看板 NY-Yankees 關於我們 聯絡資訊
1.Chamberlain在二A的進場曲為"Indian Outlaw",他可能會希望用同樣一首歌 當作他在洋基球場出場時的出場曲 2.Posada昨天原來是在打線中,但當首席防護員告訴托瑞,Posada在行動上可能有些 "限制"而被拉出先發陣容,Posada打算說服托瑞讓他先發,但是托瑞認為這是比較 安全的事,不過Posada有參加打擊練習..他說大概是在多倫多的飯店枕頭導致他的 脖子落枕 3.昨天被驅逐出場的投手教練說他另外一次驅逐出場是在球員時代,為了安撫 Don Mattingly,Don對主審的好球帶感到沮喪,他正在開導他,不過主審聽到聲音, 要Don安靜,Ron說是他在說話,然後他就被趕出去了, 那個趕他出場的主壘就是 昨天的那位 Tim McClelland (兩次被趕出場都是被 同一位裁判趕) 4. Wilson Betemit正在練二壘,大概會在對金鶯左投Erik Bedard時上場, Cano 目前連續先發29場... 5.今天賽前將會送A-Rod禮物,恭喜他完成500轟,Jim Brower今天大概會回隊上, 之前因為第一個小孩誕生而離隊 6. Colter Bean將回三A報到,之前被DFA 7. 對老虎的可能投手輪值:Mike Mussina, Andy Pettitte, Roger Clemens, Chien-Ming Wang 以上僅是大略翻一下,若有錯請指正... No offense taken by Chamberlain Monday, August 13, 2007 BY ED PRICE Star-Ledger Staff CLEVELAND -- When Joba Chamberlain took the mound for his starts in Double A, he chose the Tim McGraw hit "Indian Outlaw" as the song played over the public-address system. And he might ask for the same tune as his entrance song at Yankee Stadium. So Chamberlain is certainly proud of his Native American heritage. But when he pitched Friday at Jacobs Field, he wasn't offended by the opposing team's nickname -- the Cleveland Indians -- or their "Chief Wahoo" logo. Or at least he wouldn't address it. "It's part of the game, and it'll always be something that's brought up in every sport and every venue," said Chamberlain, a member of the Winnebago tribe. "I just don't think about it." Cleveland's AL franchise was originally known as the Blues and Broncos before becoming the Naps in 1903 in honor of star Nap Lajoie. In 1915, the team became the Indians, a nod to 19th-century star Louis Sockalexis, a Native American. "Don't read more into it than there really is," Chamberlain said of any controversy over team nicknames such as Indians, Braves or Redskins. "It's one of them subjects that you don't necessarily avoid it, but you don't tackle it head-on." Jorge Posada was in the original lineup posted yesterday, but when trainer Gene Monahan told manager Joe Torre that Posada "has some restrictions" because of his sore neck, Posada was scratched and Jose Molina got his third straight start at catcher. "I'd just as soon do this," Torre said, "and it's probably the safest thing to do." Posada said he tried to talk his way into staying in the lineup, but "they wouldn't let me." He attributes his stiffness to pillows in the team's Toronto hotel and then a couple of foul balls off his mask. Posada took batting practice yesterday for the first time in the series and said it went "all right, not bad." Torre was asked to name his third-string catcher. "I have a feeling, that if I asked for volunteers, you may hear (Shelley) Duncan's name pop up," Torre said. "He may do it without equipment." Ron Guidry, ejected yesterday by umpire Tim McClelland, said his only other ejection came as a player in 1985. According to Guidry, he wasn't pitching and got himself tossed to protect Don Mattingly, who was upset about a called third strike. "I was walking with Donnie trying to cool Donnie down," Guidry said, " and (the umpire) came over and he told Donnie to be quiet. "I said, 'I'm the one that said that. You're (terrible).' He said, 'You're gone.'" The umpire in that story? Tim McClelland. Wilson Betemit has been taking extra practice at second base, because he might get the start there Wednesday against Baltimore lefty Erik Bedard. Betemit has made 11 career starts at second, one this year with the Los Angeles Dodgers. Robinson Cano has started 29 straight games and 79 of 80. Before tonight's game, the Yankees will present Alex Rodriguez with a gift commemorating his 500th career home run. ... Reliever Jim Brower, who went home Saturday after his wife delivered a baby, is expected to rejoin the team today.... Colter Bean, designated for assignment Aug. 2, has accepted his assignment to Triple-A Scranton/Wilkes-Barre. ... Projected matchups for next weekend's series against the Detroit Tigers: Mike Mussina vs. Justin Verlander, Andy Pettitte vs. Nate Robertson, Roger Clemens vs. Chad Durbin, Chien-Ming Wang vs. Jeremy Bonderman. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
Kinra:那個主審果然是個丁丁… 08/13 15:15
ninetales:有看有推~ 那個豬審真是個人才~ 08/13 15:15
Sijan:豬審......噗 08/13 15:16
minamumumi:Joba真的看不太出有印地安血統耶  ̄▽ ̄|| 08/13 15:17
loveyourself:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x49_GyuKUJI 08/13 15:20
loveyourself:↑indian outlaw by Tim McGraw (鄉村歌曲) 08/13 15:20
upscom:腦殘殘判不管過了幾年 還是一樣腦殘 08/13 15:34
JessicaA1ba:要是能夠看到Hughes vs Verlander就好了 08/13 15:36
siliver:厚黑還是先養好傷啊,季後賽少不了他的~~~~ 08/13 16:00
StrangeJ:push 08/13 16:03
genhuang:1985...2007 隔了這麼久 居然被同一個裁判驅逐出場orz 08/13 16:04
frommars:丁丁主審.............我box果然沒打錯 orz 08/13 16:10
bonjou:金包銀當爸了XD 08/13 16:25
soeasylai:Cano正火熱著,下去休息會不會冷掉. 08/13 16:51
應該還好吧! Cano VS. Erik Bedard 2005 4AB 2H 1SO 2006 6AB 0H 2SO 2007 4AB 1H 1SO 1BB (至今日) ※ 編輯: yyhong68 來自: (08/13 17:13)
Elton320:frommars大超強 自動就貼上丁丁了 哈哈 08/13 17:18
kosumi:對老虎四連戰正好是我們四個主戰SP 這四場有的瞧了 GOGO 08/13 17:20
xen2003:現在不是怎麼排都是主戰SP嗎? 08/13 17:29
gerkk:三老將 08/13 18:37
akainorei:那阿民的進場曲是啥?...燒肉粽? (亂入一下) 08/13 20:57
xen2003:希望聽到"再出發" 08/13 22:54