看板 NY-Yankees 關於我們 聯絡資訊
  Fans Have Spoken: Phil Hughes Stays With Yanks   The rule when following the Yankees is simple: They’re the Yankees, so   anything is possible. But from all indications, the Yankees are out of the   bidding for Johan Santana, and they seem happy to be forging ahead with   their platoon of young pitchers intact.   It was wrenching enough for the Yankees to even offer Phil Hughes to the   Twins for Santana, and General Manager Brian Cashman was never too   enthusiastic. Hank Steinbrenner, the senior vice president, said he had   heard that fans were glad the Yankees pulled out of the Santana chase.   “I don’t base what I do on other people’s opinions,” Steinbrenner said.   “You can’t take opinion polls every day. But I’m really pleased at the    fan reaction to keeping Hughes, and the fans do matter. Their opinion    does matter.     “They’re the ones that buy tickets and watch the YES Network. I like    the way they get attached to homegrown Yankee players, just like the    rest of us do in ownership and the front office. I was actually kind    of surprised. But the fans seem to be in favor of keeping Hughes, and    that’s a good thing.”      A rotation of Chien-Ming Wang, Andy Pettitte, Joba Chamberlain, Mike    Mussina and Hughes – with Ian Kennedy also in the mix – has the    potential to be very good. If the Yankees truly stay away from Santana,    the rest of their off-season may center on bolstering the bullpen.    The free-agent market is thin, so the Yankees seem prepared to build    from within. At this point, it will be a free-for-all in spring training,    with Jonathan Albaladejo, Chris Britton, Brian Bruney, Ross Ohlendorf and    Jose Veras among the right-handed candidates, and Sean Henn, Kei Igawa    and Chase Wright from the left side.    And that is not even counting the starters Cashman plans to try in    relief: Alan Horne, Jeff Marquez and Steven White.    “We’re going to have a good team,” Cashman said. “We have a lot of     work to do. There are areas of need that still need to be addressed,     and we’ll stay focused on that.” News source:http://0rz.tw/fb3pX    看來蠻多美國鄉民都還蠻支持將Hughes留下來的。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
Nilthoron:希望他留下來 對他有信心 12/08 00:45
scal:現在小老闆喜歡講狠話 卻又說話不算話 再來自我安慰 12/08 02:06
PoisonM:Hughes還是滿有機會長大的 加油吧... 12/08 02:15
iverboy:Hughes很不錯阿...明年就看他表現了 12/08 11:43