看板 NY-Yankees 關於我們 聯絡資訊
SLEEP WITH JETER, PARK FREE October 16, 2007 -- IF Bronx Bomber Derek Jeter wants to keep his sex life a secret, he should learn to tie up any post-tryst loose ends. Our spy in the lobby of the Shore Club in Miami early Sunday morning spotted "two scantily clad women screaming at the front desk because they had spent the night at Jeter's penthouse and were then charged for parking." "The girls were wearing what looked like the same clothes they wore the night before - a tight cocktail dress and a mini-skirt. They were making a huge scene because they were asked to pay for parking. "Obviously, they'd spent the night there," giggled the onlooker, who noted that one of the overnight guests was screaming into the phone, "After last night, he'd better [bleep]ing take care of it!" After a bit of insistence, "they eventually left happy. I assume he paid for their parking after all," said our snitch. Tongues in Miami are wagging over Jeter's stint in Miami, where he was spotted Friday night dining at Nobu, then partying it up with Timbaland at Skybar. "They took over the table in the back and drank Grey Goose all night," said a fellow reveler. "Five girls were dancing around him, but he didn't seem interested." Jeter was spotted acting equally detached later that night at Set, where he was "surrounded by throngs of women five rows deep. He was hanging with a guy friend, though, and didn't seem to take much interest in the hordes of ladies." Evidently, the Yankee captain likes to keep his conquests behind closed doors, because there were no Jeter sightings Saturday night. "I heard he was staying in the penthouse at the Shore Club," said one Miami source. "He checked in solo Friday, but nobody saw him Saturday night . . . and everyone down here talks when big names come to town. Maybe he was holed up in his suite all night?" Jeter is notorious for his off-field plays - he's been linked to the likes of Jessica Alba, Jessica Biel, Jordana Brewster, Mariah Carey, Scarlett Johansson, Vanessa Minnillo and Gabrielle Union. Shore Club reps had "no comment," and a Yankee rep did not return calls. http://www.nypost.com/seven/10162007/gossip/pagesix/pagesix.htm -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
ninetales:隊長: 我在家也是Double Play唷~ ^_^ 10/17 15:46
nanalin:一樓..XD 10/17 15:47
kim:XD 10/17 15:50
webberhan:DP 製造機 10/17 15:51
MrCocky:不愧是隊長!! 場上場下一樣敬業!!! 10/17 15:53
acidrain:推文都好西斯 XD 10/17 15:55
BastardRose:不太一樣 場下的守備範圍比較廣... 10/17 16:00
thinkmema:隊長: 我在家也是Double Play唷~ 10/17 16:01
tchsula:DP丁eter!! 10/17 16:05
ponzpons:隊長的DP是從場下帶到場上阿..... 10/17 16:05
※ 編輯: parabird 來自: (10/17 16:06)
danbin: 隊長: 我在家也是Double Play唷~ ^_^ 10/17 16:06
nikesister:原來隊長的季後賽還沒結束阿XD 10/17 16:17
siliver:隊長場外是打整年的,不負紐約種馬之名啊~~~~ 10/17 16:21
ninetales:剛看到這個,偷渡一下中文翻譯 http://0rz.tw/a23cb XD 10/17 16:25
orangecats:隊長球季結束可也沒閒著呢... 10/17 16:28
CN9B:隊長好可憐 一直被酸... 10/17 16:32
xsonic:樹大招風 小王有檔箭牌了(無誤) 10/17 16:34
JessicaA1ba:這篇新聞讓你覺得?新奇溫馨誇張難過實用高興無聊生氣 10/17 16:34
FatBearInn:台媒記者翻譯不抓重點,我覺得精華在"聽到其中一女大吼: 10/17 16:49
FatBearInn:經過昨晚,基特最好他X的管管這事!" 要負責?XD 10/17 16:50
FatBearInn:所以好像是隊長泡上了兩個愛凹的美眉... 10/17 16:51
phchih:→ dslite:停車費本來就該跟司機收 哪有跟車子收的道理 10/17 17:03
phchih:八卦板的推文 XD 10/17 17:05
RollingWave:now we know where he's range is! 10/17 17:29
scorp34:不用跟司機收 跟洋基收就可以了 員工福利 要開發票 10/17 18:26
orangecats:那要不要打統編?? 10/17 18:32
gerkk:隊長季後賽這麼急 .. 原來 ... 10/17 18:47
c12680000:曾被老闆史坦布納批評是派對動物......冏.... 10/17 19:25
nedekwn:dslite:停車費本來就該跟司機收 哪有跟車子收的道理 XDDDD 10/17 19:56
ROCAF:連老闆都那樣講了@@ 10/17 21:32
autoallen:Jeter跟勞勃許奈德(演哈拉種馬)是兄弟嗎? 好像喔 10/17 21:48
tokyoto:其實是3P不是DP... 10/17 23:28
hitlerx:dslite:停車費本來就該跟司機收 哪有跟車子收的道理 XDDDD 10/18 12:31
okah:場外全壘打 10/18 15:07
poverty:隊長的DP從場上延續到場下啊 好匹紐約種馬 10/19 03:45