看板 NY-Yankees 關於我們 聯絡資訊
新聞涵蓋: 1. Roger應該可以對紅襪時先發 2. LV的背部不適,所以在上場要再等等,至少要等丟過session後再評估。 3. 可愛的粉紅包包,現在由Joba傳到Ohlendorf手上(Ohlendorf是最新到的後援投手 原始應該是指最年輕的後援投手吧?!) 4. Todd Zeile(2003年洋基的成員),要在多倫多拍攝新片... September 12, 2007 Yankees Notebook Clemens Is Planning to Face the Red Sox By TYLER KEPNER TORONTO, Sept. 11 — Roger Clemens rejoined the Yankees on Tuesday, throwing in the bullpen for Manager Joe Torre and the pitching coach Ron Guidry, and he said he planned to pitch Sunday at Fenway Park. “Right now, I fully expect to,” said Clemens, who had cortisone shots in his inflamed right elbow last Wednesday. “I have full confidence that the two injections will help me. I had great relief that day. The next day, I was obviously sore, but I’m doing everything I can to push my body.” Clemens was removed after four innings on Sept. 3 because of the elbow, and a magnetic resonance imaging test later showed fraying of the connective tissue. Clemens acknowledged a ligament problem. “We’re comparing it to some guys that had some really nasty problems,” Clemens said. “I’ve definitely done something to it, and that’s why the muscle was pulling back at times. I’ll keep my fingers crossed.” Clemens’s right foot has bled because of blisters during each of his last three starts, which caused him to change spikes and socks. Clemens said he believed the foot problem caused the elbow injury, the first of his career. “I can handle the pain in my elbow,” Clemens said. “The problem that I had was once the muscle locked up, the doc told me from what he saw on the M.R.I., the muscle was pretty nasty. That’s just when I lost my control. That’s the thing that concerns me. I can’t be out there not knowing where the ball’s going to go.” Clemens said he threw at about 80 percent exertion in the bullpen and did not feel elbow pain. He will repeat the exercise Thursday, and Torre said that if he could not start Sunday, Phil Hughes would. “We just keep stressing that we don’t need a reasonable facsimile,” Torre said. “We need him.” Clemens, 45, said his arm felt “like a piece of wood” during his last start. If it does not recover soon, he said, he could handle more cortisone injections. “The amount that we put in, if I do have a reoccurring problem, I can do it a couple of more times,” Clemens said. “I hope that’s not the case, but I’m putting my body through the paces, and that’s just part of it.” ACHING BACK FOR VIZCAiNO Reliever Luis Vizcaino woke up Tuesday with back problems, Joe Torre said, delaying his return from a sore right shoulder. Vizcaino did not mention the back problem to reporters, but he said he needed a bit more time before feeling ready to pitch again. He said his sore shoulder felt better, but he added that he needed to test it by throwing a bullpen session Wednesday. “Every year I throw a lot of games, 70-some games,” Vizcaino said. “Sometimes you have a bad shoulder.” But Vizcaino, who has pitched more innings than he did for Arizona last season, said he had never experienced shoulder problems before. OHLENDORF THE EXPLORER Why was the song “Backpack, Backpack!” from Dora The Explorer” playing over the Rogers Center loudspeakers just before Tuesday’s game? Reliever Ross Ohlendorf, a September call-up, was lugging the pink Yankees backpack out to the visitors’ bullpen. Transporting the backpack, which contains gum and candy, is usually the job of the youngest reliever. But Joba Chamberlain, 21, passed off the duty to Ohlendorf, 25, who probably never envisioned such chores while playing for Princeton. Ohlendorf went 4-4 with a 4.81 earned run average in 26 games this season for Class A Tampa and Class AAA Scranton/Wilkes-Barre. Acquired from Arizona last January in the Randy Johnson trade, Ohlendorf was converted to relief this summer and threw fastballs at speeds up to 97 miles an hour. “I got away from trying to throw hard as a starter,” he said. “I was going for movement and control, and I tried to pace myself to pitch deep into games.” Ohlendorf, whose best pitch is a sinker, could become a middle reliever and spot starter whose specialty is ground balls, a role once filled capably by Ramiro Mendoza. TAKING A SWING AT FILMMAKING Todd Zeile, who played for the Yankees in 2003, was a pregame visitor on the field. Zeile is in town for the Toronto International Film Festival as the owner of Green Diamond Entertainment, a production company in which the Yankees’ Jason Giambi is a partner. Zeile’s company will begin work on a horror movie in Toronto in about six weeks, he said, and he is also developing a documentary about Dr. Jack Kevorkian. Now that he has brought in people to run the financial side of his business, Zeile said he could focus more on content, which he finds most appealing. “It’s a creative outlet for me,” Zeile said. “I like to read scripts and have input in all that we do.” -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
hodsala:粉紅包包是球隊準備的喔? 我以為是joba自已帶的 09/12 10:49
conective:真可愛的感覺 09/12 10:50
mikachen:會變洋基商品嗎? 09/12 10:51
claire048:就是洋基商品 我記得有賣阿 09/12 10:53
leddy:被張伯倫坳了 09/12 10:53
ROCAF:該不會是最菜的要背那個粉紅包包吧@@ 09/12 10:53
leddy:Ohlendorf為普林斯頓投球時,大概想不到要幹這些雜務吧! XD 09/12 10:54
leddy:Kepner有點酸酸的感覺 09/12 10:55
Minamii:喬巴背粉紅包包超可愛...讓他繼續背吧 09/12 10:59
angolmois:哈哈 原來最菜的要當挑夫 沒想到粉紅包包裡裝的都是糖XD 09/12 11:08
vnra:樓上是說那些都是Joba的零食嗎 XDDDDDDD 09/12 11:19
orangecats:可是Joba背那包包超適合的說...XDD 09/12 11:22
findme:hlendorf照片看起來跟Moose有像..繼老克軍團後有老穆軍團.. 09/12 11:29
findme:Ohlendorf 09/12 11:30
rogergon:Big-O雖然已經25歲,卻是目前洋基最菜的投手了。 09/12 11:33
mhguo:甘乃迪在投球時也像是老穆的化身... 09/12 13:13
aronchen10:複製人全面進攻? 09/12 13:43
gelee:hughs也挺像老穆 09/12 14:11
tokyoto:所以粉紅包是給菜鳥背 裡面裝全隊的煙草、花生等零食嗎? 09/12 14:38