看板 NY-Yankees 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://www.nytimes.com/2007/10/21/sports/baseball/21yankees.html?_r=1&ref=baseball&oref=slogin Cashman Stands Alone but in Control By TYLER KEPNER Published: October 21, 2007 When Joe Torre scanned the room at Legends Field on Thursday, in the meeting that would end his 12-year tenure as the Yankees’ manager, he said he felt no warmth. 老托離開傳奇球場感受不到溫暖 “I looked around and I saw business people, people who are very successful and are looking to continue that success,” Torre said Friday. “I may be a little unusual, I don’t know. But this game is very personal for me.” 他說 只看到生意人 Of the seven others in the room in Tampa, Fla., Torre named only one as an ally, a friend. It was Brian Cashman, the general manager, and by turning down the Yankees’ one-year contract offer, Torre broke his bond not only with the team, but with Cashman. 裡面只有現金人支持他 Had Torre accepted, he and Cashman would have continued to rise and fall together in the eyes of the team’s principal owner, George Steinbrenner, and his family. Each would have been signed only through 2008. Now Torre is gone, and Cashman is coordinating the search for a replacement whose contract almost certainly will run longer than his. 現金人的合約到2008 “When I first started, I took a nonguaranteed, handshake deal with George Steinbrenner in 1998, and I’ve already worked once or twice after the expiration of my contact,” Cashman said. “So I have no problem entering my final year, no issue with that whatsoever.” 他從1998年開始當洋基隊的GM In the last two months, the three general managers with the longest tenure — John Schuerholz of Atlanta, Terry Ryan of Minnesota and Walt Jocketty of St. Louis — have left their jobs. Cashman now ranks fourth in seniority, behind Kevin Towers of San Diego, Brian Sabean of San Francisco and Billy Beane of Oakland. 現金人現在是任期第四長的GM The Yankees have won three titles since Cashman replaced Bob Watson in February 1998. Cashman’s staying power has been impressive. He has not yet been fired and has not grown too tired to continue. 還沒被火 “You can’t keep doing this job forever in this day and age,” said Schuerholz, who stepped aside this month to become president of the Braves. “ Probably in the ’50s or ’60s or ’70s or ’80s you could, but you can’t now.” 前輩說 這工作現在很難幹 When Schuerholz became the Kansas City Royals’ general manager in 1981, his mentor, the longtime general manager Harry Dalton, told him, “Nobody can have this job for more than 10 years now because of the extraordinary amount of pressure.” 前輩說 這工作很難做超過10年 因為壓力特大 Dalton, Schuerholz said, was one of the smartest men he has known. But even he could not have envisioned how much tougher the job would become, with the nine-figure payrolls and increased scrutiny from an ever-expanding news media. 現在更難 因為九位數的預算 還有媒體監督 “It’s a great job, an exhilarating job and a wonderful job, most definitely, ” Schuerholz said. “But there’s a lot of empirical data that shows that the focus and the light and the heat is turned up far higher than it’s ever been. That’s not going to run off the good, smart, hard-working G.M.’s, but it does take its toll.” 前輩繼續說GM難為 Cashman faced his greatest professional crisis two years ago, at the end of his previous contract. Beyond the usual demands of the job, he was concerned about the meddling of Steinbrenner and his advisers. 現金人在兩年前面臨生涯最大危機 The Yankees were eliminated by the Angels in the first round, but Cashman took until the end of the World Series to decide whether he wanted to return. With other attractive jobs open — including one with his favorite childhood team, the Los Angeles Dodgers — Cashman accepted a three-year, $5.5 million contract from the Yankees. 2005年洋基第一輪被天使淘汰現金人合約到期 道奇歡迎他 “I said, ‘We have three years to try to deliver a championship and try to rebuild the system,’” Cashman said. “I know the system is getting rebuilt. We’ve still got to work on the championship side of things.” 現金人說要三年時間重建球隊 Steinbrenner said in an interview in May that Cashman was “on a big hook,” but his job was never in serious jeopardy. 五月 老闆放話說現金人地位危險 At 77, Steinbrenner is retreating from the team’s day-to-day operations. His sons, Hank and Hal, have been largely removed from the business for years, although they have recently taken a more active role. Randy Levine, the team president, has a background in politics and law. He is responsible for major contracts, but Cashman handles daily baseball decisions. 77歲的大老闆漸漸不管事 他的兩個兒子漸漸掌權 球隊總裁管合約 現金人管棒球事務 In short, Steinbrenner needs Cashman, perhaps more than ever. Cashman’s plan to rebuild from within appeals to the Yankees’ business side because the payroll and luxury-tax penalties the team has incurred will fall as younger players take over. 老闆需要現金人 Cashman has made costly mistakes, endorsing the signings of Carl Pavano and Kei Igawa. But Steinbrenner’s sons have continued to trust him, letting Cashman pass on a trade for Eric Gagne this summer because he insisted on keeping Ian Kennedy and Melky Cabrera. 現金人犯大錯白花錢 簽了痛痛人和宅慶 但繼續被信任 不簽剛爺保住甘迺迪和小卡布 Cashman was reluctant to publicly support Torre this fall, the way he did after the Yankees’ 2006 playoff loss. After persuading Steinbrenner not to fire Torre in 2006, Cashman once again saw the Yankees fall in the first round. He understood Steinbrenner’s frustration with Torre and thus endorsed the contract offer of only one year. 現金人像去年一樣繼續支持老托 Steinbrenner, not Cashman, will pick the next manager, a fact Cashman said he had always understood. Ultimately, Cashman said, his decisions on players will have the most impact. The Yankees must re-sign Jorge Posada and Mariano Rivera, and the Alex Rodriguez negotiations will intensify. 大老闆要欽點下屆總教練 球員則是現金人的範圍 Rodriguez continues to drop hints that he may opt out of the remaining three years of his contract, with his agent, Scott Boras, telling CNNmoney.com yesterday that the Yankees’ “state of flux is a grand issue.” With or without Rodriguez, Cashman must build a roster that can get through October, no matter who takes over for Torre. 阿肉還是暗示說可能要跳脫洋基 “We simply have to continue to find the best talent available on a daily basis, because ultimately, talent wins out,” Cashman said. “The manager definitely has a big impact. But the biggest issue is making sure we have the best players.” 現金人說要最好的球員 INSIDE PITCH Joe Torre had a chance to reach the 2007 World Series, after all. On Friday, the day after Torre turned down the Yankees’ offer to manage for another season, Fox called his agent to see if Torre would be interested in joining Joe Buck and Tim McCarver in the broadcast booth for the World Series. “Joe was flattered to be asked but respectfully declined because he has made some family commitments,” Dan Bell, Fox Sports’s vice president for communications, said in an e-mail message. “We completely understand and will go with Joe and Tim in the booth for the World Series.” 狐狸電視台邀請老托去播世界大賽 但被拒絕 因為老托答應要陪家人 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
dnndn:感謝翻 10/22 23:34
okaoka0709:現金人喔... 10/22 23:41
siliver:其實現金人也蠻危險的呢,要是明年連季後賽都沒進的話..... 10/22 23:41
phchih:暗黑兵法:明年小波.派派.MO等球員留在洋基,然後在 10/22 23:45
phchih:季初擺爛,逼大老闆把托瑞請回來...哇哈哈~~~ 10/22 23:46
oukeheo:老闆要欽點總教練....看來老唐接任的機率很高 10/23 00:01
kenro:老唐和Girardi的機會應是較大 10/23 00:21
numblife:世界大賽都進不了 還問人家要不要去播 真是白目的電視台 10/23 00:25
kevinsyc:季初擺爛我想托瑞請不回來而是Cashman去陪托瑞吧...orz 10/23 00:27
warchiefdodo:樓樓上錯囉 是進不了WS 沒法帶隊 才有空播電台阿.. 10/23 00:29
sfen:請問板凳教練的作用是什麼? 10/23 00:41
numblife:倒水跟遞口香糖嗎....?! 10/23 00:50
orangecats:還有啃瓜子...(誤) 10/23 00:56
numblife:橘貓還沒睡阿...... 10/23 00:57
orangecats:XDDDD 10/23 01:00
kenro:還要幫忙點點頭 10/23 01:11
overhigh:跟板凳球員一樣是替補嗎(大誤) 10/23 01:25
gerkk:總教練被趕出場的時候要接任 10/23 01:40
kinkiway:現金人差不多了~~ 10/23 01:43
freegreg:囧 10/23 03:44
ufo1111:要最好 10/23 07:18
warchiefdodo:痛痛是他簽的嗎? 10/23 07:28
Paparra:幫忙打暗號吧 10/23 09:14
nikesister:板凳教練是負責坐在上面隱藏殺機 10/23 10:17
newnewnew1:他簽的也不少了........ 10/23 10:52