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http://www.nytimes.com/2007/10/24/sports/baseball/24yankees.html?_r=1&ref=baseball&oref=slogin Mattingly Returned With Managing in Mind By TYLER KEPNER Published: October 24, 2007 BOSTON, Oct. 23 — Don Mattingly earned about $30 million as a player, and he had no real need to leave his family farm in Evansville, Ind., after eight years of retirement. But when George Steinbrenner called him three days after the Yankees lost the 2003 World Series, Mattingly sensed an opportunity. 老唐球員生涯賺夠多了 退休八年後接受大老闆徵召在2003世界大賽失利後出任打擊教練 Mattingly accepted Steinbrenner’s offer to be the team’s hitting coach, but his true ambition was to be the manager after Joe Torre. The job is open now, and Mattingly was said to be impressive Tuesday when he interviewed for it with club officials in Tampa, Fla. 其實目標不是打擊教練 而是總教練 他想當老托的接班人 現在接受總教練面試 “From the time I took the hitting job, I knew what I wanted to do,” Mattingly said in a conference call with reporters. “For every step I’ve gone through, I’ve been paying attention to the way things are handled — the way spring training is run, the way things happen in the clubhouse, just paying attention. 面試後的記者會他說 一直在觀察學習怎麼當總教練 “I wouldn’t have come back to just do the hitting. I wasn’t really willing to say it publicly until the last year or year and a half, but I’ve known from the beginning what I wanted.” 不會只侷限在打擊教練 The Yankees interviewed Joe Girardi on Monday, and they are unlikely to hold any more interviews after Tony Pena’s session today. The team has no timetable for an announcement but has been in touch with Major League Baseball during the interview process. 星期一面試Girardi 在Pena之後應該也不會面試別人 Baseball discourages teams from making major announcements during the World Series, but exceptions have been made. Friday is an off day for the World Series, as is Tuesday, if the Series lasts beyond Game 5. Mattingly has been perceived as the favorite of Steinbrenner, the principal owner, and his sons, Hank and Hal. Those three, along with Randy Levine, the team’s president, and Steinbrenner’s son-in-law, Felix Lopez, have met with both candidates. 大老闆家族屬意老唐 The Steinbrenners will make the final decision, but General Manager Brian Cashman and the baseball operations staff are conducting two rounds of interviews with each candidate. Mattingly said the process was easy, and he stressed several times that he was ready for the job. 大老闆會做最後決定 老唐說他準備好了 “I’m 100 percent ready, in my mind, to do it,” Mattingly said. “It’s an unbelievable opportunity for whoever gets it, and if it’s me, I’m looking forward to the challenge. I’d rather have expectations than none. I’d much rather be in this situation than another.” 老唐場面話 Mattingly has never managed, but he said that during his three seasons as the hitting coach and another as Torre’s bench coach, he has managed every game in his mind. 老唐說在老托身邊的日子 都在模擬如何當總教練 His interview was not over when he broke for the conference call, but he said he had not been asked about his lack of experience. 老唐說沒被問到沒經驗的問題 Mattingly did not talk about other questions he was asked, but it stands to reason that he spoke about his influences. He learned from Torre, he said, but also from managers who are close to Steinbrenner’s heart. “There’s a lot of Joe Torre in me,” he said, “but there’s also a lot of Billy Martin and Lou Piniella.” 老唐說他不只受老托影響 還有其他教練 像Billy Martin和 Lou Piniella Mattingly said he was staying positive and had not focused on whether he would want to serve on the staff of a different manager. It seems unlikely that he would, though, and the Steinbrenners might not want to risk alienating such a popular former player. 老唐沒說是否願意為其他總教練效力 Johnny Damon said last week that he hoped Mattingly would get the job because it would smooth the transition from Torre. Keeping Mattingly would be welcomed by the players, who seem to universally respect him. 大門說希望老唐接總教練 No Yankee receives an ovation that rivals Mattingly’s, but his relationship with the fans could change if he is named manager. Asked if he worried about taking that chance, Mattingly answered firmly. 沒人反對老唐 但和球迷的關係會改變 “Absolutely not,” he said. “If I get an opportunity to get this job, it’s all about moving forward. I’m not afraid of criticism. I’m going to do what I think is best, try to make good decisions, intelligent decisions. If it doesn’t work out, then I’m going to take the criticism and take the heat. If I had fear, I wouldn’t have gotten on the plane yesterday.” 老唐說他不怕批評 INSIDE PITCH Derek Jeter made his first public comments since Joe Torre rejected the Yankees’ one-year contract offer last week. “He is a friend for life, and the relationship we have shared has helped shape me in ways that transcend the game of baseball,” Jeter said in a statement released by the team. “His class, dignity, and the way he respected those around him — from ballplayers to batboys — are all qualities that are easy to admire, but difficult to duplicate. I have known Mr. Torre for a good majority of my adult life, and there has been no bigger influence on my professional development. It was a privilege to play for him on the field, and an honor to learn from him off the field.” 隊長發表公開聲明 關於老托 全文和翻譯 另po一篇... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
MurphyWu:能確定的只有粉柯南明年會來洋基球場當明星賽總教練?:P 10/24 11:14
kennypippen:推一個 10/24 11:36
gerkk:如果老唐接總教練,古椎接板凳 ? 請搖頭老爹接投教? 10/24 12:10
redsnipertd:我想還是讓3A投教上來的機率比較大 10/24 12:14
MRHAUNG:果然都是場面話 10/24 12:16
oukeheo:古錐沒法坐板凳吧 應該是Tony Pena他可是某年美聯最佳教練 10/24 12:21
sycc:老唐之前說沒準備好(果然場面話)...現在說準備好XD 10/24 13:51
sycc:回頭看了一下 原來我記錯了 是報紙說的 然後老唐駁斥此說法 10/24 13:56