看板 NY-Yankees 關於我們 聯絡資訊
  The great debate on CMW continues   Here is an e-mail I just received. It was, of course, anonymous:      Wang doesn’t strike anyone out and depends on the ridiculous number of   groundballs he’s able to create being turned into outs. This is not a   reliable strategy that will produce consistent results over a career.   It is working in the short term, but as Bill James as pointed out in the   past, no pitcher with a K/9 below the league average has gone on to have   a meaningful career. He’s in no way in the same class as someone like   Beckett and is most definitely not an ace. Unless he develops a legit   strikeout pitch there will always be the risk that the groundballs get   through and he’ll have bad starts. He can’t be counted on in the   playoffs.   So, the 417.1 innings Wang has pitched the last two seasons are a   short-term mirage. His going 38-13 is a sign of not having a reliable   strategy. But the 5.2 poor innings he had in the playoffs, those are a   sign that he can’t be counted on.   I think I got my first Bill James report in 1988 and I just received his   2008 Handbook in the mail. His approach is endlessly fascinating. But   when the statheads like my anonymous friend leave no room for humanity is   where they lose me.   Wang has made only 80 starts in his career, most with two pitches. I’ve   stood there and watched him work on other pitches in the bullpen. I’ve   talked to him at length about it. He knows people sit on his sinker. Did   you know that his slider was his best pitch in college but the Yankees had   him dump it when he had shoulder issues? Now he’s healthy and he’s   working on it again. He also is doing a lot of work on a changeup.   This guy shows up every five days, he pitches deep into games and he has   handled almost every big-game assignment with aplomb. Why people insist   on running him down remains a mystery to me.   ————   A few of my Taiwanese friends have told me that the blog is getting some   play in Taiwan tonight. So hello to you guys and thanks for reading.   News source:http://0rz.tw/f13ox   翻譯:http://0rz.tw/833rs -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
sxxs: hi~I'm here~ XDDD 12/13 19:37
whereisjwill:翻譯推! 12/13 19:44
scjh123:pv季後賽成績超慘+今年關鍵加賽又爆..可是也沒影響薪水.. 12/13 19:52
scjh123:為啥王就會這麼被放大檢視呢? 12/13 19:53
gerkk:可能因為王是亞洲人又是這樣極端的特例吧 12/13 20:00
kauw:或許王在洋基 PV在教士吧 兩隊打線是LP比雞腿.. 12/13 20:03
scjh123:我是覺得王已做好他的本分了..只是洋基近年投手太鳥..大家 12/13 20:05
scjh123:才會把目光全部放在他那....也都拿放大鏡看他的成績吧 12/13 20:06
Nilthoron:我覺得因為他是個以過去的統計數據很難解釋的特例吧 12/13 20:08
shancko:亞洲人論又出來囉 12/13 20:15
yoyoboy1:他是名門洋基本質上的Ace 數據又特殊 當然放大鏡檢視 12/13 20:19
yoyoboy1:如果明年Santana能來 王當2號SP 就比較不會讓人"關注" 12/13 20:20
nplnt:不看三振 但還是覺得王的ERA偏高 排名只有20多 雖然前面很多 12/13 20:49
nplnt:國聯的 12/13 20:50
tsming:其實我對Peter這麼幫王講好話很感興趣:P 真不知道為什麼XD 12/13 20:52
akainorei:樓上, 因為滿滿的愛 12/13 21:28
bigsun0709:如果小王能把慢速的變化球練得跟他的sinker一樣,成績 12/13 21:26
bigsun0709:應該就可以讓那些人閉嘴~缺少破壞打者的速度感應該是小 12/13 21:28
bigsun0709:王要更進化必備的東西 12/13 21:29
chrislux:王被放大檢視唯一的原因只有:這是王板 12/13 21:32
chrislux:這是洋基板啦= =b 我的意思是這干peavy什麼事 12/13 21:34
windsor:我比較好奇如果王明年再拿15勝以上,數據派專家會說甚麼 12/13 22:02
RaXePhOnZeRo:數據專家千百種 你期待聽到什麼話? 12/13 22:04
siliver:其實季後賽表現不好的都會被罵拉,祇是大家不會去注意而已. 12/13 22:06
kc1345:Mirage...那麻煩再來個380-130 10years-term的mirage 科科 12/13 22:08
kc1345: 20 12/13 22:10
windsor:個人以為,數據專家過去的說法其實都很統一 12/13 22:14
idolman:感謝翻譯 12/13 22:45
HwaJet: 為什麼大家總是要貶低他的價值?這也讓我百思不得其解啊! 12/13 23:06
tsming:按照Kevin Brown的發展模式,王打滿十年就會練出K博士了XD 12/13 23:18
StrangeJ:感謝翻譯 12/13 23:21
tsming:說真的很搞笑的是,王用的是所謂球路不夠的RP模式在先發 12/13 23:38
tsming:球路單調加上速球多用到很誇張的地步,以這種方式先發讓人 12/13 23:40
tsming:崇拜到一種地步:P 根本是MLB怪傑 12/13 23:41
eon4:翻譯好像有點小錯..bill james是一個棒球作家吧 12/14 00:28
redsnipertd:Bill James是個超級數據頭~ 12/14 00:36
alwaysblue:感謝指正..已經更改翻譯的內容了..多謝~~ 12/14 10:27