rich in fruit, vegetables, pulses, wholegrains and nuts. Ensure that meat, dairy products and eggs are produced to high environmental and animal welfare standards. 限制動物性食物的來源(肉類、乳製品和蛋)的供應,例如畜牧業是對氣候變遷影響最 甚的產業之一,並推廣富有水果、蔬菜、豆類;全穀類和堅果的膳食。確保肉類、乳製 品和蛋是在高環境和動物福祉的標準下生產的。 4) Exclude fish species identified as most 'at risk' by the Marine Conservation Society, and choose fish only from sustainable sources - such as those accredited by the Marine Stewardship Council. 排除掉在海洋環境保護協會中認定為「瀕臨絕種」的魚類,並選擇來自永續資源的漁產 ─像是那些海洋環境保護協會中所公認的。 5) Choose Fairtrade-certified products for foods and drinks imported from poorer countries, to ensure a fair deal for disadvantaged producers. 從落後國家進口的飲食中選擇公認為公平交易的產品,以確保公平地對待弱勢生產者。 6) Avoid bottled water and instead serve plain or filtered tap water in reusable jugs or bottles, to minimise transport and packaging waste. 避免瓶裝水,改用可重複使用的水瓶提供單純或過濾後的自來水,以最小化運輸和包裝 浪費。 7) Promote health and well-being by cooking with generous portions of vegetables, fruit and starchy staples like wholegrains, cutting down on salt, fats and oils, and cutting out artificial additives. 藉由烹調豐盛的蔬菜、水果和澱粉類主食,像是全穀類、少鹽少油和排除人工添加物, 以提升健康和福利。 The mission of the Sustainable Food Lab is to accelerate the shift of sustainable food from niche to mainstream. http://www.sustainablefoodlab.org/ from: Sustainable Food Laboratory We define a sustainable food and agriculture system as one in which the fertility of our soil is maintained and improved; the availability and quality of water are protected and enhanced; our biodiversity is protected; farmers, farm workers, and all other actors in value chains have livable incomes; the food we eat is affordable and promotes our health; sustainable businesses can thrive; and the flow of energy and the discharge of waste, including greenhouse gas emissions, are within the capacity of the earth to absorb forever. 我們定義永續飲食和農業系統是能夠維持和增進土壤的地力;水的可得性和品質是受保護 和增強的;生物多樣性是受保護的;農夫、農場工作者和所有其他在價值鏈上的行動者都 能有適當的收入;我們所食用的食物是可負擔的,且能提升我們的健康;永續事業可以成 長茁壯;能量的流動和廢棄物的排放,包括溫室效應氣體的排放,永遠都是在地球可吸收 的能力範圍之內。 (欲轉載請來信,謝謝) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: