看板 NY-Yankees 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ [本文轉錄自 krara 信箱] 作者: kiky897 (單純而幸運的女孩) 標題: 時間: Tue Apr 8 08:01:20 2008 你好,我權限不足不能發言。這是隊長的消息= =" Derek Jeter did not come out to play the top of the third inning in the field, with Betemit moving from first to short and Morgan Ensberg checking into the game at first. He may have tweaked something while beating out that double play in the first inning. Betemit 游擊 俺是寶 一壘 隊長 扭到了... -- ▍▍▍▍▍▍▍▍▍▍▍▍▍ ▍▍▍▍▍▍▍▍▍▍▍▍▍ ││││││││││││││││││*大自然澎湃的樂章 敲響了我們的心房* http://www.wretch.cc/album/kiky897 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: krara 來自: (04/08 08:11)
bertrend:這麼可愛阿 還寄信 XD 04/08 08:11
dblsesame:strained left quad for Jeter. 04/08 08:25
centre0130:.....看不到jeter囉 那誰要守SS 04/08 08:59
andyal:神…………………好想看他守SS哦 從沒看過 04/08 09:00
cjs010629:丁eter受傷了喔!難怪洋基目前領先 04/08 09:02
Picoro:怎麼一堆人老看不起隊長啊 = =" 04/08 09:04
sherlockt:因為印象派 XD 04/08 09:05
Kinra:以守備來說看不起他不是印象派的關係XD 04/08 09:11
dblsesame:update: instead of quad it is groin injury 04/08 09:17
dblsesame:MRI today -by Buster Olney via ESPN2 04/08 09:18
aaps:印象派會覺得Jeter守備好吧 ex:招牌躍起大轉身傳一壘 04/08 09:38
laechan:對丁特的印象: 守備好, DP, 這芭有毒 04/08 09:53
FortuneX:四頭肌扭傷的樣子 04/08 10:38
dblsesame:update: Jeter interview. it is indeed the quad. 04/08 10:44
dblsesame:Jeter said the MRI has shown strain. It is not 04/08 10:45
dblsesame:clear how long it will take. His own time table is 04/08 10:46
dblsesame:of course tomorrow (Captain being Captain). But it 04/08 10:47
dblsesame:really is not clear right now. 04/08 10:48
leddy:可能要休一週, Betemit守SS, 準備忍受他的被K功...Orz 04/08 13:07
jayin07:總比雙殺好。 04/08 13:47