看板 NY-Yankees 關於我們 聯絡資訊
約略翻了一下, 邊看有點小沮喪, 所以越翻越短, 有錯請指正 今晚老托是休息室的焦點, 告訴所有的隊員他有多麼地以他們為榮, 並且相信洋基未來會 更好, 只不過他自己可能不會在其中了. 當洋基輸掉了今天的比賽, 老托執掌兵符的12年 生涯可能也會隨之結束 在星期天的訪談裡, 大老闆警告若是又在第一輪就被淘汰, 他很有可能不再續聘這年薪七 百萬全大聯盟最高的薪資的總教練 大門的全壘打帶來了第一場的勝利, 也讓老托可以再填一次打序表, 但即便每年都能打進 季後賽, 拿下四次世界大界冠軍和六次美聯冠軍, 67歲的老托穿直條紋的年代可能已經結 束 老托 說"無論發生什麼事, 當我回頭看時, 這過去的12年很美好, 當我還是個孩子時不曾 進入世界大賽, 只能花錢買票看我哥哥在50年代的表現" "說真的, 能夠六次打入世界大賽和進入季後賽, 我只能說那永遠不會使人變老, 那是一 件很令人興奮的事, 這12年好像只過了10分鐘" 大老闆對媒體講的話也許很快就要成真 可能會和老托同進退的Mo說我不知道他們想怎樣, 當然他們有權做任何決定 老托的合約在月底到期 老托說他現在無事一身輕 現金人說老托的人事案也許還有一線生機 "08年還沒開始, 我不能說一定會更好, 我們還會討論, 也許比大家想像的更快, 現在一 切未定" 但和老托交情不錯的現金人也說, 老托其實已經很滿足於目前的情形了 "我知道老托這些年來一直很穩定, 我認為他做得很好, 雖然有些變數, 但他還是穩紮穩打 , 總的來說其實結果還不錯" 如果以季賽的成績來說, 老托其實做的不差, 剛開始只有老弱殘兵的陣容, 在5月29號時 以21勝29敗落後紅襪14.5場 但他們之後表現神勇搶下美聯外卡, 這樣的表現還是讓一些記者極力稱讚 波波說老托是最好的總教練, 這不是他的錯, 這樣的打線從四月維持到現在, 他也不是在 場上投球或打擊的那個人, 他已經盡力了, 而且他能帶領我們贏球 隊長12年的大聯盟生涯都和老托一起度過, 他也說老托是最好的 "每一季你問老托是不是他表現最好的一季, 而他今年的表現使這一季很有可能真的是最好 的一季, 但他還是不會說出來" 隊長這麼說 板凳教練Don Mattingly被預期是新教頭的人選之一, 另一個是2006國聯最佳教頭Joe Girardi 儘管Mattingly可能有朝一日成為總教頭, 但第一年身為板凳教練, 他還是小心地說把老 托幹掉不是他想要的 他甚至很感謝有這個機會能和老托學習 Mattingly說"我從老托身上學到很多, 看起來很困難的事他都能做得很輕鬆, 尤其是掌握 場上的一切情形" 如果洋基不想要老托, 一堆球隊想搶, 當問到這個問題時, 老托笑著說在未來三天內不會 考慮 老托說"過幾天看情形吧, 不論發生什麼事, 目前我還不想到其他地方去或做任何事" 洋基球員們小心翼翼地在不批評大老闆情形下說出自己的心聲 在今天輸球後, 他們希望有奇蹟出現以便再和老托共事 派派說"我也許有偏見, 每次的季後賽我都在, 也知道大老闆要什麼, 他付我們薪水, 我 們卻連第一輪都過不了, 在其他城市也許沒什麼大不了的, 但在紐約, 你會知道這就是人 生." ※ 引述《cancernan ()》之銘言: : NEW YORK -- Yankees manager Joe Torre was the clubhouse's focal point as the clock ticked toward midnight ET, telling his players how proud he was and reflecting on the fine future he believes the organization will have. : The only caveat is that Torre may not be around to manage it. With the Yankees' playoff elimination at the hands of the Indians following a 6-4 defeat in Game 4 of the American League Division Series, time may have run out on Torre's 12-year tenure at the: helm. : In an interview published on Sunday, principal owner George Steinbrenner warned that if the Yankees were unable to proceed past the ALDS for a third consecutive year, Torre -- baseball's highest paid manager, earning $7 million this season -- was not like: ly to be brought back in 2008. : A Game 3 victory, sparked by a key Johnny Damon home run, bought Torre the precious opportunity to at least fill out one more lineup card for the Yankees. But after reaching the postseason in every year with New York, winning four World Series titles and : six AL pennants, the 67-year-old Torre's run in pinstripes may be complete. : "I'm not going there," Torre said. "This has been a great 12 years. Whatever happens from here on out, I'll look back on these 12 years with great, great pleasure, based on the fact that I'm a kid who had never been to the World Series, other than watchin: g my brother [Frank] play in the '50s, and paying for tickets otherwise. : "To have been in six World Series and going to the postseason, I can tell you one thing -- it never gets old. It never gets old. It's exciting. The 12 years just felt like they were 10 minutes long, to be honest with you." : Steinbrenner's comments, published in The Record of Hackensack, N.J., are the only indications to date that a move may be imminent, though organizational meetings are expected to begin shortly to plot a course toward 2008. Certainly, Torre's status is a m: ajor stumbling block -- perhaps the first order of business. : "I don't know why they would do that," said Yankees closer Mariano Rivera of a potential decision to proceed without Torre. "Again, they have all the power to do that. But I don't know why they would." : Torre's contract expires at the end of this month, a calendar page that he had planned to mark by making pitching changes and trying to maneuver the Yankees to a 27th World Series title. Instead, he said, he would simply spend some time at his home in New: York's Westchester County. : "You know, enjoy the things I don't get a chance to once this grind starts," Torre said. "It's usually decompress time." : General manager Brian Cashman said that, without the face-to-face meetings among club brass, there was little light he could shed on Torre's employment status or his future with the organization. : "We have not started on '08," Cashman said. "I can't say it any plainer than that. Unfortunately, all these discussions are going to have to start rather soon -- sooner than we'd hoped. But I don't have an answer for any of it at this point." : But Cashman -- who recently reflected on his relationship with Torre and the bond they have shared, even conversing via telephone after every West Coast game -- said that Torre has fulfilled his duties as manager in honorable fashion. : "I think Joe has been very consistent, year after year," Cashman said. "I think he's done a fantastic job. He always has. I do have a hard time differentiating one year from the other because I think he has been consistent every step of the way. He gives : you everything he's got; he never gives in, never gives up. Obviously, the results are on the resume." : Home | News | Multimedia | PhotosIf a decision were to be based solely upon the 162-game regular-season slate, it would be difficult to imagine Torre not receiving a passing grade. Hampered by severe injury problems and underperforming players, Torr: e's Yankees hit their low point on May 29, a 21-29 hole that put them 14 1/2 games behind the division-leading Red Sox. : They rallied back and became the best club in the Major Leagues from that point on, eventually securing the AL Wild Card. The performance earned rave reviews from some corners. : "Joe Torre is the best manager in baseball," catcher Jorge Posada said. "It's not his fault. He put the same lineup from April until now. It's the same lineup, the same guys. He doesn't throw or hit or do anything on the field. He does everything possible: to keep us positive, and he gets us to win." : Derek Jeter's 12 Major League seasons have mirrored those of Torre, the only manager the team captain has played for throughout his career. Jeter said that guiding the Yankees through that treacherous run should cement Torre's place as "the best." : "Every season, you ask him if it's his best year, and this was by far probably his best year," Jeter said. "It's kind of difficult to say because of all the success he's had, but it goes without saying." : Should the Yankees decide not to have Torre back, bench coach Don Mattingly has been rumored as a possible candidate, as well as YES Network broadcaster Joe Girardi, the 2006 National League Manager of the Year. : Mattingly has made little secret of his aspirations to manage in the Major Leagues one day, but throughout his first season as Torre's bench coach, the former All-Star was cautious to point out that it has never been his intention to swoop in and take Tor: re's job. : Rather, Mattingly said, he has simply been appreciative of the opportunity to soak up some of Torre's dugout finesse. : "I learned everything from Joe -- the way he handles himself, the way he handles his players," Mattingly said. "Just tons of baseball. It just comes easy to him. He sees everything that happens on the field, can tell when a guy's dragging his head or not : in the right spot. I learn on a daily basis from Joe." : If the Yankees do not want Torre for 2008, perhaps another club will. Torre -- who has also piloted the Braves, Mets and Cardinals -- smiled when asked about the idea, joking that he had no desire to manage another club for at least the next three days. : "Let's see what happens in the next few days," Torre said. "Whatever comes next, you know, if I have some options, I'll look at it. I'm certainly not ready to move somewhere and not do anything, I can tell you that." : Yankees players have been careful not to criticize Steinbrenner, each indicating that the Boss writes the paychecks and should be permitted to speak his mind freely about the club. : But in the wake of Monday's loss to the Indians, inking another disappointing conclusion to a postseason series, several Yankees indicated that they would want to try their luck again with Torre behind the manager's desk. : "I'm biased," left-hander Andy Pettitte said. "I've been here and been in the playoffs every year. You understand what [Steinbrenner] expects from the players. He gives us the salaries we get, and we're not expected to go out in the first round. Maybe som: e other cities might be fine with that. In New York, you realize that's the way life is." : http://kuso.cc/joetorre : 唉!剛剛看外電的時候看見了這一篇 : 看樣子托老爺大概是走定了 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
kauw:TORRE如果當選AL年度最佳教練有沒轉機?到底帶領洋基大回升.. 10/09 21:30
※ 編輯: stupidtabo 來自: (10/09 21:32)
overhigh:派派說的很實際,這就是人生......可是 還是好難過阿 10/09 21:35
yoseii:乾脆不要支薪好了,既可以留下也不必花錢 XD 10/09 21:36
scjh123:老闆不會懷疑托爺的能力啦..是表達對這幾年洋基表現不滿.. 10/09 21:35
scjh123:換托爺只是一個行動表示而已... 10/09 21:37
scjh123:也是要刺激洋基明年絕對要拼個ws戒指吧... 10/09 21:38
arieskae:換托瑞並不會更好~~看今年陣容就蠻失望了~托瑞根本是神XD 10/09 21:40
arieskae:開季期望痛痛人沒補大物SP根本就是瘋了 10/09 21:41
RAINYBLUE:井川可惜了 應該能力不止這樣的 10/09 21:42
kauw:選手受傷 不堪用 連白襪教頭都沒辦法了 10/09 21:45
c12680000:哎 在派宣布動向前....又要挫著等了 冏rz 10/09 21:45
caseylin:謝謝翻譯 10/09 21:50
siliver:開季有補派派和井川耶,派派是真的很猛,井川就..... 10/09 21:50
siliver:開季的sp輪值其實是夠了,只是突然病號一堆,連小王都.... 10/09 21:51
arieskae:井川當初也說不會這麼早上大聯盟~~是投手都不行就沒辦法ꤠ 10/09 21:52
arieskae:我好像聽到曾公說的~~因為井川慢熱~~結果~~爆@@ 10/09 21:53
arieskae:打擊沒有大吉也有差~~感覺今年就只有A-ROD~少一大砲 10/09 21:53
fiona:派派是我最喜歡的投手,拜託..不要那麼早退休..OTZ.. 10/09 21:55
devilsky:平常罵歸罵 可是我想大家都很喜歡TORRE 10/09 21:58
c12680000:12年了....罵歸罵....還是會不捨吧 10/09 22:07
danbin:謝謝翻譯 很喜歡小派跟托爺 >"< 不要走~~~~~~ 10/09 22:08
c12680000:現在希望torre就算真的要走 也要走得好看一點.... 10/09 22:08
c12680000:大老闆還在生氣嗎? 其實希望torre能跟到新球場... 10/09 22:09
orangecats:但在紐約,這就是人生...我的天!! ~"~ 10/09 22:17
alass:把托瑞用去當板凳教練 板凳教練換成總教練 這可行嗎? 10/09 22:53
y1027330:托瑞留下 托瑞無罪 10/10 00:52