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http://newyork.yankees.mlb.com/news/article.jsp?ymd=20071109&content_id=2297626&vkey=news_nyy&fext=.jsp&c_id=nyy 11/09/2007 10:46 PM ET Notes: Jeter feels Posada, Mo returning Shortstop hopes to keep nucleus from title teams intact By Anthony DiComo / MLB.com NEW YORK -- Joe Torre's pipeline from the Bronx to Los Angeles already has sent a slew of coaches across the country, and may yet bring some players, too. But sentiment around the Yankees is that Jorge Posada and Mariano Rivera will not be among them. 老托跳槽洛杉磯 還帶走一些教練和球員 但不包括Mo和波殺大 "I think they're coming back," Derek Jeter said on Friday outside Torre's Safe at Home Foundation gala in Manhattan. "That's the best way I can say it." 星期五老托的基金會在曼哈頓辦活動 隊長說 他們會回來的 Jeter said that he's spoken with both Posada and Rivera in recent days, though they haven't discussed the issue of free agency. Posada and Rivera represent the most prominent free agents to come out of New York this side of A-Rod, and the two most likely to re-sign with the Yankees. 他說最近和他們聊過 他們可能會回來 Still, there remains a chance they could leave -- one that increased when Torre rejected a one-year contract offer from the Yankees last month. Posada and Rivera attended Torre's gala, but neither would address the media. Torre said that he's spoken with both in recent days. 波殺大和Mo也參加這活動 但不鳥媒體 "I have not discussed the possibility of them staying or leaving, but the one thing that I did tell them was they have to do what's best for them," Torre said. 老托最近也跟他們聊 沒談到他們會離開或留下 只跟他們說要為自己做最好的決定 (**果然是場面話魔人**) Posada and Rivera, along with Jeter and Andy Pettitte, represent the remaining nucleus from the Yankees teams that won four World Series titles in five years. Pettitte is a free agent as well, meaning that Jeter could enter 2008 as the only remaining link to the championship clubs -- something he says he just "can't picture." 四屆世界大賽冠軍的洋基現在剩下波殺大 Mo 隊長和派帥 2008現在只確定有隊長 That, however, doesn't mean he's about to increase his lobbying. Jeter wants Rivera and Posada back, but knows that the final decision is out of his hands. 隊長希望Mo和波殺大回來 "I don't have to sell the Yankees to them," he said. "They've been here long enough. There's really nothing I can tell them that they don't already know." 隊長說 他不用向他們推銷洋基 因為他們已經知道 Gone, baby, gone: As for Pettitte, he may have already left Yankee Stadium for the last time. At least Torre believes so. 老托認為派帥會離開 "He's not closing any doors," Torre said, "but he's leaning toward staying home." 老托說 派帥傾向留在家裡 Pettitte declined his $16 million player option for next season, electing to become a free agent. But he also said last week that he'll either return to the Yankees next season or retire. Becoming a free agent was simply his way of buying more time for a decision. 派帥拒絕執行明年16M的選擇權而成為自由球員 但他也說他只回來或退休 成為自由球員只是需要更多時間決定 The Yankees have a standing offer of $16 million that Pettitte can accept or decline at any time. The lefty had planned on retiring after last season, before the Yankees lured him back with a one-year deal. 洋基讓派帥慢慢決定 Old friend: On Friday, Bernie Williams dismissed floating rumors that he would consider coming out of retirement to play for Torre in Los Angeles. 老朋友老威出現 會不會為老托復出去道奇打球? "I've been listening to all the things that have been said, and all the news and everything," Williams said. "I've been kind of an outsider looking into the whole situation. It's kind of bizarre to look at it from outside. But no, I don't think I have any plans to do anything like that at this point." 他說 現在像局外人 在看戲 Torre, for one, wasn't nearly as critical of the possibility, using his own judgment on conversations he's had with Williams. The outfielder wanted to return to the Yankees this past season but declined a non-roster invitation to Spring Training because he was looking for a guaranteed spot on the club. 今年球季 他拒絕洋基春訓邀請 In 2006, Williams hit .281 with 12 home runs as the team's fourth outfielder. 2006老威的成績 "The question still stands in my mind," Williams said. "I'm still staying in shape. I'm doing all the things I need to do to make sure I'm in good physical condition, but it's still up in the air." 老威說他持續在健身保持體能狀況 Book club: Torre is working on a memoir of his 12 years in the Bronx, slated for a spring release. The book, written with Sports Illustrated's Tom Verducci, will cover in detail Torre's entire time with the Yankees, from his first days as manager to his sudden split from the team. SI的Tom Verducci要寫書 寫老托 "The book will be as honest and as forthright as Joe Torre has been throughout his career, including his time with the Yankees," Verducci said in a statement released by the Doubleday Broadway Publishing Group. "It will provide a revealing look at the dynasty with which he will forever be associated, and will bring readers into the dugout and the clubhouse like never before." 他說 內容很誠實 就像老托的生涯 Bombers bits: Former bench coach Lee Mazzilli said that he spoke with Torre regarding a coaching position with the Dodgers, but ultimately declined due to ongoing issues with his mother's health. ... Pettitte and Roger Clemens were both scheduled to attend Torre's gala, but neither was there. The New York Times reported that Pettitte declined his invitation in order to watch his children's football games, and Clemens stayed home to film a commercial. 前洋基板凳教練Lee Mazzilli說他不會跟老托去洛杉磯 因為老媽的健康 派帥和老克沒去參加老托的晚會 因為派帥要去看小孩的足球賽 老克要在家拍廣告 Anthony DiComo is an associate reporter for MLB.com. This story was not subject to the approval of Major League Baseball or its clubs. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: rresonance 來自: (11/10 17:44)
neptune317:帶走誰? 11/10 18:16
kasase:是也可能帶走球員喔 11/10 18:43
kasase:may yet bring some players 11/10 18:43
parabird:guitar player ? 11/10 18:59
glittering:帥派會不會走火箭路線 季中復出 XD 11/10 23:05
peterkan:早就派天天P過去了~ 11/11 00:32