看板 NY-Yankees 關於我們 聯絡資訊
The New York Times Good News on the Health of the Yankees’ Top Pick 關於第一輪選秀Brackman的健康有好消息 By TYLER KEPNER Published: August 17, 2007 Andrew Brackman is aware of the pedigree of the young pitchers he joined by signing with the Yankees on Wednesday. The Yankees took Ian Kennedy and Joba Chamberlain before the second round in 2006, and both have progressed rapidly through the farm system. Brackman知道洋基有很多很好的年輕投手. 洋基在2006年前兩輪選到了Kennedy和Chamberlain, 他們兩人都在農場裡快速的進展. “That makes me feel so much better about realizing my dream of pitching up there one day,” Brackman said yesterday in a telephone interview. “It gives me a lot of confidence.” "這讓我知道我的夢想就在不遠處." Brackman昨天在電話訪問裡說. "這給我很多自信." Brackman, a 6-foot-10 right-hander from North Carolina State who was drafted in the first round with the 30th overall pick in June, remains confident despite his visit to Dr. James Andrews in Birmingham, Ala., on Wednesday. Brackman:6尺10吋, 右投手, 第一輪第30順位選秀, 從North Carolina State來的. 即使他星期三才去看過Dr. James Andrews, 他依舊對自己很有信心. Andrews is the surgeon many pitchers see to schedule reconstructive elbow surgery. But Brackman said he did not need the surgery — not yet, at least — and that his arm checked out better than expected. 很多選手要進行手肘重健手術, 都會去看一下Andrew. 但Brackman說他不需要手術, 至少不是現在, 他的手臂檢查結果比預期好. “Andrews said he couldn’t tell if I needed surgery, because I don’t have any pain right now,” Brackman said. “And I don’t have any pain because I haven’t thrown a ball in a while. The M.R.I. showed it wasn’t as bad as some cases are.” "Andrew說:他沒辦法判斷我是否需要手術, 因為我現在沒有任何疼痛." Brackman說. "因為我有一陣子沒丟球了, 所以我不會感到疼痛. M.R.I.顯示這不是很糟的情況." Brackman, 21, has not thrown a pitch in months, taking time as an unsigned draft pick to rest his elbow. He was at home in Cincinnati yesterday and will soon report to the Yankees’ complex in Tampa, Fla., where he will see how his arm responds to activity. Brackman在等待簽約的期間有好幾個月沒投球了. 他昨天待在辛辛那提的家裡, 很快就會到坦帕的訓練中心去報到. 他會在那裡看看他的手臂對運動有什麼反應. If Brackman needs surgery, he will likely miss 18 months. But the layoff is considered the only drawback to the procedure known as Tommy John surgery, because patients have a high rate of recovery. 如果Brackman需要手術, 他很可能會缺席18個月. Tommy John手術有很高的成功率, 唯一的缺點就是要停止投球一陣子. The top prospect the Yankees acquired from Detroit for Gary Sheffield, pitcher Humberto Sánchez, had the operation in April. 洋基用Sheffield換來的top prospect投手Humberto Sánche在四月進行手術. “It’s such a high-percentage procedure, because it’s nothing muscular or cartilage or anything — it’s bone and ligament,” Alan Horne, a top starter for Class AA Trenton who had the surgery before the Yankees drafted him, said recently. “I was talking to Dr. Andrews and he said it’s easily four out of five, and usually that fifth one just doesn’t do his rehab right.” "這是有很高成功率的手術, 因為這和肌肉,軟骨等都無關. 這是骨頭和韌帶的手術." Alan Horne最近說. "我跟醫生談過, 他說五個裡面至少有四個會成功, 而不成功的那一個通常是沒做好復健." The Yankees signed Brackman for a guaranteed $4.5 million, although General Manager Brian Cashman said the present-day value was around $3.7 million because Brackman’s $3.35 million signing bonus was spread over six years. 洋基以保證金額450萬將Brackman簽下, 儘管Cashman說只有370萬左右的現值, 因為335萬的簽約紅利會在六年分攤. “On our draft board, and I think on most people’s draft board before the season, he was No. 1 or No. 2 with David Price,” Cashman said. Price was drafted first by Tampa Bay. "在我們或大部份人的選秀名單裡, 如果他不是第一, 也只可能排在David Price之後." Cashman說. Price以第一名被魔鬼魚選走. Brackman’s deal includes club options for 2011, 2012 and 2013 that conceivably could boost the value of the agreement to $13 million, though he is more likely to earn around $11 million or $12 million if he reaches every bonus. Brackman的合約包括球隊的三次option:2011,2012,2013年, 可理解的會將協議金額提高到 1300萬. 不過如果他達到每一種特別補助標準, 他較有可能賺1100或1200萬. As usual, the Yankees and other teams exceeded the salary recommendations of the commissioner’s office, which has no power to enforce its suggestions. 一如預期, 洋基和很多球隊的薪資都超過委員會的建議薪資, 但他們只能建議. The Yankees gave $1.3 million to their fourth-round pick, the University of Texas third baseman Brad Suttle, and $1 million to their 10th-round choice, the high school shortstop Carmen Angelini. 洋基給了第四輪選秀130萬, University of Texas三壘手Brad Suttle, 第十輪選秀100萬, 高中遊擊手Carmen Angelini. “We had some decisions to make in the last 48 hours on how to evaluate talent, and that’s always the difficulty,” Cashman said, referring to the Aug. 15 deadline to sign draft picks. “You just try to do the best you possibly can.” "我們有一些決定要做, 要在48小時內評估他們的天份, 這是困難的一件事." Cashman說. 球隊必須在8月15日前跟選秀的選手簽約. "你只能盡自己最大力量去做." REST FOR RIVERA Manager Joe Torre said he planned to rest closer Mariano Rivera “for a day or two” after Rivera’s second rough outing in a row Wednesday. Rivera had pitched in three of the last four games, allowing nine hits and five runs in three and a third innings. 讓MO休息一下 Torre說:他要讓MO休息"一天或兩天", 在星期三連續兩次有很艱難的上場之後. MO在過去四場比賽中上場三次, 被打九支安打, 在3.1局裡掉了五分. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 有錯煩指正 謝謝! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
ykd:簽來就檢查要不要開刀?感覺很怪異... 08/17 15:14
secaep:簡單的說,錢不是重點阿,簽來就開刀又如何 08/17 17:51