看板 NY-Yankees 關於我們 聯絡資訊
No deals tonight Just spoke to Brian Cashman: No deals are getting done tonight. So in five hours, Jorge Posada and Mariano Rivera are free to sign with other teams. You can expect the Mets to come hard after Posada. I’m not sure what teams will chase Rivera as everybody believes he will stay in pinstripes. A deal with the Yankees could obviously come at any time. But both guys apparently will stay true to their vow to test the open market. UPDATE, 7:15 p.m.: Hank Steinbrenner has weighed in from Tampa. “Mariano already has been given an improved offer, and Jorge’s will be today,” Little Stein told the AP. “We’re kind of hoping to get an answer at least on one of the two tonight. … The ball’s pretty much in their court now. They’ve both been made very good offers now, and we’ll see where they’ re at. We’ll see how committed they are.” Rivera, meantime, is in the Dominican Republic. “The Yankees are my first option,” he said in Santo Domingo.“But if that is not possible, there is Joe with the Dodgers.” Joe with the Dodgers? They have Saito, Broxton and Proctor. They need a lot more than another reliever. This entry was posted on Monday, November 12th, 2007 at 7:02 pm by Peter Abraham. http://yankees.lhblogs.com/2007/11/12/no-deals-tonight/ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
jackselina:說這麼多 還不是威脅洋基加碼... 11/13 09:15
IsiahZ:雖然mo是令我尊敬的神級CL,但there's Joe那句還是很機車=_= 11/13 09:40
siliver:我是覺得,可能已經是他們的最後一份合約了,給多一點 11/13 10:03
siliver:也很好啊,至少他們也是呆洋基一輩子了.... 11/13 10:04
dracla:以他們的資歷,加碼不是什麼過分的事啊 11/13 10:17
awhat: 貢獻 11/13 10:19
ya00216: 地位 11/13 10:22
jackselina:他們要的是年限長一點 不是要薪水高一點吧... 11/13 10:24
jackselina:錢對洋基來說從來不是問題... 11/13 10:25
Badd: 長度 11/13 10:35
redsnipertd:在自己的牌桌上放籌碼很機車? 11/13 10:47
zaipinl:趁有能力多要一點 等退化到不行 拿到的也只會是小聯盟約 11/13 11:05
IsiahZ:NYY想留mo,mo也說想留,傳說中的合約也算誠意, 11/13 11:20
IsiahZ:既然如此,很難"not possible"吧?除非約爛或者mo想要更多. 11/13 11:21
IsiahZ:所以回r大,對,我覺得機車.大概是(我們的)球季結束後 11/13 11:22
IsiahZ:我已經聽到太多場面話了. 11/13 11:23
IsiahZ:季中的場面話都是誇對手or誇自己,那無所謂. 11/13 11:23
IsiahZ:但這時期的場面話就....拐彎抹角. 11/13 11:24
redsnipertd:"I'm sick of here and I wanna leave!"<-你想聽這種ꨠ 11/13 11:26
redsnipertd:MO想留不想留是另外一回事,三十七歲的投手想要長約 11/13 11:26
redsnipertd:在我眼裡看來還滿天經地義的 11/13 11:27
IsiahZ:mo仍是我尊敬的那個mo,若讓您覺得不舒服則我向您致歉. 11/13 11:26
jackselina:球團不簽長約在我眼裡看來也不無道理 11/13 11:29
redsnipertd:所以放籌碼是很合理的舉動,mo也希望是3y+1yoption吧 11/13 11:30
jackselina:所以請大家都理性看待 不要到時又說洋基怎樣怎樣了... 11/13 11:31
jackselina:不然又像當時的老威一樣 要求千高薪坐板凳又不退 11/13 11:33
IsiahZ:從球員or球團角度,各有其天經地義的事情, 11/13 11:33
jackselina:被逼退又好像是球團迫害的一樣... 11/13 11:34
IsiahZ:所以我覺得可以多談,而少些if not possible. 11/13 11:34
IsiahZ:畢竟他們雙方盡可能達成共識,對球迷才是最大的福氣. 11/13 11:36
※ 編輯: parabird 來自: (11/13 11:47)
sam105251:所以都在合理的條件下..球團不簽..和人不給簽都是合理的 11/13 12:00
sam105251:畢竟球團要賺錢..選手當然也要賺錢 11/13 12:00
sam105251:每次都想拿出什麼義氣論..實在有夠膚淺 11/13 12:01
siliver:義氣論是看結果的,還沒簽約前都可以當場面話看:p 11/13 12:09