看板 NY-Yankees 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Cashman Says Willingness to Spend Hasn’t Changed 現金人說願意砸錢的原則並沒有改變 By TYLER KEPNER Published: November 2, 2007 Somehow, Brian Cashman managed to take his children trick-or-treating. Otherwise, he has hardly had a free moment since the Yankees’ season ended Oct. 8. Next week comes a trip to Orlando, Fla., for the annual meeting of general managers. “This winter already seems like an eternity,” Cashman said. "這個冬天好像永遠也過不完." 現金人說. Cashman has endured the parting of one manager, the hiring of another and the departure of his best player, Alex Rodriguez, who opted out of his contract without hearing the Yankees’ proposal. More issues await, and for all the talk of transition, the Yankees are prepared to spend. 走了個總教練, 來了個新的總教練, 最好的球員連聽一下提議都沒有就逃脫了. 後面還有很多事情等著他處理. “We’re still big-game hunters,” Cashman said. “We’re still the Yankees, and we’re still the Steinbrenner Yankees.” "我們還是希望能一局把對方擊垮." 現金人說. "我們還是洋基隊, 還是Steinbrenner的洋基隊." Privately, the Yankees remain confident they can sign their other prominent free agents, catcher Jorge Posada and Mariano Rivera, although they have filed for free agency and may test the open market first. 洋基有信心能簽下 Mo 和 Posada. Cashman said he had spoken to both players and their agent, and the new manager, Joe Girardi, said he also intended to do so. Rivera, who turns 38 this month, wants this to be his final contract. Posada, 36, could command a three-year contract for $38 million to $42 million, which would seem to be reasonable for the Yankees. Mo希望這是他的最後一張合約. Posada可能會要求一個三年3800至4200的合約, 這對洋基來說是合理的. Posada is close friends with Derek Jeter, who insisted during the season that Posada was not going to leave, and he has a strong bond with Girardi, who helped groom him for the starting job when they split time at catcher in the late 1990s. Posada和Jeter是好友, Jeter在季中堅持Posada不會離開洋基. Posada和Girardi有很深的聯結, 當他們在1990s輪流擔任先發補手時, Girardi幫助Posada 準備成為一個先發選手. “My relationship as a player with Jorge Posada was that we challenged each other to be better,” Girardi said, adding that they would now have the same kind of relationship. "我在擔任球員時和Posada的關係建立在互相挑戰以成為更好的球員."Girardi說. "我們現在也可以有相同的關係." Rivera met with the Yankees on Monday in Tampa, Fla., and he has long been an indispensable part of their team. But while Hank Steinbrenner has said he would insist on making Joba Chamberlain a starter, Girardi would not commit to that and Cashman said Chamberlain could shift to closer if Rivera leaves. Mo一直是洋基不可或缺的一部份. 當Hank堅持將張伯倫移到先發的位置, Girardi不願表態, 現金人說:如果Mo走了, 張伯倫 可以當Closer. “My intention is to have Joba Chamberlain as a starter unless we are unsuccessful with Mo,” Cashman said. "除非我們失去Mo, 我希望讓張伯倫當先發投手." 現金人說. Another major potential free agent is starter Andy Pettitte, who remains undecided about whether to retire or exercise his $16 million player option. Cashman said he has been in contact with Pettitte and his agents and that Pettitte has not asked for a contract extension. 現金人說他跟Pettitte和他的經紀人一直有保持聯繫, Pettitte還沒說要延長合約. KEEPING ABREU The Yankees will formally pick up their $16 million option on right fielder Bobby Abreu’s contract by their deadline today. Abreu recovered from a slow start to bat .305 with 11 homers and 60 runs batted in after the All-Star Game, convincing the Yankees by early September that he was worth keeping for another season. 洋基會在今天正式將Abreu的option執行. Another outfielder, Hideki Matsui, will soon have arthroscopic surgery on his right knee after receiving opinions from three doctors. Brian Cashman said he expected Matsui to be ready for spring training. 松井不久將接受右膝的手術, 現金人說他預計能趕上春訓. PROSPECTS FOR THIRD BASE The Yankees have not yet addressed outside possibilities to replace Alex Rodriguez at third base, Brian Cashman said, but Cashman said he has told second baseman Robinson Canó that he believed Canó can play third. 現金人告訴Cano:他相信Cano可以守三壘. “Because of the offense he provides at second base, it’s in our best interest to leave him there,” Cashman said. “But I do know he can play the position. I don’t doubt that’s something he’s capable of doing.” Cashman playfully told Canó that if he wanted to keep his spot, he would make sure his teammate Wilson Betemit got in better shape so he could play third base next season. Betemit is not a serious option for the Yankees, who would rather sign the free agent Mike Lowell but believe Boston will retain him. 現金人開玩笑說:如果Cano想守二壘, 要幫Betemit減肥到能守三壘. Betemit不是洋基的選項之一. Miguel Cabrera of the Florida Marlins will be available in a trade, but ESPN’ s Peter Gammons reported yesterday that the Marlins would need Phil Hughes in return, which would surely scuttle any deal. Miguel Cabrera是可能交易的對象, 不過對方要Hughes, 這不可能. In any case, Cashman said, the time to re-sign Rodriguez has come and gone, and no one around the Yankees — including Derek Jeter — believes he will return. 不管怎樣, 與A-Rod簽約的時機已經過了, 洋基沒有人相信A-Rod會回來(包括Jeter). “Hank and Hal are men of their word,” Jeter said on WFAN, referring to the sons of the principal owner, George Steinbrenner. “I don’t know exactly what ’s happening, but it sounds like it’s not going to happen.” "Hank和Hal都是說到做到的人." Jeter說. Betemit can also play first base, where the Yankees also have Shelley Duncan, Jason Giambi and Andy Phillips. (Doug Mientkiewicz is a free agent.) Cashman made note of that depth but did not rule out acquiring a first baseman. Betemit可以當一壘手, 其他可以守一壘的有Shelley Duncan, Jason Giambi and Andy Phillips. (小明是自由球員了) 現金人並不排除找一個一壘手. “I don’t think we need to, but can we upgrade?” Cashman said. “That’s one decision we’ll have to make. We have bigger needs than that.” "我不認為我們需要, 但我們不能升級?" 現金人說. "這是我們必須要做的一個決定. 我們有比這更大的需求" CASHMAN SUPPORTS REPLAY Commissioner Bud Selig strongly opposes instant replay, but if the topic is broached at the general managers’ meetings next week, Brian Cashman made it clear where he stands. 現金人支持重播 “I am 110 percent for it and have been for some time,” he said. “I think umpires do an unbelievable job. But why not use technology to your advantage to make certain you get plays on the field right all the time, not just 99.9 percent of the time?” "我110%支持重播, 一直以來都這樣." 現金人說. "我認為裁判的工作是令人難以置信的. 但為什麼不要透過機器讓場上的判決永遠正確, 而不是只有99.9%." NYTimes ※ 編輯: parabird 來自: (11/02 14:47) ※ 編輯: parabird 來自: (11/02 14:48)
bruceismeok:感謝翻譯!! 11/02 15:02
dnndn:推 11/02 15:14
bigsun0709:真希望我們的一壘是炮阿...1B.3B.SP目前是罩門所在 11/02 15:20
aloness:還有RP....這個洞最大 11/02 15:31
webberhan:投手的補強呢?有消息嗎? 11/02 15:36
m50blue:補剛爺!!! XD 11/02 15:40
gerkk: 剛爺: 我想當洋基人 11/02 15:51
bross0626:girardi在洋基當球員時厚黑不是常常坐冷板凳? 11/02 16:03
siliver:厚黑意外要求的不多,成全他吧 XDXD 11/02 16:15
siliver:另外阿布確定留下來了,爽~~~~ 11/02 16:16
magickevin:我怎麼覺得正確率不到99.9%...XDDD 11/02 16:20
Boyzone:馬祖一老了 11/02 16:21
windsor:某rod似乎被洋基整隊討厭了 11/02 16:41
gerkk:完全不理 A-rod 11/02 16:47
ptt2005: 不管怎樣, 與A-Rod簽約的時機已經過了(希望說到做到才好) 11/02 17:01
noobi:帥呀 ^^ 阿布~~阿布之前也說過想待在洋基..推一個 11/02 17:07
gerkk:阿布也是年輕穩定型 加油 11/02 17:33
liyen:不是有一說Girardi跟Posada不合嗎 到底..... 11/02 17:33
Nasty:感覺對長的口氣 好像也不太希望阿肉再回來 擾亂人心 11/02 17:35
ya00216:剛爺:老闆,我可以"恢復"身分了嗎? XD 11/02 17:52
ROCAF:剛爺:再混三年我就變尖沙嘴老大 11/02 17:59
wwwee:我認為所有判決都可以重播--!!除了主審的好壞球以外!! 11/02 18:39
kenro:阿布要的價碼大概也只有洋基會給吧 11/02 19:43
devilsky:A-ROD連談都不談就決定要走 要人不度爛他也很難.... 11/02 19:56
ppc:走就算了還要放話說要跟洋基談 想利用洋基拉價 11/02 20:14
bryon:還沒談A-ROD就讓洋基先丟三千萬到海裡.誰都會不爽的吧… 11/02 20:33
siliver:樓上,條子很爽的喔,大概在開香檳了吧 XDXD 11/02 20:36
Sunofgod:總算徹底從這錯誤合約擺脫了 11/02 20:57
hergan:補剛爺+1 應該是在紅襪水土不服 在遊騎兵還是很威 11/02 21:33
godblesssam:JETER很開心有人走吧 XD 找三壘比較重要 11/02 21:44
godblesssam:$$$多好辦事~~ 11/02 21:44
paleface:現在補剛爺可以殺價嗎????? 11/02 22:21
redsnipertd:不知道要不要貼選秀權(煙) 11/02 22:37
warchiefdodo:為這家伙貼選秀權?XD 不過我還是不太懂規則 11/02 23:08