看板 NY-Yankees 關於我們 聯絡資訊
     Chamberlain Says Prospect of Starting or Pitching Relief is ‘Win-Win’      Pitcher Joba Chamberlain is reaping the rewards of his sensational first   season with the Yankees. He is doing nothing, or almost nothing.   “When the season ended, I took some time off,” he said yesterday in an   appearance at the Modell’s sporting goods store in Times Square. “You’ve   got to get your mind right. You evaluate what has happened and what your   plan is for next year.”   The Yankees’ plan is to make Chamberlain a starter. Last season, he was   a setup man for the team’s closer, Mariano Rivera.   Do you want to start this year? he was asked.   “That’s a tough question,” he said. “It’s kind of a win-win situation   for me.”   The question came from one of the 12 high school and grade school students   honored by the Police Athletic League for their scholastic achievements.   Chamberlain gave them all autographed baseballs.   Chamberlain, 22, started the season in Class A and ended it with the   Yankees. With a fastball that flirted with 100 miles an hour, he created   a glowing late-season record: 19 games, 24 innings, 12 hits, 34 strikeouts,   6 walks, a 2-0 record, 1 save and an earned run average of 0.38.   All along, the Yankees’ plan was to make him a starter. His plan for next   year? “Show up for spring training,” he said. He did not seem concerned   about becoming a starter.   “Whether I pitch 200 innings or 90, I think the jobs are equal,”   Chamberlain said. “I’m starting another life. I hope I can help them any   way. I talked to Mariano the other day. He said it’s easier for a starter   to become a reliever rather than the other way around, but he said it’s   good that I didn’t have to do it in midseason.”   Chamberlain did not want to expound on the Yankees’ attempt to trade for   Johan Santana.   “We can take what we’ve got and run with it,” he said. “He’s a great   pitcher, but we have good ones, too. I’m glad Andy Pettitte is coming   back. It’s nice to know there won’t be all new guys.”     Chamberlain still looks his age despite a new Van Dyke beard that seems   to have come out of an old Three Musketeers movie. He is proud of his new   look.   “I did a good job lining it up,” he said.     News source:   http://www.nytimes.com/2007/12/07/sports/baseball/07base.html?ref=baseball     翻譯:http://0rz.tw/623o2 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: alwaysblue 來自: (12/07 21:20)
NcThoR:好樣的!! 12/07 21:21
ROCAF:這小子夠秋~~ 12/07 21:28
tseng1978:很期待.. 12/07 21:54
GameDemon:米國超吃這套的XD 小王那種沒人放眼裡 12/07 21:56
qazwd:agree..軟趴趴的是不會有人理的 12/07 22:03
siliver:國情不同啊,我們放在眼裡就好 XDXD 12/07 22:07
ntou92710007:這小子~~~有前途~~~Good job! 12/07 22:34
secaep:科科科,有實力當然可以說話,要是沒實力,樓上鄉民一定唱 12/07 23:00
secaep:衰... 12/07 23:01
ninini:new look好醜~~~ 12/07 23:09
Schnell:差點認不出來 12/07 23:11
pdaer:不要跟猴子一樣就好了...orz 12/07 23:19
qodie:good look! I like it! 12/07 23:23
upscom:不知道怕怕碰先發會是怎樣..... 12/07 23:57
Seapoint:投一休四 牛棚練投日中繼^^ 12/07 23:59
redplum:美國人喜歡叢林法則 贏家說話先嗆先贏 12/08 02:37
MRHAUNG:為什麼我想到Jack Black 囧 12/08 03:26
ROCAF:寶貝碰以前不都是先發這幾年才當closer嗎 12/08 09:02
newstyle:會怕就好 12/08 12:32
Nilthoron:變老了 不可愛了啦 12/08 15:54
ROCAF:看起來跟穆帥一樣老 囧 12/08 20:49