看板 NY-Yankees 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://yankees.lohudblogs.com/2007/10/27/yankees-prepare-an-offer-for-a-rod/ Yankees prepare an offer for A-Rod 洋基準備給A-Rod一個offer It’s certainly no surprise that the Yankees plan to offer Alex Rodriguez a contract extension. But now we’re starting to hear what the terms could be. 洋基會給A-Rod一個延長的合約一點都不意外. 但現在我們開始聽到合約的條件可能會是怎樣. According to several reports, the Yankees are willing to add five years at $30 million a year to the three years and $81 million A-Rod has left on his deal. They are trying to set up a meeting with Alex and Scott Boras for next week. 根據一些報導, 洋基打算offer 5年,3000萬/年. 原來的合約還有三年8100萬元. 洋基下週打算和Boras和A-Rod安排見面. Such an extension would give Rodriguez an eight-year package worth $231 million. The Yankees believe that would keep him off the market. How could it not? I don’t see a team out there that would come to the table with an offer like that. 這樣的一個延長合約會讓A_Rod有一個八年23100萬元的合約. 洋基相信這樣不會讓A_Rod到自由市場. 為什麼不呢? 我看不到有一支球隊會拿出這樣的一個offer跟A-Rod談. Boras has been talking for several weeks now about Rodriguez’s worth and how he should opt out. Most believe Boras is bluffing in an attempt to get the Yankees to raise their initial offer. Boras這幾週一直在說A-Rod有多好, 為什麼他要逃脫. 大家都相信Boras只是在虛張聲勢, 要洋基將價錢提高一點. I believe the Yankees when they say they would not pursue Rodriguez if he opts out and become a free agent. If Rodriguez actually wants to be in New York, which he has claimed many times, than he will come to an agreement on an extension. 我相信如果A-Rod逃脫了合約, 洋基就不會再競逐A-Rod. 如果A-Rod真的想留在紐約(他說過很多次了), 那麼他就會跟洋基達成延長合約的協議. If he opts out (and costs the Yankees $21.3 million from Texas), the team should turn its back. 如果A-Rod真的逃脫了合約, 洋基應該轉身離開. Posted by Peter Abraham on Saturday, October 27th, 2007 at 6:48 pm -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
calula:好肥的約 =口= 10/28 10:27
sylviehsiang:如果AROD逃脫 洋基不競標的理由是??? 面子掛不住? 10/28 11:07
sylviehsiang:還是行情會被吵太高而大失血? 10/28 11:08
xsonic:少了一個人幫你付A-rod的薪水 10/28 11:16
bigsun0709:AROD脫逃 洋基就得自己付A-ROD全額薪資了~現在A-ROD的 10/28 11:15
bigsun0709:薪資還有人幫出,實際上洋基需要付的薪水比隊長還少 10/28 11:18
glittering:其實把遊騎兵的出的錢算進去 這個約還頗划算 10/28 11:20
momorabbit:那如果延長合約 Rangers還要繼續出延長合約的部分嗎? 10/28 11:33
CGary:這樣一年還不到30M....不覺得Bora$會輕易同意 10/28 11:40
sylviehsiang:名義上三千萬 其實洋基沒付三千萬 10/28 11:45
sylviehsiang:樓樓上意思是說BORA$一定要搞到洋基單出三千萬才爽嗎 10/28 11:46
roxiang:三千萬可以多簽好幾個好選手=口= 10/28 11:48
CGary:當然,這幾年一定會有些20M以上的選手出來,Bora$不會放過搶 10/28 11:52
CGary:這次超高薪的機會的... 10/28 11:53
sylviehsiang:BORA$:拱到四千萬你都還要說我佛心來著 10/28 11:54
CGary:我猜Bora$會至少先還個6年3500左右跟保證最高薪的約,我覺得 10/28 11:58
CGary:最終關鍵會卡在合約長度,薪資再怎麼離譜,NYY給出的薪水已經 10/28 11:59
CGary:讓A-rod的合約非常接近30M/y了,頂多就是小幅還價而已 10/28 11:59
kevinsyc:Bora$:30M可多簽幾個選手 但世上只有一個AROD!...(暗!) 10/28 12:26
kevinsyc:不過也還沒付到三千萬...我們在怎麼幹也沒有遊騎兵幹阿.. 10/28 12:27
hergan:不覺得洋基會付耶 = =|| 好貴 10/28 13:16
OoyaoO:重點是在能不能廢掉跳脫條款吧@@ 10/28 15:26
OoyaoO:還是跳脫條款一不見 凱子條款也跟著不見@@? 10/28 15:26
siliver:整體看來跟之前Boras喊的10年3e其實差不多,祇是少兩年而已 10/28 15:56
siliver:說錯,12年3.6e ;接下來應該是會就年限協商吧. 10/28 15:57
sam105251:我到覺得重點不是錢。是長約..可能要拿到8年以上 10/28 16:02
adamcha:吸乾帝國的血吧 A-Rod 10/28 18:29
webberhan:一點都不划算,凱子雞就是凱子雞 10/28 18:55
webberhan:這麼愛錢就走吧 10/28 18:56
nininic:樓上說的好....什麼都錢....我也不想看他... 10/28 19:41
agoodjob:太貴了,錢花光光,看來明年又要跟冠軍絕緣了! 10/28 20:22
ptt2005: BORA$:這對A-ROD是個侮辱....................XDDDD 10/28 20:33
alubazace:洋基的錢什麼時候花光過@@ 10/28 21:10
niceta:來洋基板就不要扯什麼雞不雞的,看了礙眼 10/28 21:16
siliver:只能說真的是一堆只會看熱鬧的.....A-ROD在條子的資助下, 10/28 22:18
siliver:以那個價碼打的四年戰績,根本是洋基賺翻了,現在給他的價碼 10/28 22:19
siliver:都很合理,畢竟他的周邊效益真的很大,更別說他要是能健康的 10/28 22:21
siliver:打下去破了一堆紀錄的效益回收了. 10/28 22:22
tsming:條子幫出是大賺沒錯,可是自己出的話就很痛了:P 10/29 01:01
rayven:Bora$真的喊過頭了,會是繼松坂之後又一個被球隊壓價錢的例 10/29 09:07
rayven:回八樓,Rangers只需付到2010年,之後是洋基他家的事 10/29 09:10
rayven:洋基跟A-ROD如果延長合約一定是從2011年起算,舊約不會動 10/29 09:12
rayven:正確一點地說是未來三年Rangers該付的錢不會多也不會少 10/29 09:18
agoodjob:周邊效益大?要不要做個研究看脽是最大的!我猜是jeter 10/29 12:14